After dealing with Paris, William sees Carlos off. He's going to Switzerland to find like-minded members of the assassin Brotherhood to deal with Sloan in New York.

Reading today's Paris newspaper while having breakfast, William smiles when he turns to the third page. It is true that there was a sniping case on the Seine river last night. The three people who died were all Albanese and were still father son relationship.

Finally, I sent the Murad family to see Satan. All the adult men died. William believes that the family will soon be annexed by other forces. These people have no strength and time to find trouble with William and Bryan.

However, the surprise is still behind. When William turned on the TV, he saw that many TV stations in Paris were reporting a sensational news today. An anonymous informant revealed that most people in Europa were concerned about the issue of human trafficking.

this anonymous informant not only revealed that Albanese were recklessly kidnapping young single people from all over the world in Europa Women also revealed that the Albanese umbrella was a director of the French Security Council, who was Claude's boss.

The host of the TV station also vaguely mentioned the situation of the underground auction house in Europa and the annual output value of women's business in Europa is several billion US dollars. Every year, tens of thousands of young girls are reported missing, and the number of missing girls who have not reported or registered in other countries is unknown. It is conservatively estimated that there will be tens of thousands, even tens of thousands It'll be a hundred thousand.

Finally, the TV hostess also produced a lot of evidence that Claude's boss collected tickets from Albany gang. Her face was full of tears and makeup. She called on the whole society to pay attention to the case of missing people in Europa, and asked the government to thoroughly investigate it.

William didn't think about it for a while, and he understood that it must have been revealed by Claude's wife. He didn't expect that this woman was so cruel. She must have had some secret words with Claude or learned that Claude was missing somewhere. She even ignored her own safety in order to get revenge.

But it's good for William that Claude's wife does this. Claude's boss is in danger. The underground auction house is now busy putting out the fire and destroying the evidence. His energy and time will be focused on who is the informant.

Sure enough, within a few hours, the TV station broadcast the news that Claude's boss had been taken away, and the police seized No. 7 Bellick street, and found out the underground auction hall and more than a dozen girls waiting to be auctioned for a few days, as well as a large number of prohibited items in the underground three floors.

The whole of France was angry, and parades began to appear everywhere.

Seeing this situation, Paris will soon be in a hurry. For safety, William immediately asked the hotel to book a private plane for him to fly directly to New York. He didn't want to stay in the powder keg of Paris.

After booking the plane, William asks the hotel to send a car to pick up Amanda, Ginny's cousin, who is recuperating, to the hotel to stay with Ginny.

Ready for Amanda's arrival, William saw the housekeeper knocking on the open door. He nodded and came in and said, "Mr. Devonshire, a gentleman who doesn't want to give his name wants to meet you. He said he has a message to tell you. Mr. Devonshire, do you see?"

As soon as he wanted to run, someone came to see him. Who was it and what message did he want to send to himself? Without thinking for a moment, William said, "please invite that gentleman up for me"

soon the housekeeper came in with a short, thin old man in a thin jacket who looked like he was in his 70s, with a peaceful face, a black hat and a thin jacket.

After the housekeeper bowed, closed the door and walked out of the suite, the old man took off his hat with a smile and said, "Hello, Mr. Devonshire, my name is Charlie.".

Hello, Mr. Charlie. I don't know what you want to see me about.

"I'm here to send a letter. By the way, I'll give you our business card, so that you don't need to pass it on to other mainland hotel members when you want to find us later." after that, I handed William a silver white business card made of metal.

When William heard about the mainland Hotel, he knew what the old man was doing. The old man was a scavenger, but how could these guys find themselves so quickly? "Thank you, but I don't quite understand what you can do for me. It seems that we haven't dealt with each other, Charlie.".

Charlie said with a gentle smile: "don't worry, Mr. Devonshire, don't be so careful. We don't care who you are or what you've done. We only care about whether you'll meet us, whether you'll do something, when you need our service, and whether you can pay us off.

as a compensation for this mistake and to thank you As an important customer, we show our sincerity. We have dealt with the follow-up trouble of dozens of corpses that suddenly appeared in Paris these two days for free.

I have to say that Mr. Devonshire's late acquaintance with you is really our dereliction of duty. If we could have known you earlier, we would not have lost nearly 100 gold coin business opportunities in Montenegrin and Paris. Now there are few people with outstanding business ability like you.

Please call me if you need to, so that I won't be ridiculed by some old friends. I'm really old, and I don't even have the ability to develop customers. ".

William looked at the old man with a calm and kind face and cold and bloody words. I don't know if these people still have feelings. "OK, Charlie, I accept your kindness. I also know that you are the best in some aspects, but can you tell me who wants to send a message to me? I have something to deal with later. I don't have much time It's time.Charlie seemed to understand why William suddenly showed a sense of alienation. He said with a smile: "thank you for your praise. Mr. Winston, the manager of Continental Hotel in New York, asked me to tell you that he sincerely invited you to meet at 175 Fifth Avenue Continental Hotel in New York. He said that you would agree to hear that his surname is Winston. He has a lot to say to you Say "

" Winston "? William thought strangely, isn't Winston his grandfather's middle name? His grandfather's full name is Henry Winston Devonshire. Oh, my God. I have a relative of the killer leader? If the relative must be Henry's mother's, it's been generations and decades. What can he do for himself? There should be no harm in not meeting in the past.

The mainland hotel seems to know what William did in Heishan. Yes, William didn't hide his whereabouts in Heishan at the beginning. As long as people who have a heart and a relationship can still find out that William did it.

Now I think it's too simple to think that killing dozens of people can make people afraid of him.

People who are really powerful and powerful will not directly conflict with William. They always pay attention to him in the dark. Fortunately, William made a lot of money when he was in Switzerland. He doesn't have to worry about money. Rich people can still do a lot of things.

Either spend 100 million pounds to set up a revenge fund in the mainland Hotel, or spend some money to try to make the mainland hotel such a big killer organization not take on any of his tasks.

Suddenly heard the world's largest assassin organization brain to find themselves, which makes William psychological some curiosity, in the end what is so formally invited to meet in New York.

After thinking about it, William nodded, "OK, I'll go when I have a chance"
