After William asked the pilot of the female deer for advice, he just wanted to try on the female deer again. Barney's voice came from the walkie talkie hanging on his waist, "boss, I think you should come and have a look. We found that a person is trying to contact Solomon.".

"Well," isn't that Xiao Li who made up Solomon's mind at this time? William and the pilot said sorry, let him go to check the condition of the female deer, he will go to him after the matter.

Out of the conference room came Barney's special room. As soon as he entered, Barney handed William his helmet.

When he put on his helmet and turned on the video and sound, William heard an anxious voice coming from his headphones, "Hey, Solomon, do you remember me? We met the day before yesterday.

"I'm sorry, sir. Please excuse me. I'm working," Solomon said, holding his suitcase in both hands and two handbags under his arm.

"I'll help you, Solomon," the man said as he walked with his two handbags under his arm. "My name is Daniel archer. I can help you sell diamonds. How about five or five?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. archer. I don't know what you're talking about. If I had diamonds, do you think I would stay here as a doorman?"

"God, you must be thinking about selling diamonds yourself, right? But I have to remind you, Solomon, selling diamonds is not as easy as you think. Can you find a safe buyer? Do you know the market price of diamonds?.

No, you don't know anything. You even sell $100 worth of things at a price of $1, but I'm different. I've been in this industry for seven or eight years. I have safe buyers. I know what kind of diamonds should be sold at what price. The most important thing is to cooperate with me. You don't have to worry about being hacked.

, "I'm worried about you." Solomon thought of Archer. He knew that Archer just wanted to make complaints about him. Even if he said it, he might have killed him. So Solomon ignored the urgent Archer and walked the luggage store with Lee.

In order not to let the rest of the hotel hear them, Solomon put down his luggage and opened the side door to walk outside the hotel.

Seeing that Solomon's oil and salt did not enter, and the sound of "daddada, dada" gunfire came from outside, Archer quickly followed Solomon out,

anxiously said: "listen, listen, the rebels have entered the city, Solomon, you have to understand that if you are caught by them, you will never survive,

and I am not the same, I will not only save you from the prison Yes, I can also help you find your family.

Solomon, who was walking on, immediately turned and stared at archer. "Do you have a way to find my family?"

"Ha ha, of course," Archer was very happy. "Look at you, and look at me, Solomon. I'm white. I know a lot of white people. As long as they have money, they can help you find your family, so let's find the diamond first.".

"Do you think I'm an idiot? If I told you, maybe you'd kill me, "Solomon growled.

Solomon, who turned around and left, suddenly heard the voice of Christmas coming from his ears, "Solomon, go, there are rebels behind you.".

Archer, who was speechless by Solomon, saw Solomon turn his head and look behind him. After a look, Archer raised his legs and ran. As he ran, Archer yelled to him, "come on, the rebels are coming. Let's go out of the city.".

Archer was overjoyed to hear this. He looked at the rebel pickup coming towards him and ran quickly after Solomon.

With the guidance of Christmas, Solomon took archer to avoid the war zone and fled north out of the city without danger. As soon as it was safe, Solomon didn't wait for archer to ask why he knew there was no war there and how to get there.

he directly said to Archer, "as long as you can help me find my family, I will take you to find the diamond. Do you agree?"

"Of course," Archer said without even thinking about it. He thought for a moment and said, "come on, let's go to Longji. When we get there, I can call you and help you find your family.".

Three days later, Archer, Solomon and a female reporter arrived at Kono, which is the nearest city to his home, all the way through the dangerous war zone.

Archer, who is not a bad guy, had to go to Kono airport to find kit froby to help save a priest who was wounded by a gun.

but after the rescue, he took Solomon to steal He sneaked out of the airport and left Jeter froby for the mine.

Christmas, who had been following Solomon, immediately sent the news back to William, and then just a few kilometers behind Archer and Solomon,

Antonov, who had been in dakono two days ago, continued to take more than 80 members of the polar bear team with him to monitor Jeter froby in the secret place outside the airport. Their task was to wait until Jeter froby took the men to leave, and then go to work Take the airport in secret to prevent the people on the airport from supporting kit froby.

After getting the news, William sent a letter to uriolov to let the people he hired begin to occupy the mining area, and finally made it clear that absenteeism and children could not be killed, and the others were free.

The battle between 2000 people and the mine owner with only more than 100 people didn't start at all. As soon as these 2000 people with AK appeared, the armed personnel in the mine area saw that the form was not right, and after hearing the surrender of 2000 people from the opposite side, they didn't hesitate for long to surrender.After that, 300 people pretended to be absent from work and 200 people pretended to be supervisors stayed in the mining area. The others escorted all the people in the mining area, except the leader, back 2 kilometers, avoided the roads and open areas, and hid in the woods and valleys, waiting for the arrival of kit froby's people.

Solomon and Archer finally arrived at the mining area after a day. Archer hid in the mountain with a telescope and looked at the more than 200 armed men with AK in the mining area, scolding in his heart.

With so many guards, he couldn't take Solomon to sneak into the mining area to dig for diamonds. He muttered and scolded for a long time. Archer, who wanted to eat diamonds alone, observed for more than an hour and calculated in silence. He found that he and Solomon could not avoid all the guards and absenteeism. After a long time of irritability, he finally had to ask Jeter fro in Kono It's better than asking for help.

Solomon was surprised to see that there were more than twice as many people in the mining area as before, and that simple fortifications had been built in many places.

While Archer was on the phone, Solomon took a telescope to observe carefully and found that none of the supervisors and miners he knew were there. The mining area suddenly changed from top to bottom.

The leader who used to sit in front of the house on the high side of the mining area has changed. There are a lot of wooden boxes around the miners who don't know what to do. The whole mining area is strange in Solomon's eyes.