The next day we went to bed together, and after washing, Jesse went into the master bedroom with two maids holding clothes. After helping William get dressed, she told William that old Smith invited him to have breakfast with him.

William looked at his watch. It's 9 o'clock. Old man Smith is still in the mood to invite him to breakfast. It seems that the sniping is going well.

Jesse takes William to old Smith's private residence in Caesar Palace. As soon as he gets out of the elevator, there are many security guards in black and white shirts with earphones.

As soon as his mental strength was swept, he knew that these security guards were wearing short guns in their clothes, and some guys had Uzi guns hidden in their clothes. William was very worried. Hehe, the old man didn't want to have a Hongmen banquet with him.

Before entering the door, I heard old Smith's voice, "good morning, William. How was your rest yesterday?"

William said with a smile: "not bad. I'm so satisfied with the service of your hotel that I want to invite Jesse to work for me, but she's still thinking about it.".

"William, you're not right. I've assigned my most important staff to you for service, but you want to hire my staff. No way," old Smith said, looking at Jesse. "Jesse, I'm going to promote you to the vice president of Service Department of the hotel, and your salary will be increased by 30%.

When Jesse heard this, her face immediately showed gratitude. "Thank you, thank you, Mr. Smith. I'll work hard and live up to your expectations.".

William rolled a white eye, how can't the beauty see oneself to rush toward the body, isn't it so unattractive to work beside oneself?

William was upset and said, "OK, OK, let's have breakfast first. The news is really sad, Jesse.".

"Ha ha" when he heard William's words, old Smith was very happy. At last, his means of control didn't fail. Jesse, a subordinate he often paid attention to and cultivated, didn't let him down and ran away without being hooked up by William.

Jesse covered her mouth and said to William with a smile that she was sorry and that she could not leave Caesar's palace in spite of Smith's kindness.

When they enter the restaurant, they serve Jesse and the maids for breakfast. At the dinner, old Smith is envious of William's appetite. Although he has a good appetite all the time, he is nothing compared with William.

After that, old Smith took William for a walk on the roof of Caesar Palace. As soon as he walked out of the elevator, he saw that the whole roof had been transformed into a private garden. There was no shortage of grass, flowers, trees and kiosk gardens.

in his heart, William sighed that old Smith really enjoyed it. It was so difficult to maintain and manage half a football field in the desert area like Las Vegas As you can imagine, he still can't learn the inherent superiority of these old rich people.

They were walking in the rooftop garden for more than ten minutes. Old Smith took William to a chair and had a few sips of coffee. He said, "things are going very well. Since this morning, many people have called me, hoping to get involved in the affairs of Meiren hotel group. When these hyenas smell it, they come all over.

Terry Benedict has been taken away by the police, which makes the beauty group in a mess. As soon as the market opened this morning, the stock price plummeted by 16%. Tony should have made nearly $1 billion. If things start to ferment again, it's not impossible for the stock price to fall by half.

this time Tony uses convertible bonds, and maybe he'll get rid of his futures The bonds in our hands will become half of the shares of the beautiful people. "

speaking of this, old Smith stopped for a moment, drank some coffee, saw William's expression unchanged, and then said with a smile:" William, have you ever thought about being a shareholder of our group? The prospect of Las Vegas Hotel and tourism industry is still very good. In recent years, the revenue of hotels keeps expanding every year. Now the investment may turn 100 million into 300 million in ten years.

Of course, William knows what Smith said. It's not 100 million to 300 million, but 600 million. But in his opinion, it's still too slow, and he doesn't want to touch the business related to the card industry, which has a great impact on his reputation. "Ha ha, you seem to be short of money?"

Looking at William's face with some teasing expression, Smith knew that his words could not deceive William. With a sigh in his heart, he changed his tone and said with some frustration: "Hey, if we want to swallow the beauty hotel group as a whole, we can only complete more than half of the share acquisition in a short time. Once other groups intervene for a long time, the acquisition will immediately fall into a tug of war r>

and we have to keep enough cash on hand to prevent other people from peeping at Caesar's palace, so we hope you can help us. ".

"What can I do for you?" William asked suspiciously,

"William, ordinary people don't know, but don't I know yet? Don't forget that when you played against stark, you provided us $3 billion in cash from Swiss National Bank,

so we hope to borrow US $3 billion from you with 12% of Caesar Palace group for one year and pay you US $3.3 billion when it matures. ".

The annual interest rate of 10% sounds good, but William refused without thinking about it. "No, cash is the king in this period. I have a plan for this money. The stock market is so low. In the first half of the year, I can buy some shares of big companies, and then I can easily double or double the price."Thinking that William, who made his fortune on the stock market, now has his eyes on the stock market and wants to wait until the end of the stock market, Smith knows that it is impossible for him to borrow money from William,

but he is not depressed. This trial did not hold much hope, "then we hope your commission will be paid by stock.".

Old Smith snapped his fingers at his men not far away. Immediately, several lawyers in suits came over with briefcases. After saying hello to Smith and William, he opened the briefcase, took out a bag of documents and gave them to William. Then he returned to his previous position and stood.

William opened the file bag and looked at it slowly. The top half of the file were companies in England, and the rest were companies in Europa. There was none in the United States. William could not help but get angry.

however, when he looked at the file, there was one company he liked, England power company. When he turned to the back pages of the file, he saw that the file showed 16% shares,

Thinking of this price, William thought whether he would take advantage of the stock market crash to buy the whole of England's electric power, but he had a lot of electric power technology in his mind.

William threw the document on his hand. "I'm still interested in English power, but I don't like the rest. Mr. Smith, it's very insincere of you to do so.".