Seeing that Langdon shook his head, tibin felt a thump in his heart. He knew that the note in the code box had been destroyed. For a moment, tibin was very disappointed. His greatest wish for studying the Holy Grail all his life was to solve the secret that had been sealed for thousands of years. He wanted to break the Millennium rule of the Holy See, and even sold the secret of the Priory to the Council.

Yes, he betrayed all the elders of the Priory. Unexpectedly, all his hopes were destroyed in the hands of the Council, which made him feel frustrated. He suddenly felt that it was meaningless to live. He regretted that he had just agreed to let William kill the guy behind him, but now it's useless to say anything.

"Kill him, William, the elders of the Priory are all assassinated by him. Don't worry about me, William, kill him," tibin yelled.

Tibin's mood suddenly out of control, which makes William very confused, but now he has no shooting angle, white hair killer has been hiding behind tibin's head, he can't kill.

While hesitating, William suddenly saw a dozen people touching the manor on the monitor. When he looked at them again, he found that they were all policemen. The plain clothes policemen in France would put a red badge on their arms when they were in action.

When the police came, William knew that he didn't have much time to kill the white headed killer. Biting his teeth, thinking whether he really stopped tibin's words and shot regardless of his safety? This idea was vetoed by William within a second in his mind. The police have come, and he is responsible for shooting an accident.

He thought about why tibin was so sure that the white head killer was the murderer. Even when he thought of what Langdon had said, he said that tibin must know the list of members and elders of the Priory, and then he thought about the arrangements made by Jacques sonier, the elder of the Priory, when he was dying.

William thought that when Jacques sonier died, he suspected that there was a traitor in the hermit society, and he was a very senior traitor, otherwise there would not be four elders in a row.

But what if it's not that there will be traitors, but that other people who know the society well betray it? As soon as this idea comes out, the suspicion of tibin is very big.

Although William can't think of any reason for tibin to do so, once the seed is planted, his doubts about tibin can't stop.

William took a few steps forward with a gun, went to the desk walkie talkie, and secretly pressed the conversation key between the walkie talkie and the first floor with mental strength.

"Let go of tibin, I'll let you go," William said in a loud voice to let the police downstairs know that someone was being held.

At this time, the servant ramie came in with a gun. In the kitchen, he heard William's shout upstairs. He knew that something had happened. He came up with a gun, and just staggered with the police.

Remy see tibin was held, the gun on the hand to white hair, "let the Jazz go.".

Seeing William, they came to help again, which made the white hair killer even more nervous. He yelled: "put down the gun, or I will die with this old guy. I said I can do it.".

Looking at a cut on tibin's neck, William and Remy did not dare to move any more. For a moment, both sides froze.

Tibin has been a veteran for decades. A few minutes later, he has calmed down. After calming down, he doesn't want to die. Anyway, as long as he lives, there are other ways to find the Holy Grail.

Tibin made a very hidden look at Remy. William, who had been scanning his mental power, immediately felt Remy nodded his head one meter away from his side. "Let go of jazz, I'll be your hostage.".

In the perception, Leimi walks half a meter to William's side by talking, points to the gun with white hair, and suddenly points to William's head.

Remy's action made William's hair stand up. Without thinking about it, he rolled over and hid behind the table.

Remy's reaction is very fast. When he sees William hiding in the table, he immediately catches Sophie, points a gun at Sophie, and hides behind Sophie himself.

Remy said to William with a smile, "throw the gun out, Mr. Devonshire. I have two hostages here, or I will kill Professor Langdon first.".

William hid behind the table and scanned Remy with mental energy. He wondered why Remy didn't come in just now and shot him, but always wanted to hold them. There was something strange in it. He pretended to be worried about Sophie's safety and called out, "don't shoot. I'll put down my gun now and be careful to let it go." after that, William threw out his gun.

He's not really worried about Sophie and Langdon. He has a gun in his storage space. He stealthily takes out another gun under the table. Because the storage space is very safe, William is used to loading the gun so that he can shoot as soon as he takes it out.

After inserting the gun into his back belt, William raised his hand and walked out slowly.

"stand with Langdon," ordered Remy.

William pretended to be careful to avoid Remy's gun and walked to Langdon, who was in a panic. He didn't walk beside Langdon. He was afraid that Langdon would be injured by mistake. As long as he didn't meet and shoot, he would have 10% confidence to escape.

William is no faster than a bullet, but he can be faster than Remy. "Why, Remy?" William asked.Remy ignored William's words and said to the white hair, "let the Jazz go first. You go and tie them up.".

Although white hair was puzzled by Remy's action, he didn't let go of tibin. He was afraid Remy and William were acting, so he cheated him to let go of tibin. "How do I know if you are acting with that guy? If you want me to let go of the old man, you should put down your gun first"

Remy said to white hair with a smile, "Silas, you can let go of jazz, we are a group"

Silas looked at Remy in surprise, then looked at tibin again and said uncertainly, "teacher"

Remy nodded and said, "yes, Silas, I'm the teacher who called you. Sir tibin asked me to tell you about the four elders of the Priory. Now let go of the Jazz and tie them up.".

With that, Remy told Silas the names of the four elders of the Priory and some details of his conversation with Silas.

These words finally let Silas believe his words, let go of tibin, Silas nervous heart finally put down, this relaxation, he felt his arms were cut like a thousand cuts, pain kept sweating, red eyes looking at William, went to Remy's side, picked up William's gun on the ground, endured the pain to kill William.

"Wait, Silas, you can't kill him. William is still useful," tibin said hastily.

Silas looked at tibin suspiciously. Tibin said, "now that the keystone has been destroyed and the four elders of the Priory have died, all the clues are broken. We can only try it on Devonshire's family.

Devonshire's ancestor is one of the five Templars among the discoverers of the Holy Grail. Although Devonshire did not participate in any activities of the Priory after the massacre 600 years ago, they may find some clues in their family.

Silas, you just heard that William is very filial to his mother. We took these three people to Oxford, England, to find William's mother. I heard that after William bought the Devonshire family castle, his mother has been taking care of the castle. Do you understand, Silas "

Silas nodded and put down his gun, while William watched angrily On the ground in front of him, he doesn't dare to stimulate Silas now. This guy is really cruel. Although he won't kill himself now, the possibility that William will suffer after being stimulated is absolutely 100%.