William was thinking about what to do with Debbie's idea. Thor's voice came from the cabin radio, "guys, please sit down. It's time for us to take off.".

The Barney six looked at William, who nodded, "let's go to South Africa.".

"I understand," Barney replied, and then went to the cockpit. Ten seconds later, the plane began to accelerate, taxied several hundred meters on the water, and then slowly flew up.

Sitting in his seat thinking for a long time, William took out a secret satellite phone to call New York neighbor Yuri Olov.

"Doodle, doodle," the phone rang half a day before it was connected. An impatient voice came, "good morning, this is Yuri Olov. Who are you

William took the satellite phone and wondered if it was the wrong number, or did Yuri take the medicine?

Last time at the upper east side householder's party, Yuri Olov was very kind to himself. "Yuri, it's me, William Devonshire.".

"Aha, I'm sorry, Mr. Devonshire?" Hearing William's call, uriolov apologized, "I've just had something wrong. I've kept you waiting. I apologize again. What can I do for you, Mr. Devonshire?".

Yuriolov was standing at the window sill, talking to William with a satellite phone in a flattering tone,

while looking at his monitor truck downstairs on the street, his eyes were staring at Jack Valentine, the leader of the international anti proliferation group of small arms, who came out of the monitor truck.

Jack Valentine has been watching and monitoring him downstairs for more than six months. What annoys Yuri is that Jack Valentine doesn't trouble other more dangerous arms dealers, but stares at him, who only sells light weapons, causing him to lose millions of dollars in this half year.

If he didn't abide by the bottom line in his heart, and it's good for him to keep Jack Valentine watching him, and don't worry about being shot by the old American officials, uriolov would have found a relationship to get rid of Jack Valentine.

But now Yuri is gnashing his teeth at Jack Valentine. Jack Valentine can't find his painful foot, so he turns the breakthrough point to his wife EVA Fontaine.

Thinking of his wife, who didn't know the daily necessities, he had a headache and had no choice but not to help him. Jack Valentine, the virgin, was also persuaded by him. The virgin's heart attack forced him to stop doing business.

F. K. Yuri scolds his wife for being ignorant. He targets his husband after being provoked by others. He doesn't want to be able to afford her extravagant expenses if he doesn't work hard to make money.

With the consumption of the whole family and the Central Park mortgage, uriolov will have to spend at least $200000 a month. If he hadn't made some money in Africa in recent years, and now he still has some spare money, uriolov would not have been able to survive.

Used to gray business, used to the net profit of a business, there are tens of millions of yuriolov who are impatient to do serious oil, wood and ore business, making little money, and are still restricted by rules and regulations.

Yuriolov, who is used to playing edge ball, is not used to it.

However, the bad mood immediately improved after receiving William's call, and uriolov's tense face finally showed a happy look.

William is such a rich man, but he is a super customer. Otherwise, Yuri would not flatter William so attentively at the last meeting of householders on the upper east side. If he could start business with William, his company would be better soon.

Mr. Devonshire, no matter how much oil, wood and ore you need, I can offer you the lowest price and guarantee the quality.

"Hehe, Yuri, I know what you do. I don't want those things. Don't tell me, you don't sell the vacuum cleaners used by angel king and mothers. I'm looking forward to your call, Mr. king of war",

William Hung up without waiting for Yuri's reply. He didn't believe that Yuri Olov, who has been working for nearly 20 years, really stopped selling oil at home .

Listening to the "doodle" voice on the phone, uriolov stood by his windowsill, and he understood what William said about the vacuum cleaner used by angel king and his mother.

Angel king is the slang of these arms dealers, which represents AK, mom's bazooka, vacuum cleaner's helicopter, mom's vacuum cleaner's helicopter.

Thinking about William, who is worth billions of dollars, the amount of things he wants is very large. Selling a vacuum cleaner alone will make a profit of millions of dollars, which makes Yuri itch and fly to see William immediately.

According to his estimation, how can William's single profit be millions of dollars, maybe tens of millions of dollars. The most important thing is that there are not many people like William who have enough strength to pay. For these arms dealers, William is a platinum five-star customer, which used to be unthinkable.

now this kind of day class customer comes to the door by himself, But he hesitated. When he thought about his promise to his goddess's wife, yuriolov felt heartache, liver pain and egg pain.

Yuriolov, who was dying of regret, heard the knock at the door. Then his wife EVA came in with a smile and said, "Yuri, the chief manager of Libia, Andre Bates, is coming. It's time for you to get ready to see the chief manager."."Well? Don't you have an appointment at the hotel? Why did he come directly? "After thinking for a moment, Yuri said:" you help me to prepare my clothes, I'll come right away "

when two things happen to each other, Yuri Olov makes a decision immediately. He can't help but want to go back to his best industry. Only military fire can make Yuri feel successful.

And Andre Bates, who has been in business with him for more than ten years, came to visit him personally. Yuri knew that he had little choice.

If you don't get along with Andre Bates, God knows what Andre Bates and his crazy son Andre II will do. At least his wife and children are on the verge of danger.

After packing up the papers, Yuri went out of the study, put on his suit and tie under the service of his wife EVA, and heard the doorbell.

"Come on, honey, don't keep the guests waiting. I'll get something to drink.".

"Thank you, dear." Yuri opened the door and walked out of the house. Andre Bates and his crazy son were standing in front of his house laughing.

"Hell, Andre, why did you come directly to my house? Can't you talk about something in the hotel?"

"Good morning, Yuri," Andre Bates said after smiling and hugging Yuri, "it's not easy to find you. If I hadn't some relations in your country, I didn't know my arms dealer had washed up. Yuri, won't you invite us in for a drink?"