Since it wasn't William, who stole the Manifesto? Cedes asked Riley, "how long has the robber been gone?".

Riley shivered and said, "about 20 or 30 minutes. I'm not sure, but I'm sure it won't be long.".

Cedes said to his men, "lily, call up the cameras around. I want to know where the robber is. Hurry up.".

"I understand, sir," after Lily calls.

Sedes stares at Riley and asks, "tell me what you know, Riley, or you'll wait to get through the jail."

the frightened Riley stammers and confesses the whole story. Seeing that Riley opens his mouth, Ben gates finally has to say what he knows. Finally, what William said just now works.

Ben gates thought to himself that if the mastermind was William, William would not have saved his life, because Ben gates knew a lot about William, and it was really bad for William to let him live.

Now he also wants to know who has been staring at him in the dark, directly speaking out his own judgment, even about his testing of the robbers. Finally, Ben Gates said that these people may have been staring at him for a long time. Maybe he was targeted when Ian found him two years ago.

At this time, agent Lily suddenly came in and whispered something to cedes. Cedes exclaimed, "what, how can there be no clue"

"yes, sir, the opponent has rich experience in anti reconnaissance. We only found the burned minivan with a lot of monitoring equipment in it, but we didn't find the wreckage of the hard disk. It should have been taken away by someone, line The cables are all broken.

It's hard to do. It's not so easy to catch up with a group of experienced and premeditated veterans. The secret service now really believes that there are some secret clues about the treasure on the back of the founding declaration, otherwise there would not be so many people who want to get it.

Cedes looks dark. It seems that he is going to have bad luck. He can't find the declaration of the founding of the people's Republic in three days. He believes that his immediate superior will not be polite to him and will take him as a shield.

I didn't expect that this kind of thing happened when I was about to retire, which made cedes very angry. He told his subordinates, "handcuff Ben gates and Riley, let's go back to Washington first.".

After his men handcuffed Ben gates and Riley, cedes gritted his teeth and said to Ben gates, "Ben gates, you're waiting for the end of the prison, you're weak.".

In order not to follow his church to see anything, William pretended to be angry with the church. On the way back to Washington, he always closed his eyes and ignored the church talking to him.

Two hours later, cedes, who returned to Washington, now has no evidence to detain William. Looking at William walking into the hotel, cedes said to his subordinates with a gloomy look: "I want to know his every move. Although we have no evidence, he is still very suspicious.".

"Understand" after the hand answers, divides several people to follow William to enter the hotel.

"What do you think of this?" he asked, covering his face to the church

After a moment's meditation, the church said: "although everything we have shows that it has nothing to do with William, I have a faint intuition in my heart that it has nothing to do with William.

Cedes, you have never dealt with foreign affairs, so you don't know much about William, but I know a lot about him. Although William is young, he is absolutely a ruthless character who does everything to achieve his goal.

he spent so much time and energy looking for treasure, but he didn't care about the final destination of the founding declaration. It's very abnormal, and it feels like he was deliberately abandoning the country It's the same as clearing one's own suspicion.

Agent Lily asked suspiciously after hearing this: "but the information we have shows that William didn't want to steal the founding declaration in the first place, and Dr. Abigail has proved what William said.".

"That's what I doubt about him. William may be afraid that we won't do it ourselves, but he would like to see the founding declaration stolen. Lily, if you were William, would you do it yourself or hire someone to do it," the church said.

"That means William was staring at Ben gates two years ago, but it doesn't make sense. Two years ago, William Devonshire was only 18 years old. He was a high school student and didn't have any money. Is that possible?"

Cedes also wondered, "what if William is after Ben gates these days?"

After thinking for a long time, people had to shake their heads. Cedes sighed: "well, although we all know William is very suspicious, we have no evidence. We have to have evidence for everything. If we arrest William Devonshire without any reason, the media will hold on. If he bites him back and causes a foreign dispute, the upper authorities and England will tear us up." .

They had no choice but to drive back to the secret service. Now it's more than 1:00 p.m. in the middle of the night. The officers who have been tired for a day drink coffee and look at the monitor transferred back in drowsiness.

And back to the hotel, William has been a little restless all of a sudden. He knows that his intuition is telling him that there is danger. Sitting on the sofa and meditating for more than an hour, William has gone through all the things for several times, but he still doesn't expect what will go wrong.This made him very angry. He opened a bottle of whisky and took a big mouthful of it in front of the window. Looking at the street in front of the hotel, William thought of it when he looked at the car parked on the street.

Hell, that car, parked outside the archives, has a whole set of monitoring devices and receivers.

If the car was found, his suspicion would be even greater, because if the car belonged to other gangs, it would not be parked outside the archives all the time, but would have driven away long ago.

William put down the bottle in his hand and thought, hehe, fortunately, he is a man with a hook. Maybe bad things will turn into good things.

He turned and walked into the bathroom, scanned with mental energy for several times, but didn't find any monitoring facilities, thinking that the portal was finally useful.

William was still very cautious. He didn't directly open the transmission door into the small car, because he didn't know if the secret service had thought of the loophole, and then he ambushed around the small car, waiting for someone to take the bait.

The church, which was watching the video in the secret service, suddenly called out, "I thought that there is a distance in wireless monitoring. Whether it's William or Ben gates that other people are staring at, then he must have an eavesdropping receiver. Otherwise, the eavesdropper itself can't transmit many meters. Lily turned on the monitoring to see if there is a car that has been following Ben gates to Pittsburgh.

Cedes, let's go to the archives and find out if there are any suspicious vehicles outside the archives or if there are any suspicious residents recently.

Come on, I hope the evidence hasn't been disposed of.