Back at the hotel, William and Ambrosius, who were very happy, worked out for more than an hour. After the exercise, William began to catch up with the script. It took him more than three hours to catch up with the script.

Put the script in the USB flash drive, stretched to bed, and went to sleep with Ambrosius in his arms.

William didn't get up until 9 o'clock the next day. He cleaned up and had a good breakfast. With the help of professionals from the hotel service, Bentley spent more than an hour going through the script submission process. After finishing the script, William asked someone to send the script to Redley. Now he is waiting for the news from Redley.

William, who has nothing to do, goes back to the hotel at noon to get some sleep, and then takes Ambrose to stroll around New York. Although William is tired of paparazzi following, he can't get rid of them.

Paparazzi also know that William is a rich man, so when these guys follow him, they are never close to William within 10 meters, which makes William helpless.

Forget it, just follow it. As long as you don't disturb the world of him and Ambrosius, William won't care. Ambrosius is very happy for the paparazzi to follow. He often holds William's arm and smiles sweetly at the paparazzi's camera.

two walked around the whole afternoon and bought more than a dozen bags of luxuries. At 6 p.m., William took a big Michelin 3-star meal with Michelin 3-star in a Michelin 3-star restaurant. During the meal, he received a text message from him.

After eating for more than an hour, they went back to the hotel laughing and had a good exercise. After Ambrose fell asleep, William dressed himself and drove an ordinary SUV provided by the hotel to avoid paparazzi and secretly came to the place agreed with Bryan.

When I came to an ordinary community more than ten blocks away from the hotel, I found a dilapidated house according to the house number. As soon as I got out of the car, I saw Brian sitting in front of the barbecue rack in the yard holding a clip to roast meat.

When Brian saw William come in, he said happily, "let's try my Brazilian barbecue first." Brian brought William a plate, a knife and fork, and a large piece of roast beef.

They chatted for more than an hour. After eating and drinking, Brian wiped his mouth and said, "it's time to get down to business. I want to help you. As long as I can do it, I won't delay it.".

William looked at serious Brian, shook his head with a smile and said, "don't worry, you won't be allowed to do anything illegal. You have a wide relationship in America. Have you ever thought about running in New York?"

Brian was stunned. "You want me in politics? It's not going to help you, and it's not going to be a one-and-a-half election.

"Ha ha, what I really need is your relationship in the United States. I don't care how you run the election or what you do after the election is successful. I just need you to have a formal official status and help me lobby relevant personnel when I need it. I don't care how you lobby or who you lobby. I'm only responsible for providing you with funds.".

Brian was relieved to hear that. William's request was much simpler than he thought, "is that it? There are too many such people in America. As long as you have money, you can find dozens or hundreds of such groups, so you don't have to spend money to run for me. ".

William shook his head and said, "I don't want to participate in Zhengzhi. I need someone I can trust to cooperate with. I need to provide you with funds when I need them. You can help me deal with the relationship on the surface. I don't care what I do.".

Brian thought about it for nearly half an hour before nodding his head and saying, "no problem." he picked up the beer and took a sip of it. He said with emotion, "I'm more than 50 years old. I didn't expect that I could have a second career at this age. I'm so happy with my cooperation, William.".

For some reasons, William can only do this. He wiped his hands with a handkerchief and happily held hands with Brian, which is good for both of them. "When you are ready, remember to register several funds related to the people's livelihood in New York, and I will donate to these funds reasonably and legally. Then you can start to build momentum. Maybe next time we meet, you will be Mr. congressman." .

Brian laughs and says, "I hope so.".

They talked about some details again. William and Brian hugged and drove back to the hotel to wash and sleep.

At 9 o'clock, William and Ambrosius were having breakfast. Before they finished, their mobile phone rang. They picked it up and saw that it was Felix of Swiss bank.

When they got through, Felix said, "Mr. Devonshire, we've screened out more than a dozen suitable properties for you in Manhattan and long island, New York. Do you have time to see them today?

There is a 369 square meter house on the top floor of the upper east side near the financial center and the Central Park, which is very good and the price is very suitable. The owner is a financier. In mid September 1999, he spent 48 million US dollars to buy it and then spent 12 million US dollars to decorate it. But before he lived in it, the stock market disaster broke out. Now he is in urgent need of selling his assets to keep his financial company. The price is 4000 yuan Ten thousand dollars.

Before William spoke, he sat next to him and hugged him, and said in surprise, "doesn't that mean that he has dropped 20 million dollars in less than a year?"

Felix and Ambrose Hugh contacted each other in Switzerland for more than a month, and soon heard Ambrose Hugh's voice, "yes, Miss Ambrose Hugh, if you pay in one lump sum, I think it can be reduced to about 35 million US dollars. The householder needs money very much now. This house was put on sale the day before yesterday.".After hearing this, Ambrose looked at William with watery eyes and thought, "God, how many years will I have to be a model to buy that house? If I can live in it, it's really beautiful. I'm excited to think about it.".

"Well, send someone to take me to see if there is a big Manor on Long Island. I like big houses.".

Felix stopped to look up the information and said, "yes, but the manor has a long history, and the house has been vacant for many years. It will take a lot of money to renovate it.".

"No matter, I'll see it first." there's no problem with the transformation funds. The key is whether William can see it or not.

Yes, Mr. Devonshire. I'll be at your hotel in half an hour. I'll see you later.

William Hung up with a smile. Felix is really good. He came to New York from Switzerland to serve him when he heard the report from the bank.

In less than half an hour, Felix came in with three of his men under the guidance of the hotel attendant. William shook hands with Felix with a smile and patted Felix on the shoulder. "I didn't expect you to come from Switzerland. Felix, I'm very satisfied with your attitude and professional standard. Maybe I should praise you with President Qiang grace. By the way, Qiang grace Has he been promoted to President of the national bank? "

Felix was very happy after hearing William's praise. He came to New York in person just to further close the relationship between him and William. Recently, William didn't find him to do business, which made Felix worried about whether William wanted to change the bank.

William's words finally let him down. You know, William has nearly $3 billion in the national bank. If William changes the bank, his exclusive manager will be torn up by President John grace.

"Mr. Qiang Grace's recent record in the stock market is very conspicuous. I think it's only a matter of time before Mr. grace is promoted to President. He specially asked me to bring you a gift.".

Felix turned around and handed over a password box, which made William very curious about what was inside.