"Why don't we get down to business first? We don't have a hunting dog today. It's not so easy to find such big forest prey.".

"Never mind, look over there." William pointed to the front of Garris more than 20 meters. "See, there's a rabbit under the oak tree. The first prey is for you.".

The less William cares about Garris, the more certain he is that he has been cheated. But now that the bet has been made, Garris can only follow the direction William points out.

After staring at it for more than ten seconds, Garris saw the rabbit hiding in the leaves under the oak tree. He looked at William in surprise, "how long are your eyes? You've discovered that they're so hidden. You won't have any high-tech contact lenses hidden in your eyes.".

"Is your head caught in the door? With that kind of equipment, I can become the richest man in the world immediately. If you don't fight any more, you will run away. ".

As soon as he finished speaking, William said "F, K." he quickly stepped up and away from Garris. In Garris's eyes, he raised his shotgun and fired at the rabbit.

"Touch" with a sound, Garris saw the rabbit jumped up and was hit by a shot to fly a few meters out of the grass. He followed William to the grass and saw the rabbit with no head. "Hell, how do you practice this shooting technique? You can hit the head with one shot when you jump up.".

William shrugged. "Is it hard? Just raise your gun and shoot at the target.

"F, K, you" Garris said angrily: "of course, I know to shoot at the present, but the key is how to hit.".

"Well," William said with an embarrassed expression, "I'm sorry, I don't know how to say that shooting is a simple matter for me to shoot at the target or release the bowstring, as if I haven't emptied a shot since I touched the gun.".

"What did you say? "Cough cough cough" Garris choked by William's words, it took a long time to ease, "you just said you never empty any gun.".

"That's right" William nodded. He never fired a shot, but the credit is the system. With the mental scanning, it really means where to fight within 200 meters for William. But this reason can't be said, it can only be said that it's born to lie.

However, Garris was convinced of this and said with twinkling eyes: "I finally understand why you like to kill people so much. Besides leaving no future trouble, shooting is a matter full of fun and sense of achievement for you. Are you excited and sense of achievement every time you shoot people?".

William thought for a moment and shook his head, "no, but it's true that I didn't have any burden in killing the damned people."

Garris recalled the information collected in his safe, as if William had never killed any innocent people. He sighed in his heart that William was cautious and would ask for the official authorization documents every time he acted, so that he could not grasp the handle, but also kept it Moral bottom line, never want to be innocent.

"Ha ha, if you don't know your opponent and want to deal with you, less than a special soldier in a class, it's a dish for you.".

"Well," William turned to look at the smiling Garris. What does this bastard mean by his casual words? Are they just brain thoughts, or have you ever thought about how to deal with yourself?

If ordinary people said this, William would never think deeply. But if Garris, the head of the secret service, said it carelessly, William would have to think deeply. So William immediately decided to test Garris.

Suddenly, Garris couldn't help but look at William, but this look woke him up. William was staring at him with uncertain expression.

Garris wanted to slap himself and explained: "sorry, William, it's just a professional habit. You know, people like me will habitually estimate the feasibility and success rate of things. I swear to God and my surname, William, I didn't want to fight against you. There is no conflict of interest between us. This is a misunderstanding."

While listening to Garris's explanation, William's mental power has been sensing Garris's heart. Before he woke up, Garris's heart beat normally, which shows that he didn't have the idea of ecstasy or loss when he said how many people would kill him.

when he began to explain, Garris's heart beat violently, which should be nervous and scared by himself at the same time It's normal.

If Garris explained that his heart beat normally or only slightly accelerated, William would have to ha ha. Anyway, he won't let anyone who wants his life go.

"OK, OK, don't explain, man, as you said, we don't have conflict of interests, but we have a lot in common. Don't worry, I'm not so stingy." William took a picture Pat Garris on the shoulder, scared Garris shoulder can not help but follow William's hand to sink.

Garris is really frightened by William's eyes. Thinking of William's past means, Garris thinks it is possible that he will be buried in the forest.

"Well, man, let's go on and hunt a rabbit. It's not enough to plug the teeth," he said, taking the rabbit to lead the way.

Garris looked at William's back, his mind was full of chagrin, his eyes twinkled a few times, and finally reluctantly relaxed, followed William to the forest.

William, who has been staring at Garris with mental energy, is relieved. He has eight levels of assurance that what Garris said just now is not malicious, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't have this idea deep in his consciousness.It is precisely because of this idea in his deep consciousness that Garris will show it inadvertently. This conjecture makes William very helpless. He knows that no matter how strong his allies are, they will sometimes think about how to kill you.

William can't stop him, but he won't give Garris a chance to do it. The knife from the back is more dangerous than the shotgun from the front. William, who is used to starting first, takes out his Bluetooth headset while Garris is seven or eight meters behind him, and says: "from today on, he will stare at Garris all the time. As long as he has anything against me, he will report it to me. Don't worry about the rest Do whatever you want.

"Understand, sir, mission acceptance." hearing the voice of Sunday, William put the Bluetooth headset back in his pocket. Alas, the world is so dangerous, William can only take precautions.

At last, William is still sober. He only gives Sunday a certain degree of freedom, but does not give it the right to do things by itself. Otherwise, who knows what will be done on Sunday.

Maybe Garris just scolded William for "going to die". On Sunday, he might take this "going to die" as a threat and kill Garris on his own. This assumption is not a joke, but a real possibility.

After the arrangement, William turned to the chagrined Garris and said, "come on, man, it's more than three o'clock now. It will be dark in the forest in two hours. We don't have much time. Don't try to break the bill.".

"Ha ha, no problem. I'm sure I won't default. I'm afraid you won't go to the big wine bar because you're afraid of friends' ridicule after you lose. If you're not here, we'll have less fun.".

They were laughing and chatting as if nothing had happened. Garris was asking William for help. He was busy easing the misunderstanding between him and William, and he didn't have the energy to pay attention to the prey, while William was not interested in small animals.

After walking for about ten minutes, William was surprised by the perception of mental power coming back. He took Garris and said, "be careful, there are many big guys ahead.".