Seeing William come in, four people stand up and greet him with a hug. Barney Christmas and Brian call William boss, which makes the guy in the church very surprised. Unexpectedly, these fierce people he knows are working for William now.

Thinking that he might be working for William in the future, the church felt a little uncomfortable. He was almost 60 years old. When he called for the boss of a little guy who could be his grandson, the church felt very angry.

"Sit down, guys, we've known each other for a long time. Don't think I don't know you're flattering me." there's a church where William doesn't use the name of the boss. But Barney and the church respect William because they are his secret servants and get along well with each other.

And Brian is because William was his boss before, he saved his daughter and niece some time ago, and now he is his campaign sponsor, and he has no requirements for him. He just gives money to William when he needs it, so Brian has the best attitude towards William.

"Well, let's get down to business. You probably know why you're here," said William.

"Of course, the church has just said to us, thank you boss for the chance to make a fortune. Remember us, each of us has ten million dollars, even if you let us blow up the hotel," cried the Christmas monster.

Listening to the strange tone of Christmas, everyone laughed, but we all know that William certainly did not want to blow up the hotel.

After laughing enough, William said: "I have received the news that a group of people are working on the idea of the Treasury of Meili people's Congress Hotel. What we have to do is to help them complete it. Finally, after the success of these swindlers, cheats and computer experts, we will quietly take away the fruits of their victory.".

"Ha ha" everyone was excited to hear that William said so simply.

William then said, "Bryan, are you ready for your fake tickets?"

"Of course, boss," Brian said, looking at his watch, "it's about two hours before things can be delivered. It's just that time is tight and the printing effect is not very good. If you touch it, you can detect it.".

"Ha ha, it doesn't matter. I just want the right amount of paper. Anyway, it will be burned in the end." William took out the information of George and Pete to four people. "These two guys are named Denny oshen and rasty Ryan. One is a big thief and the other is a cheater. These two people are the mastermind. They will start staring at these two guys tonight and they will do it tomorrow night ”。

"Understand," the four said, looking at the information.

William took out as like as two peas. "This guy is called Linus Caldwell, a thief, but I'm not sure if this guy is a secret service man, because I know a guy named Jason Bourne who looks exactly the same as him, church, can you help me?"

The Church took the picture from William's hand, and when it looked at it, it was very sad. It seemed that he really had some impression of this man. "I seem to have seen this guy in the secret service building of New York. William, how do you know that this man has a problem?"

"Ha ha" William thought to himself, there are not many people who don't know this guy, the famous Jason Bourne, the guy who makes the New York secret service turn upside down,

but William didn't answer the church's question, sometimes it's good to keep some mystery, "since you have an impression, it must be the old man Albert who is fishing for extra money. Pay attention to it, Jason Bourne is a special experimental product with excellent skill. Since you have seen the church, you should not show your face. You should stare at their computer experts and report to me at any time.

"No problem", William didn't answer his question, and the church couldn't force him to say, but since they all want to earn extra money, the church has no burden on its colleagues.

it's not a matter of security crisis, so why not make money.

"Boss, if there are secret service people involved, are we short of manpower?" Barney asked hesitantly, looking at William's eyes.

William didn't even think about it to understand Barney's meaning. Seeing that the task was simple and the pay was high, this guy wanted to help his teammates. After all, it was a $10 million job for one person. They didn't make $10 million a year before.

Brian heard Barney's words, his heart was also a little excited, looking at William.

William didn't look up to the money he stole. It was small money for him. Most of the money was in the stock market and sniping after old Smith.

originally, he thought that fewer people would be more confidential, but Jason Bourne showed up, and Barney's four people were really less.

"everyone who came later was $2 million, please keep your mouth shut.".

"Yes, sir.".

"Brian, you also call your team members. Remember guys, don't make mistakes. Even if I don't trouble you, some big guys in Las Vegas will sink you into the desert as cactus. Ha ha, it involves a lot of money.".

After that, William turned to the church. Among these people, he was most worried about the church.

The church saw William staring at him and said, "Hey, William, do you think I have another choice now? I don't want to be killed by you secretly, let alone the consortium involved. I'm not crazy. ".William looked at the church with a smile, nodded and said, "OK, let's go. There's no easier money to make than this time."

"Ha ha ha, I understand, boss.".

After giving orders, William went back to the suite first. There were six expendables, five Bryan and just 12 church people. William didn't believe that these old guys would be able to deal with George and Pete.

Back in the suite, William, in a good mood, takes Jesse to the gym to keep fit. After sweating, he takes a bath in a comfortable mood and then puts on his clothes and goes to the circus under Jesse's service.

I didn't sleep until 4 a.m. until noon the next day. After lunch, under the leadership of Jesse, William and Jesse strolled all afternoon.

At 7 p.m., William and Jesse walked down the street to the beautiful people's Hotel opposite Caesar's palace and sat in the first row waiting to watch tonight's heavyweight boxing match.

Before entering the boxing hall, William and Yin Yang miss each other face to face and quietly take the earphone and receiver from Yin Yang. Unexpectedly, Barney's earphone is the same as the one he bought in the black market of Washington last time. It seems that these guys have paid a lot for the task.

With the help of his clothes, William Hung the receiver on his side waist belt, pretended to dig his ears and put the earphones into his ears. It wasn't long before he heard the sound of church coming from the earphones.

"Boss, we're all ready, Denny oshen and rasty Ryan. They're sure to do it tonight. Fortunately, you recognize Jason Bourne, and we find two other groups staring at Denny oshen.

one group can be sure it's from the New York secret service, and the other group looks like soldiers."