"Ha ha, William, you are very smart. You are the only descendant of Winston and Devonshire. I won't let anyone hurt you and your mother Lina.

There are always some people who want to take risks. If they can't find the secrets of the Devonshire family, they want to start with you and Lina. I've dealt with no less than 20 people over the years. Winston and the Devonshire family are never soft on their enemies. ".

An uncle, the leader of the largest assassin group in the world, can really guarantee the safety of him and his mother. At least, many people are afraid to attack them.

After listening, William picked up his cell phone and called his mother Lina, "Hello, William, do you still know how to call your mother? I thought you would hide somewhere in the world and remember to call me after having a baby. Ah, you ran away two days before you went home. Do you know there are a lot of things waiting for you to decide in the castle? Do you still take me as your mother "Soul pale boy"

William looked at Winston with a reddish face. His mother was too tough, and he did run away without staying at home for two days, which made him very embarrassed.

Winston waved his hand and looked at William's embarrassment with a smile.

"I'm sorry, mom. I really don't have time to go back. When I'm busy, I'll go back to accompany you. Mom, I love you. Don't be angry. Be careful with wrinkles"

"idiot, I won't wrinkle. Say something, I know you're OK. I won't think of my mother. I've raised you for nothing. You white eyed wolf, you know you're out there every day ”

"Mom, do we have a relative named Winston?" William asked? Where have you heard that you have a relative named Winston? "Lena said.

William looked at Winston. Lena's voice was still very loud. Winston could certainly hear what Lena said.

Winston waved to William and put a finger on his mouth to tell him not to tell Lena that she had seen him.

Although William was a little strange, he still nodded to Winston, "Mom, I heard my grandfather's friend tell me. He said that I seem to have an uncle, half long hair, South American face, isn't it mom"

"of course, Evan Winston has a slovenly face all day, half long hair looks like it hasn't been washed, and speaks slowly like who owes him 1 million pounds Well, of course I know him, but he seems to have passed away by accident. Baby, have you seen Evan anywhere?

I remember that I still kept his photos. When you were born, Ivan came to see you, but I don't know where to put them in these years. I can't find some photos "

William looked at Winston apologetically," if I can't find them, mom, I'll hang up. I'll go back to see you in a few days and say hello to Tina for me. Goodbye, Mom "

Lena is not angry "I knew it was going to be like this, but thanks to Tina's company, bye bye, come back when it's OK, pay attention to safety and diet outside"

after William Hung up the phone, he said to Winston: "sorry, Winston"

Winston said indifferently: "I knew Lena would say that for a long time. When you were a child, Lena didn't allow me to hold you. She always looked at me, I always think I will take you away "

" what! Take me away, "William said in surprise,

Winston said in chagrin," sorry, I really wanted to take you away for a while. I can't have children, so you are the only blood in our two families. You're bleeding like me, but I was finally driven away by Lina, and since then he's not allowed me to get close to you "

" OK, I believe you for the time being. "William took the code barrel in his hand and opened it with his father's Chinese name in the secret language. There was a note in it, which said," Charlotte is a ship, go find it. "And there was another one Two coordinates written in riddles.

Ha ha, William knows Henry's handwriting. People who don't understand the whole story will be confused by Henry when they see this note. Charlotte is the only useful clue that the Devonshire family has found about King Solomon's treasure for hundreds of years.

William pretended to put the note in his pocket, but actually put it in the storage space. There is no safer place in the world than its storage space.

It seems that Henry found a lot of clues, but he was injured before he came to look for them. He can only leave the clues to William.

William didn't have much interest in treasure. After all, he didn't have any clue. Instead of bumping around like a headless fly, he might as well make more money from the technology of later generations.

But now it's different. There's still a lot of fun in treasure hunting. The sense of achievement in finding treasure and the desire for wealth make William decide to follow Henry's advice to find the boat named Charlotte and see what treasure or clues are on board.

William didn't show Winston the note in the password box, and he didn't open his mouth to read it. He said to William with a smile, "now you can believe that I'm your uncle"

William, who Henry believed in, will believe it too. After all, Henry trusted Winston ten years ago, but he still has some reservations. Who knows what changes have taken place in the past ten years, so he has limited faith in Winston Ren.

Let's see how they get along with each other in the future. "Well, uncle Winston, I'm sure I trust Henry, so I also trust you. Thank you for your protection for so many years. If there's anything I can do for you, I promise I can do it for you."Winston said with a smile: "I really need you to help me. I'm old William. Ten years ago, when I was 50 years old, I wanted to train you to be my successor. Now that I'm more than 60 years old, this idea is more clear. I hope you can help me take over the Continental Hotel in New York slowly. And I hope you can change your name to William Winston Devonshire like Henry. I hope Winston My surname can be inherited for a long time.

After thinking about it, William thinks that it's OK to add a surname. He's not the name of the great heaven Dynasty now. Besides, it's not impossible to add a matriarchal surname to the name of the great heaven Dynasty.

"No problem, Winston, I'm not against it, and I'm as good as Henry. After all, I do have Winston family blood in my body"

Winston was very happy after listening to it. "Good, William, I'm very happy, so that the Winston family won't break the inheritance in my hand." then he pushed the gold box on the table to William and said, "son, This is my first gift to you. You should have heard about the gold coin of Continental Hotel "

William nodded and said," I heard a former secret service friend of the U.S. military intelligence agency say that he still knows about the scavenger, but I don't know the specific use of this gold coin "

" I know who your friend is, Brian mills, who has been with us for more than ten years He's one of the few people who can retire safely, "Winston said.

William heard that only a few people retired safely and asked, "uncle, are there very few people who want to retire from mainland hotels?"

Winston said with a smile: "of course, my child, when you are used to more than ten years of bloody work, seven out of 100 people who have no stable family will go back to work after retirement. They can't adapt to the boring life after retirement.

Seven of the remaining 30% will have to pick up the gun again because they spend a lot of money when they are killers. The money they saved a few years ago will be spent.

The last nine people were either approached by their former enemies, or their families broke up, making them feel worse than dead, so they picked up their guns again. Therefore, in mainland hotels, 1000 killers can't find a person who can spend the rest of their lives safely. "

William's scalp was numb by Winston's words, which was too cruel.