Back to the castle, William accompanied his mother and Tina for a walk in the garden of the castle, chatting. Tina held William's arm and would not let it go. William had no choice but to take her arm out of Tina's arms. Tina pretended to cry and followed him pitifully by pulling William's sleeve. William could not help but let her.

But mother Lina looked straight shake her head, finally can't stand the two of them tired of crooked William away.

William also can't bear Tina's enthusiasm. He hasn't eaten meat for several months. Now he's a little bit bothered by Tina. His mother drives him away. It's just what he wants. He has no courage to run away.

Back in his study, William turned on his computer and searched the Internet for Jacques sonier of the Louvre. When he found the telephone number of the Louvre, William dialed it. After several rounds, he finally found Jacques sonier.

"Hello, I'm Jacques sonier. Who's calling?" an old man's voice came from the phone.

William said directly on the phone: "we are the guardians of the God of light, the defenders of truth. Holiness and faith are with us. The Templars live forever."

Jacques sonier on the phone was silent and then said, "who are you and why do you know this sentence?"

William said, "Mr. Jacques sonier, my name is William Devonshire, and my grandfather Henry winster Devonshire left a message for me to come to you.".

"What, Devonshire, you belong to the Devonshire family," said Jacques sonier, who was on the phone in a quick and excited voice.

"Yes, Mr. sonier, my grandfather Henry winster Devonshire left me a message ten years ago. I found him only yesterday. My name is William Devonshire. You may be able to find my message in the newspaper or on the Internet," William said. Jacques sonier didn't immediately believe William. He just heard that William said he could find his information in the newspapers and on the Internet. He wanted to confirm it first.

William Hung up the phone and sat on his desk quietly thinking about what was the secret worth Devonshire's guarding for thousands of years. Generations of Willing Executioners also wanted to keep this secret.

After waiting for half an hour, William's phone rang. When he got through, William heard Jacques sonier on the other end of the line say, "I don't know if you are William Devonshire now, but I can see you in France, and I don't have much time today.

If you are a Devonshire, we welcome you back. We have lost our strength for a long time. William, come to see me. We have been waiting for you Devonshire to return for a long time.

Ten years later, when your family returns, William, I have something to show you. I have a lot to tell you. This is what Henry hopes. I'll wait for you there at 2 o'clock this afternoon at the Monica cafe outside the Louvre.

William looked at his cell phone in a daze. What do these words mean? Don't these guys have any other armed forces besides their own family? In that case, this organization is too nervous.

It's a bit strange whether you want to go or not. What does Jacques sonieu mean when he just said that he doesn't have much time? Dying?

Damn, just came back to want to be quiet for some time, did not expect things to find themselves, Ma Dan, William thought for a moment, decided to go, he has now been aroused curiosity. It doesn't take much time to get from Oxford to Paris. Just a few hours' drive is enough.

William checked the equipment in the storage space, turned and went downstairs to the armory in the shooting range to get ten grenades, shock bombs and smoke bombs, and some other equipment. When he was ready, William found his mother who was drinking tea with Tina, and told her that he was going to France for business later, and would not come back at noon.

This provoked mother Lina and little nitina to attack William for more than ten minutes. He said that as soon as he came back, he would go out again. He didn't know to accompany them at home, so he knew to be busy with things outside.

After William promised to accompany them to go to the street for three times, he let him go. After walking out of the castle, William wiped the sweat on his forehead. Oh, it's terrible for women to talk too much. Tina, with her mother's support, is also presumptuous. I won't teach you a lesson when I come back.

William drove a Land Rover out of the castle and went directly to Oxford railway station. He took the Eurostar to France. It's about 500 kilometers from Oxford to Paris, so the driving time is not urgent.

Finally, he arrived at the Monica cafe outside the Louvre at 1:30 noon. William saw a picture of Jacques sonier on the Internet. Seeing that he hadn't come yet, William ordered lunch at a seat and waited while eating.

What William didn't know was that Jacques sonier came at one o'clock, but he had been sitting on the open-air seat opposite to Monica's Cafe. When William got out of the taxi, he saw William. Instead of getting up, he went directly to find William. Instead, he sat around to see if anyone was following him, or if William was coming alone.

When William finished his lunch and it was almost 2 o'clock, Jacques sonier made sure he was safe before he got up and went to Monica's Cafe.William's seat just saw the gate of the cafe. As soon as Jacques sonier came in, William saw him. William got up and waved to Jacques sonier. After shaking hands, Jacques sonier asked the waiter for a cup of coffee. When the waiter brought the coffee and walked away, Jacques sonier said, "I didn't expect to see Henry's descendants. I thought I was here I'll never see a Devonshire in my life "

William didn't speak. He didn't understand why Henry wanted him to come to Jacques sonier.

When Jacques sonier saw that William had not spoken, he didn't have any displeasure on his face. Instead, he said to William with a smile, "what has Henry taught you?".

William perfunctorily said: "he will have everything.".

Jacques sonier looked into William's eyes for half a minute. Seeing that William's eyes were clear and bright, he nodded happily knowing that William was not lying.

"Very good, very good. I'm very glad that you can follow Henry's advice and come back to our big family. To be honest, without Devonshire's power, we've had a very difficult ten years, and no one has solved any difficult problems. Now it's best for you to come back. William, I read your information in the newspaper. You're great. Thank you very much for coming to see me and making a formal introduction Next, my name is Jacques sonier, the great leader of the Priory "

William was surprised. He heard of the Priory, the full name of the Priory, the Priory with Da Vinci, Newton and Hugo. It's so possible. Isn't it a legendary organization? Is this about Devonshire again?

Jacques sonier saw that William was puzzled, "you should know that the ancestors of the Devonshire family were Templars"

William nodded.

Jacques sonier continued: "since the Templars were slaughtered on a large scale, because you are English, England has not been affected much in that massacre. So after that, your family is the last guardian of the Priory. The biggest secret of the Priory is that you keep it. Ten years ago, Henry died and kept it And this ring to me, now it's time to give it back to you, William "

Jacques sonier took out a gold ring engraved with the irises, and William took it and put it directly on the little finger of his left hand, which was just right.

Jacques sonier looked at the time and then said, "I'm going to arrange something later. I'll take you to England after work at 8 o'clock. I'll inform some people to attend your initiation ceremony. After the ceremony, you'll be the elder of our Priory and the guard Knight of the Templar order. Congratulations, William Knights.

Is there a knight in this era? Hell knight, it's not a free hitter. If it's not good to see God, you can play by yourself. I don't have time and energy to accompany you.