Oprah asked gravely, "well, we've all received your assurance, William. You have to say yes, so why do you think the stock market will fall?"

She knows that it's not appropriate to say this when most people are desperate, but she has to ask this for the topic of the program. After all, today's topic is talking with William about the stock market.

William shakes his head after thinking about it. He has said enough. He just came here today to explain that he will not enter the futures market again. There is no need to offend those capitalists to make money.

After thinking about it, she said: "I'm not a professional analyst. I can only say according to my own understanding that there is no money in the first market, and there is no confidence in the second market. As long as the stock market goes up a little, people who want to pay off the loan will press down, so confidence is very important"

seeing that William didn't want to say too clearly, Oprah didn't say much on this issue, and she didn't agree I want to entangle too much on this issue. "So, William, do you have any advice for us? After all, you are one of the few people who made a lot of money in this stock market crash "

William said with a smile," I won't give you any advice, because even if I do, no one will believe it. After all, I am very young. People always think that I made such a lot of money because of my bad luck "

" ha ha ha ha "the people at the scene laughed loudly, in their opinion, William This tycoon is still very happy to laugh at himself.

"I don't really think I'm smarter than others, so I'll tell them what to do. It's just disgusting.

I just followed Buffett's advice and quit when others were crazy, so I sold the game and moved into the futures market.

Now I come to the United States to listen to his second sentence. I enter when others leave. So what I want to tell you is that although the market is still in a dark period, its prospect is still very bright. I am sure that there is a loud clap at the scene of "Hua, Hua". When you hear this, you will immediately feel good about William, although he just said it Some words they don't like to listen to, but on the whole, his modest, cautious and unassuming personality is very good for him who makes a lot of money.

It's too annoying to be arrogant and domineering after earning our money. The effect that William attributed the credit to God and Warren Buffett has already worked. You can see that many middle-aged people in the audience didn't look disgusted as they did just now.

After the audience was quiet, Oprah said with a smile, "thank you, William. You are a good young man and smart guy. Maybe Mr. Buffett will treat you to buffet lunch after watching the show"

"Oh, really?" William looked surprised. "I really have a lot of questions to ask him. If I can invite him to dinner, it's my pleasure"

hell, it's my pleasure. But William knows that the old man is not interested in technology stocks at all. It's better to talk with the boss of technology stocks. In this difficult period, maybe William can buy some technology stocks he likes directly You don't need to buy more shares, just buy 5% first.

He is even willing to give the voting rights of the shares to the founders, as long as the founders agree to share the same rights with him, so as to prevent the founders from making any mistakes in the process.

Oprah and the audience were amused by William's look. "Of course, William, I talked to Mr. Buffett, who is a loyal audience of my show.".

"Next question, William, I heard that you made more than $2 billion on the island. Is there anything about it"

after hearing this question, the audience exclaimed, 2 billion, God, how much is it? They thought William was a 1 billion rich man, but listen to Oprah, William made more than 1 billion in the stock market crash.

"Well, I knew you would ask this question," William said after thinking for a few seconds, "I do have a sum of money of 2 billion, but"

before William finished speaking, the audience all burst into an uproar, and William even heard some people scold him.

When William received Oprah's program draft yesterday, he called Phillips, a private consultant manager in Switzerland, to make sure that his $2 billion money would not have any problems before he said it in the program.

If he wants to invest in the future, the money will be known by others. Instead of being suspicious, he should say it himself. Anyway, the money is legal.

Even if there is a dispute, it will be handled by the lawyer. Is it a waste for him to spend so much money on yueshida law firm every year? The lawyers are ready to declare tax for him.

Anthony, his personal lawyer, patted his chest and promised him.

"Be quiet, thank you. Please be quiet. Let's finish listening to William, OK?" Oprah had to remind the audience to be quiet.

After the audience was quiet, Oprah said, "OK, William, you can continue to say it"

William nodded to the audience and said, "thank you. I know people are very curious about where I earn this money, whether I should pay taxes and how much I should pay. But I'm sorry that I have to praise the Swiss National Bank. They are really the biggest banks in the world Great bank,I didn't make the money in the island countries. The $2 billion was made by the bet futures of National Bank and I in the British Virgin Islands. To put it simply, the money is made by the bank, which has nothing to do with other people. Thank you.

Oprah was surprised and said: "that means the money is directly traded in the offshore island, and it doesn't go through any other countries, so you don't have to pay it Any tax? "

William nodded and said, "that's what my lawyer and bank manager told me. It's a legal deal.".

"Well, I'm surprised, William. Can I ask you how much money you made in the stock market crash?"

This question got him into thinking. After divulging the $2 billion from the island, he knew how much money he made. Others could probably guess it. Now there is no need to cover it up.

The first time he bought up, futures earned 82 million US dollars. The second time he bought down, he earned 3.416 billion US dollars. The total is less than 3.5 billion US dollars, plus 350 million principal.

"It's about $3.5 billion, and I don't know how much I have to pay taxes," William said uncertainly.

"The guy who should see God, you're robbing money. You've robbed ordinary shareholders all over the world. You should go to hell, William Devonshire," a middle-aged man suddenly stood up and yelled at William.

"No, I don't think I robbed ordinary shareholders. You have to know, man, it's all institutions and financial companies that bet on futures with me. In order to prevent ordinary shareholders from gambling with banks, the minimum number of bets between national bank and national bank is 100 hands.

I don't think ordinary shareholders can afford 100 hands of stock index futures. Do you know how much a 100 hands is? I told you it was $126.2 million "

the guy who just scolded him thought about it and then yelled," that means your futures contract exceeds $11 billion. God, are you crazy? And are banks crazy? How dare they give you 33 times leverage to buy in March? God, this is crazy. No wonder you can earn 3.5 billion dollars. If I can earn so much, God, you are his bastard.