William was a little surprised when Brian mills called him. Their task of protecting Ambrosius is over. What can I do for him now?

When he got through, William heard Brian's anxious voice, "boss, are you in London? I need your help.

"What's the matter?" William asked suspiciously,

"yes, boss, my daughter and her sister are missing in France. I got a call from Ginny saying that someone broke into her and her house and that someone kidnapped Ginny and her sister. Ginny called me from under the bed. I recorded the call with Ginny. According to Ginny's information, it must have been done by an Albanian.

They have tattoos of the moon and the sun on their hands. They're the same people who attacked Miss Ambrose Hughes in Miami last time. I wonder if they're taking revenge on us, "Bryan said quickly.

Revenge? How could the Albanians take revenge on Bryan's daughter? But if it is true as Blake said, his daughter was implicated by William, so William immediately said: "no problem, I'm going to Paris now, what do I need to do, and how long Ginny has been missing.".

"In an hour, William helped me find Ginny. Sam and I can't go to Europa now. You should know what happened in our country. All our special agents who used to deal with foreign affairs are restricted to go abroad, waiting for investigation. Even if we go abroad secretly, we can't get to France within 24 hours. Now I can only ask for your help.".

It seems that yesterday's attack on the white palace made Lao Mei very angry. Even her own people had to be investigated, "OK, give it to me."

at this time, Sam's voice came from the phone, "William, you only have 95 hours. After this time, the Albanians will sell them, and Ginny will never be found. I will give you our money soon It's for you, please, William.

"William, please help me find Ginny. I'll find my friends and relationships when I was an agent. After you go to Paris, you can find a friend named Claude. He has made a lot of contacts with me before, and I'll call him for help.".

"OK, I'll be in Paris about three hours, waiting for my news, Brian.". Hang up the phone, William check the equipment in the storage space, get on the hotel car and go out.

Sitting on the Eurostar, on the train, William listens to Ginny's call from Bryan. On the phone, Ginny cries and Bryan says that someone broke into her and her sister Amanda's house and captured Amanda.

Brian asked Ginny if they met any suspicious people on the plane. Ginny said no, but at the airport, she and Amanda met a young man named Pete, and they carpooled to their residence before they left.

William is listening to Ginny crying in the earphone, saying that the robber has come to find her. She is very afraid. Brian asks Ginny to hide under the bed and tells Ginny to hide under the bed with her mobile phone and shout out what she saw.

"Dad, they're coming to me," Ginny whispered in a cry of horror.

Brian's voice came from the recording. "Listen, Ginny, this part is very important." Brian stopped painfully for 2 seconds and said, "they'll come in and find you and grab you, but pay attention, baby. Now I'm talking about the most important thing,

you have 5 to 10 seconds to put your mobile phone under the bed, focus and shout out what you see Come on, skin color, eye color, height, any special features, scars, baldness, anything you see, understand?

Ginny cried for a few seconds and said, "yes, Dad.".

Soon, the sound of footsteps came from the recording, and then came the voices of several men. William couldn't understand what they were saying. Suddenly, a sharp scream came from the headphones to William's ears,

and you were heard shouting: "beard, six feet, tattoos of the moon and the sun on your hands." then Ginny's voice was farther and farther away, and it seemed to be covered Shut up and drag out of the room. After ten seconds, someone picked up Ginny's phone.

After a few seconds of silence in the recording, Bryan came in a calm and gloomy voice,

"I don't know who you are or what you want to do. If you want a ransom, I can give it to you. Now I have $100 in cash. I can give it all to you as long as you let my daughter go.".

They made a lot of money at William some time ago.

The person on the other end of the phone seems to be surprised by Brian's $1 million saying that he didn't speak for a few seconds.

Brian quickly said: "tell me a bank number, one million, I'll call you now, just ask you to let my daughter go"

"no" there was a hoarse voice on the phone, and then he wanted to hang up.

Brian said, "wait, wait, if you don't think it's safe, I can give you the password of the Swiss bank account, and you can get the $1 million in the Swiss bank with the password"

"no", the person on the phone still refused.

"Let my daughter go, here's the money, cash," Brian said, holding back his anger.

Over the phone came a schadenfreude laugh: "no, I can get money by selling your daughter. I like watching you rich Americans cry. I like watching you look miserable."Brian was stimulated by this guy's cruelty and said with gnashing teeth, "I don't know what hatred you had with us before, but I tell you from my decades of experience in a special profession that I will use many means to make you fear, and I know many people who are engaged in special professions. If you release my daughter now, I will treat it as if nothing happened, and I will take care of the money, such as If not, I will investigate you, find you, and finally, I will find you and kill you all.

"Hey, hey, good luck" recorded the sound of the phone being dropped.

At the end of the recording came Brian's voice, "William, I beg you to help me find Ginny. I will use my life to repay you. If William can help me kill all those guys, I will find all my relationships to escort you. I swear to God, no matter what you do, I promise you will be OK, as long as my daughter returns to America safely.".

William heard Bryan gnashing his teeth and had a cold war. God, these kidnappers really angered Bryan.

At this time, William's phone rang. When he got through, Sam's voice came from the phone. "William, I found something useful. These people are from the border of northern Albania and several other countries. That place belongs to no matter where it is. It's a gathering place of scum.

The man who spoke to Bryan should be mark, the son of their tribal chief. He went to Paris six months ago and was the leader of the group.

This organization specializes in selling women. When they arrive in Europa, they will make girls addicted to reading, and then force them to be street girls. However, recently, these people have found a more profitable way to kidnap young girls who come to visit Europa's airports, which can save a lot of freight.

William has 93 hours left. Time is very tight. Call me whenever you have any questions. Good luck, William.