Barney and Christmas take William to the new shooting range along the dimly lit floor lamp in the Castle Road, which costs William 1 million pounds.

When he arrived at the shooting range, Barney opened the gate with password and fingerprint, joked to William and said, "boss, we'll input the password and fingerprint for you first, or we'll leave tomorrow, and you'll have to pay a lot of money to find someone to break the alloy gate.".

William laughs. With Barney's help, he enters the password and fingerprints before he takes a serious look at the shooting range.

The shooting range has a 2-story weapons depot and a basement, which has a double-layer code room. All the weapons that William sent back for Barney last time, including 5 AWPs, 10 M4S, dozens of Glock 17.18 and some classic left wheels, a lot of ammunition and grenades, shock bombs, smoke bombs, monitoring equipment, bulletproof vests, night vision goggles, walkie talkie, and even an m239 machine gun and a gun Poison sting, four bullets.

This is William's weapons room, and it's also William's weapons collection room. He will put all his favorite weapons here in the future. After William has changed the code of the weapons room, William will take out Glock 17 and his clip and walk to the shooting range.

There are three shooting ranges in the shooting range, 50 meters, 100 meters and 200 meters. No matter how far away it is, it's going to be outdoors. William installed a bullet clip on the 50 meter shooting range and started to test fire.

Barney and Christmas both hold a pair of binoculars to watch the holes left by bullet shooting in the ten rings on the paper target. When William runs out of a bullet clip, Barney gives William a thumbs up. Fast shooting can also hit the ten rings. It's very good for these mercenaries who are wandering in life and death, for William, who lives in the ordinary world It's very valuable for people in the world.

Barney said to William: "boss, your shooting talent is very good, your shooting limbs are also very standard, and there is no problem in shooting and accuracy. In the future, more practice can improve your shooting speed. Many times, you are faster than others, and the result is that you live and die."

William knows that Barney has a fast snatching stunt, "Barney, can you teach me your fast shooting, I know "Can you finish the left wheel in less than one second, and Barney showed me how to go down"

Barney didn't show any difficulty. He was very sensitive to William, and William was willing to learn from him. Besides, fast shooting depends on his talent. It takes only 0.0 seconds for talented people to pull out their guns and shoot, and some people can't reach 0.0 seconds even if they practice hard.

"Boss, in fact, fast shooting is to draw a gun faster and more accurate than others. Although there are some skills, the most important thing is to rely on talent and practice. Those with strong talent can easily become masters, and fast shooting requires a high wrist," said Barney, standing on William's side of the shooting path, rubbing his wrist, and his left wheel has always been on the back of his waist It's for concealment. When the enemy doesn't pay attention, it quickly pulls out and bumps. Barney, in William's blink of an eye, runs out of six bullets in the left wheel.

It was the first time that William saw such a fast shooter from a close range. In the blink of an eye, six bullets were fired out. Looking at the six holes in the paper target, William was surprised. If he met him, he would be shot in an instant.

William felt that he would be shot if he didn't even have time to issue a magic shield. This kind of left wheel is very powerful. He doesn't think he can survive if he gets the six shots.

Ma Dan, you have to be careful in the future. Don't think you can be invincible with magic. If you get shot, William will hang up.

William's shooting is also very good now, but he can't do the speed like Barney's. although the shooting speed is very important, accuracy is the most important thing. And he will not be silly and people face-to-face confrontation, mental scan, black gun is King ah.

William went back to the armory and took a short handle Smith Wilson left wheel. According to Barney's instructions, William quickly drew his gun and ran out of his ammunition clip. In four seconds, William looked at the Christmas laughing at him and blushed a little. It looked simple, but it was very rare to do it.

Barney looked at some blushing William and said with a smile: "it doesn't matter, boss, more practice will be good. I've practiced this skill for more than ten years. It's normal that you are not familiar with it for the first time. It's much better than Christmas guy. It's three years since Christmas practice, and it's not as fast as you are today"

Christmas looked at Barney speechless, when did he practice fast snatch But looking at Barney staring at him, Christmas had to nod and say: "yes, boss, your talent is still very good. It's very good to do this for the first time. More practice will make you better. Boss, I have confidence in you"

"shut up, Christmas, God, your comforting words are too false. Don't talk to me like this in the future, let me bear it I don't want to beat you up.

William knew that Barney and Christmas were comforting him. When he was shooting, he knew that he had no talent in this aspect. His hands were very poor in coordination, just like two hands tied together. He was not as calm as when he was holding Glock with one hand.

Thinking about Barney's action and his clumsiness, William was very depressed. Looking at his watch, he saw that it was almost 11 o'clock. "Forget it, I'll practice it myself later. If there is any problem, I'll call you Barney. It's 11 o'clock. We'll go back to rest. You'll leave tomorrow and go to bed early.".William put his weapon back into the weapon room, took them out of the shooting range and back to the castle. As he walked, he felt Caesar and toll road patrolling in the castle and said to Barney, "no patrol, there's no security problem now. Let's all go back to rest"

Barney did not know why William didn't want Caesar and toll road patrolling, but he still obeyed Willy At Lian's command, he took out his walkie talkie and said, "Caesar, go to rest on the highway now. Don't patrol. Tomorrow we will get up early and go to the airport to return to the United States. Don't get up late earlier"

Caesar's reply came from the walkie talkie, "understand"

after William and Barney shook hands and said good night to each other, they went upstairs to their room.

After he had taken a bath and lay in bed for three hours, William put on his clothes and quietly slipped down from the balcony of his room. He scanned the surrounding area with mental energy. The castle was quiet at 2:30 in the morning. After he didn't feel anyone, William strolled to the statue of heaven in the garden.

After walking to the statue, William opened the dark box between the statue's feet according to the way his grandfather told him. Without looking at it much, William directly put a half meter long sealed code bucket in the dark box into the storage space. After restoring the dark box to its original position, William carefully observed the surroundings for a moment, and then went back to the castle empty handed.

Careful not to make any sound, all the way to the basement, with a password to open the castle's security room, close the alloy door, William in the security room with mental energy carefully scan a few circles, confirm that the security room is OK, after changing the password and settings of the security room, William took out the code bucket that Henry had hidden for ten years from the storage space.