Oprah asked William, "have you ever thought about investing in your own movies?"

William shook his head helplessly. "Of course, I have thought about shooting it, but after understanding the operation of some big Hollywood companies, I gave up this idea. Unless I can buy a Hollywood distribution company,

otherwise, if I hit into it, I will definitely be ruined by those big Hollywood companies. There are too many ways to make money, and the movies will be ruined They don't make money or even lose money by playing tricks. I don't have the energy to argue with these Hollywood companies. ".

Russell, who had been sitting quietly, suddenly said, "William, maybe you can cooperate with me and Redley. We are Hollywood natives. We all know the way of the movie. I see the script very well and we can cooperate.".

Russell's words surprised everyone and made everyone curious. Is the play really so attractive? Even Redley and Russell wanted to join.

Russell's words are just in William's mind. Finally, when you say these words, he knows that Russell has always wanted to change his career as a director. Now there is a local tyrant and layman in his eyes. Who don't you cheat William?

William pretended to be difficult. After thinking about it, he nodded and said, "we can talk about it sometime. Let's wait until we've finished.".

Redley nodded. He had been in Hollywood for decades, and the pirate theme was not popular before. But William's script, which is like telling the real process of a movie, still moved him.

The main reason is that William is too clear, even the details are clear, which makes Redley interested in the pirate script.

Who doesn't like money? What's more, they thought that William, a big local tyrant, would invest. They were more confident. They both thought that as long as the operation was proper, the project would be very successful.

But William didn't want to make his own movies. He didn't have the energy and mind. He wanted to use the movie to stir up the topic, so as to improve his reputation in America. With the participation of big directors and Oscar actors, this pirate movie will be widely publicized.

With the script and the song that he is a pirate, his popularity in the United States will be higher, and William's every move will become the focus of the media.

He is thinking of fishing with MP3 in his hand. As for whether he will catch the apple he wants, I don't know, but there is no loss in trying.

The interview finally returned to the theme. We talked about the Gladiator movie. After more than a month, the box office of gladiator in the United States has exceeded 150 million US dollars, and maybe more than 160 million US dollars.

So today, Russell and Redley came to the Oprah talk show to canvass. After listening to Russell and Redley's words, William suddenly thought of a good idea, "I have an idea. Let's bet on the Gladiator's Award nomination. Oprah nodded happily after listening to it," this is a good idea, but William, I have to ask first, have you seen this movie "

"“ God, how could I not have seen it? I saw it once in England, and I went to see it again with Ambrosius last night. "With that, Ambrosius turned to her and nodded his head to show a happy smile.

Oprah laughed and joked: "well, William, you are such a good boyfriend. You can really find a chance to help your girlfriend, or I'll ask you two to do it again next time.".

After hearing this, Ambrosius's face turned red again immediately. There were so many surprises for her to come here today. William was not so exclusive about the program. What's more, he could not refuse Oprah's invitation in public.

William said with a smile: "no problem, maybe when my MP3 comes on the market, or when Ambrosius comes back to Weimi, we'll be afraid that your program will be scheduled until next year"

"if you want to come, I'll welcome you at any time. OK, let's go back to what you just proposed. Since it's your proposal, you can predict first, William"

turn around and have a look Russell and Redley are also curious about how William predicted it.

When William saw that they didn't mind at all, he said, "my prediction is that gladiators will win 12 Oscar nominations, and the final winners will be best actor, best director or best film, clothing and vision. If Redley doesn't win the best director, the film will definitely win the best film.".

"12 nominations, are you serious? William, do you know what 12 nominations mean? And although it's very impolite, how can you be sure that Redley will get the best director or the best film? "After that, Oprah said several apologies to Redley, and Redley didn't care. He also wanted to hear why William was optimistic about him.

William said with a smile: "intuition, it's the intuition I got from watching gladiators twice. As for the best director and the best film, if they didn't win, I would donate 5 million dollars to the American women's and children's foundation"

"boom" everyone was shocked by what William said. This guy really dares to say. If he didn't win the prize, wouldn't he We're going to donate five million dollars.

If this kind of public saying doesn't come true, William won't have to mix up in the future. The world will laugh at him.Redley asked in surprise, "are you serious? William, you know what you say has to be fulfilled. Now I hope that the best film and the best director don't have to give up. How many people in trouble can be helped by $5 million under the operation of the women's and children's fund "

William said with a smile," what do you say if I guess right "

" God, this is a real problem. I'm not as rich as you, How about I donate half a million? "Redley said in embarrassment. He also looked at Russell and then gave William a glance.

Russell soon understood Redley's idea. He looked at William smilingly, blinked his eyes and said, "if I win the prize, I'll donate 500000.".

William looked at Russell and Redley's wink hint, did not think a few seconds to understand that these two people are acting, thought quickly in his mind, what he said just now is indeed some of the suspicion of forcing people to donate money.

Fortunately, Redley and Russell have been fighting for decades in Hollywood. They know that William's gamble just now is to help them raise the box office. If the box office really hits $500000, it's really a small idea.

To understand this, William pretended to be anxious and said: "no, that's boring. If you two win the prize, I'll donate the money. How about each of you being a driver for me for one day? Hehe, this must be very interesting. Guys, you must be the most expensive driver in the world, with a daily reward of $2.5 million,

I haven't tried Hollywood director yet It's going to be very good for me to drive with the best actor. Maybe it will be recorded in Hollywood history, and I'm the leading actor. You're both supporting actors, ha ha.

Redley showed a look of thanks to William, jumped up with a smile, clapped his hands with Russell and said: "how about Russell, I know that William is a kind-hearted young man, and he will be cheated by me. William, how about me and Russell? If we can get the best director and the best protagonist, we will cash the donation of 500000.

Russell shook his head with a smile, "yes, William is a great guy. This ending is the most perfect, ha ha.".

William is happy in his heart. He is also doing this to pretend that he is young and inexperienced. He does not want to be too smart and evil in the eyes of ordinary people. This is not in line with his age. It is in line with the public opinion that Xueba scientists should have lower EQ, otherwise they will know everything, which will make people regard him as an alien.

So William looked at Redley and Russell with an angry look. "Is that really good? Cheat me, a pure young man ", which made the audience laugh.

Only the people who have dealt with William scolded after watching the program, "holy purity, black heart can write.".