William took the Swiss bank account number written by Claude on the note and called Phillips, the full-time manager of Swiss National Bank. Within ten minutes, Claude received the phone call from the bank. Listening to the account balance said by the customer manager of the bank, Claude nodded with a smile, "I'll give you the official authorization in two hours. Don't really dismantle the Eiffel Tower"

"of course, if it's not necessary Who would have done that, but if that happened, you'd better take our double and retire, "said William, counting the money with his finger," as long as you can help us solve the problem. ".

"God, you're just as crazy as Brian," said Claude. He had already accepted William's money. If he didn't work with the money, Claude knew that Brian and the guy in front of him would definitely find him. "I'll talk about it then. It seems that I have to think about how to report to my superiors and try not to make a mess. I'm sorry I'm just a director. I don't have to be resistant.

"Yes, we just want to find Ginny and her sister. I'll try my best to tell me where I am now," William said with a smile. His money is not so easy to get.

"Well, I know they're going to transport the new people to a construction site in port Clichy. Only the one above me knows exactly where they are." William went straight away after hearing this. Claude yelled behind him, "man, don't make a mess"

William waved his hand behind Claude's back and said to the phone, "Brian, you've got the right to act in France, you know I can't make a mistake in law "

" I understand. It's easy to take advantage of the White Palace. Please William, we don't have much time, "Bryan told me.

"No problem.".

Three hours later, William received a call from Brian. On the phone, Brian and William said that the authorization for legal action had been obtained and William could move freely.

I found a car rental company, rented a Land Rover and drove to Clichy harbor for several hours.

At night, the Clichy harbour light is red and green. There are many street women standing on the street near the harbor. After driving around for several streets, William found an SUV at a street corner, which has been parked not far from the street women. Through the street light, he can see two big men sitting on the car. Finally, he found something useful. William took out his walkie talkie and a bug from the storage space and drove to the SUV not far away. With the master's hand, he quietly put the bug in the seat underground from the SUV's open window.

Turn on the walkie talkie and tune the channel. There's a conversation that William doesn't understand. William calls Sam in America. He has translation software.

After listening to the trivial things for nearly an hour, Sam finally got something useful. He said quickly, "someone is on the phone. He has to go to the construction site to work. It seems that there is something wrong with some new goods.".

When William heard that a guy was going to the construction site to deal with the new goods, he knew that the guy was talking about the girl who was kidnapped by them. He hung up the phone and drove up.

Half an hour later, the car followed a large construction site. William drove the car to a high ground beside the construction site and took out his telescope to observe. It was a gravel mining site, surrounded by rumbling sound. Many excavators were constantly digging gravel. In the open space behind the mining area, William saw many people lined up in front of a simple house, and someone was collecting money and handing it in at the door It's the money that gets in.

This should be the zero hour trading room set up by these Albanians on the construction site. There must be many girls kidnapped by these guys in it.

William carefully observed for a long time, and found that there were no less than 20 people with weapons in this construction site. Many of them had AK in their hands. No wonder the French police didn't dare to trouble these guys. The weapons of ordinary police couldn't beat these people.

Standing on the high ground, he was mentally calculating how to sneak in. Most of the people on the construction site knew each other. If William wore a mask, he would be doubted. If someone finds out that it's bad for him to exchange fire in such an open area, he can't fight AK.

But there are disadvantages. If you think about it from another angle, it will be good. The construction site is not far from the seaside, and the humidity in the air is very high. He used to be afraid that magic would be captured by the camera in the city, but there is no problem here. The people of Albania are afraid to install cameras for fear of leaving evidence, which is convenient for William.

The mind went into the system that had not been paid attention to for a long time, looking for the right magic. After a long time, the construction site slowly began to fog,

with the increasingly thick fog, he rolled on the ground, disordered his hair, touched his face with mud, pretended to be a worker, and easily entered the simple room.

Scanning with mental power, we found that there were more than 20 young girls in the makeshift room lying on the March bed one by one, many of them were almost tortured to death. Looking at this hellish place, William's anger could no longer be restrained. After scanning, William did not find Ginny's figure, but found Ginny's clothes in a girl who was not in his mind Over the denim jacket.

William patted her cheek and asked, "where is the owner of this jacket and where did you find it?"

but the girl in front of her kept saying to herself, "I want to go home, I want to go home.".William grabbed the girl's arm and saw that there were several needle holes on it. Seeing this, William knew that the girl had been confused by the group of Albanians.

"What are you doing?" William heard the voice of the tent, turned his head and saw a big beard. He came in warily and asked. The vigilance of these people was really high. Seeing that William hadn't moved for a few minutes, he came to check immediately.

William said to mustache, "Why are all these delirious girls? Can't you make something better?" he got up and patted his forehead, pretending to be dissatisfied.

"It's nice to have these young girls," he said warily. "It's only 100 francs. What else do you want?"

"If I had known that, I would have gone to the harbor to find a girl. At least I could have something to communicate with. Man, I'll give you 200 francs. How about you help me find a new one?" and he took out a 200 Franc bill and handed it to mustache.

Seeing that there were 200 francs in front of him, bearded held a shotgun in his right hand and reached for it in his left hand. But as soon as his hand touched William's hand, bearded suddenly began to shake like a pendulum.

Seeing that mustache was paralyzed by the magic electricity on his right hand, William immediately covered his mouth, turned his right hand to the back of the mustache, and forced his hands hard. Then he heard a "click" and mustache fell to the ground.

William looked at the fallen beard with a smile. The magic of the flashlight is still very easy to use. Who dares to shake hands with him in the future? Ha ha.