William went on to say, "it's not without a reason that your gates family has been in disrepute for hundreds of years, Mr. Gates.".

William's words left Ben gates speechless. Everyone looked at Ben gates and hoped he would retort. But Ben gates just bowed his head and said nothing. Ian, the leader, had to ask William, "Mr. Devonshire, can you tell us why? Maybe it's useful for looking for treasure "

William shook his head depressed and said:" well, because of Thomas Gates' selfishness, some participants who knew the secret died in those 20 years.

after Thomas gates wanted to understand that the clue he knew was incomplete, he went to find the secret keepers and found Shylock's clue It's no longer useful. This treasure has disappeared for hundreds of years.

Ben gates, you are worthy of being a member of the Gates family. You have found all of them, but I am curious how you know that Shylock is a ship "

Ben gates looked at everyone and looked at him. He was also very helpless about his ancestors. He said sadly," I found a clue in the letters of Franklin Benjamin and some people. During the war of independence, a ship named At Franklin's command, Shylock's ship left the fleet and sailed northward without any reason. The last time they heard about it was that it disappeared immediately after they replenished at the Dutch port in the north of America.

I guess they must have had an accident while carrying out some secret order. As long as you are familiar with the flow principle of the ocean current, you can understand that the ship will follow its own course It's going this way with the current.

In the past two years, I have been flying between Cape barrow and the archives and libraries of American countries. Finally, I found a diary in a library in Cape barrow. One year 40 years ago, the weather was abnormal, and the snow on the island melted. Someone had seen a boat,

but the person in the diary said that he had never boarded the boat, because their tradition did not allow them to fight Disturbing the soul of the dead, so he just left the coordinates and never took charge of the ship again.

After Ben gates finished, he smelled to William: "well, Devonshire, how did you find this place"

"yes, how did William find this place? It can't be this guy who has been following them all the time!" The crowd began to guess.

Of course, William would not tell them that it was his grandfather who found the clue. He had to make it up. "In fact, not all the people on the ship died. After the captain died, several crew members who did not know the specific task rowed back to Cape barrow. They left some information and I found it."

When Ian heard this, he immediately asked, "what's on the file? Treasure? Mr. Devonshire "

" damn treasure, I'm here for nothing, "William scolded in his heart.

William could only shake his head and said: "I don't know. If I knew, I would have come here long ago. You should know what I have done in the past half a year. At that time, I might as well go into the stock market and earn more than the treasure on this ship.

and you don't think about it, this ship has a clear record. Shylock's load is only 3 tons, except for the crew As soon as they heard this, they thought to themselves, "yes, this ship is definitely not used to carry treasure.".

Even if we can find some antiques, it's certainly not worth much money. Ian was a little frustrated and said, "Damn, it took two years and millions of pounds to find such a useless boat. If there is no treasure or clues on the boat, then we're wasting our efforts."

Ben Gates also understood that if it was the same as what Ian said, wouldn't his family spend the rest of their time in criticism?

Shaking his head, he put down the worries in his head and said, "it's no use thinking so much now. Let's dig out the boat first. Maybe there are some treasures on the boat."

at this stage, Ian could only nod his head to his men and say, "dig, I can only hope to find some antiques on the boat, or I'll lose a lot of money."

in the end, Ian could only nod his head and say, "dig, I can only hope to find some antiques on the boat, or I'll lose a lot of money." After that, Ian looked at William and his shovel. William immediately understood that this guy wanted William to dig everything. "Don't even think about it, Ian. I know it's English by your accent. Do you think I'll dig with you?" Turning to a few Ian's men around, he said:

"do any of you want to earn extra money? Help me dig, I'll give you 2000 an hour, or I'll give you 10000 for the four of you, and you'll help me with my task. "Then he reached into his pocket and took 10000 in cash out of the storage space.

When Ian saw his expectant subordinates, he said, "I hate rich guys." he can't stop his subordinates from earning extra money that doesn't affect the overall situation. 10000 pounds is not much for him, but it's not much for his subordinates.

Ian nodded helplessly, while William happily threw 10000 pounds to four people.

Originally, William wanted to go straight away, because he already knew what the clue in the ship was. A navy blue stone cigarette bottle was both the clue and the key, but it was of no use to him.

But now that he's here, let's have a look first. I don't know whether the real world is the same as some vague memories in my memory. In order to prove that there was no accident, William had to get off the ship first to see if there was any difference, and he also thought whether these people could be blackmailed for him.The value of this treasure is too great. If you want to take it without future trouble, William has to think about it.

With a smile, William said to the bald man who took over the ten thousand pounds: "I'll go to sleep. I'll go to the snowmobile after digging. What's your name?".

The bald man touched his bald head and said with a smile, "Mr. Devonshire, my name is Shaw Fisher. I'm from Devonshire, England.".

"It's a surprise." William looked at Shaw's big bald head. Why did this guy tell him he was from Devon?

"Well, I know. Call me after digging." William knew it was not the time to speak. He nodded to Shaw, made a hidden look, and turned to his snowmobile.

Xiao, a bald man, didn't say much. He just turned around, picked up the 10000 pounds in his hand and shook them to the other three companions, "guys, let's split money"

the other three walked to Xiao with a smile. Everyone was very happy to get the 2500 pounds' windfall.

After laughing and sharing the money, the four separated two of them, driving a snowmobile, with the bucket in front of the car pushing the snow around the Shylock, while the other two, Ian, Ben and Riley dug the snow on the boat with shovels.

After more than two hours of digging, the Shylock finally came out.