Once the market confidence is shaken, it is difficult to recover, which makes many technology companies have to do everything they can to buy back their own company's shares, so as to recover the investors' confidence. This move is still very easy to use. Although the Nai index is falling, it has not yet collapsed.

But the matter is not so simple, buy down the capital will not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, everything is secretly wrestling.

William just needs to be quiet and watch. In late March and early April, William has never been out of the VIP room of the national bank. Now he has no time for Alexander.

He kept discussing with his subordinates all day. In the past month, the Na index fell by more than 430 points, which made him earn more than one billion dollars a month.

Alexander, who hasn't seen William for many days, finally can't help coming to the bank to find him. The loser William can't help showing off his achievements to his goddess.

After hearing that William had made a billion dollars, Alexander pestered him every day for the next few days. He kept persuading him, hoping that William would stop when he was good. He even had a big fight with William and said that he would go back to Brazil.

William said nothing at this time. He would not quit now, let alone give up everything at this time. He would not go to Brazil unless his wife had a baby and his mother was ill. Because tomorrow is the date of the announcement of the results of the Wilhelm soft monopoly case. This is the time of the final battle, the time of the sudden increase of the Devonshire family's wealth, and the peak of the Devonshire family's wealth The best time for England.

After sending off Alexander, William was wholeheartedly concerned about any disturbance of Nazhi and Laomei. As William hoped, in April, the federal judge announced that according to the evidence collected, weiruan company did have monopoly behavior.

The court's announcement of the investigation results of Wei soft's monopoly complaint is the real beginning of the U.S. stock market crash.

The market value of weiruan in this era is too high. The market value of weiruan is 600 billion US dollars. If weiruan is split up, how much will it lose? It's a bolt from the blue for those who buy weiruan stock with loans and high leverage. Once weiruan is split up, how many people will go bankrupt because of weiruan's stock.

As soon as the news came out, the ordinary investors holding soft shares in the market began to panic, and a large number of selling orders appeared. The stock market immediately began to fall, and the computer in the exchange could not handle the orders.

There was another scene of 87 years in the stock exchange, and a large number of orders waiting for trading were stranded. The appearance of this scene increased the panic of shareholders. By the middle of May, the Nai had dropped from 5048 on March 10 to 3500 on May 14.

When William opened his position in March, he bought three-month stock index futures. In May, when the Nai was more than 3700 points, William had already started to sell his futures. At the end of three months, he had already sold all his futures contracts. William took Phillips's report to him.

It's hard to express his excitement. This time, his average selling point of futures contract is more than 3600 points. During the term of his contract, the NASDAQ index dropped by 1400 points, and William earned $2.44 million. This time, he earned $3.416 billion, plus his principal of 350 million and margin call of 82 million.

After the delivery of the contract, he had a total of $3.848 billion in cash, and two-thirds of the money was earned from the island. It's great to think about William.

Then he thought that he would have to pay taxes, which made his heart ache and his liver ache. Although he didn't know how much he would have to pay, there would be hundreds of millions of them. He was so reluctant. Ma Dan, William didn't dare not pay them.

If you don't pay such a large sum of money, you'll be wanted all over the world. The tax department will send dozens or hundreds of people to watch you 24 hours a day. They will watch you all the time. Companies and individuals that have any business relations with you will be watched by them, and even directly arrested if possible.

In a word, except in Europe, the United States and parts of Asia, the federal tax office is the most powerful, ruthless and difficult organization in America. They have their own troops, law enforcement personnel, and even don't have to report to the relevant departments. If they don't agree with each other, they will arrest people, seal assets, and then they will be fined, thrown into prison, sued and dragged to death for several years or more You.

If William wants to live in Europe and America, he will not dare to fight against them. If he still wants to invest in those enterprises that are destined to prosper in the United States, he can't do so. It's too easy for the federal tax authorities to think bad of his good deeds. A suspicion of tax evasion can block any investment intention of William in the United States.

If you want to insist on holding more than 5% shares in Meili, you have to declare to the U.S. government, and you can only trade with the approval of some federal committees. At that time, William, who is suspected of tax evasion, will not want to invest in the United States.

Just like the 1.4-share founder in the book, because he changed his nationality to XINJIAPO for tax avoidance, he has been in trouble ever since.

It seems that after a good discussion with lawyers and the National Bank, the tax still needs to be paid, but there are still many ways to pay it. Otherwise, there may be so many lawyers in Europe and the United States. Although their fees are very expensive, they do help you save money reasonably.

Although there will be some troubles in the later period, they are all things in the future. Looking at the excited people in the VIP trading room, William went to a table and clapped his hands"Thank you for your efforts and efforts in the past three months. Guys, you are really happy. I will take 1% of this profit as your extra bonus. That is to say, in three months, each of you can earn 7 million US dollars. Congratulations guys, you are all millionaires now. Now cheer and celebrate"

"hooray, Hooray, Mr. Devonshire, "

" Oh, my God, I'm going to Hollywood, Brazil's open-air baths, beach beauties, all of them are waiting for me "

William, who just announced the bonus, had to be reminded by the villain:" OK, guys, don't forget to keep secret when you're happy, don't forget to keep your mouth shut. ".

"No problem, even if my wife and parents don't say, I promise that there won't be any news spread out," they swore.

"Well, guys, when all my money goes back to the National Bank, it's time for you to travel for money. Work, guys," William clapped.

"No problem, boss, we'll make sure we get it tomorrow," Phillips assured, patting his chest.

William nodded, picked up the phone and called his personal lawyer Anthony.

"Hello, boss, what can I do for you?" Anthony's voice came from the phone.

William said: "Anthony, my castle is like this. Three months is enough to renovate it"

"of course, boss, now there are some professional construction companies that can't take over the job. We have found three best design companies. Your mother, Mrs. Devonshire, has been watching the construction progress of the castle in Oxford for three months. The main body and interior of the castle have been renovated, In a few days, some grass, woods and fountains outside the castle will be completed. Congratulations, Mr. Devonshire. Now all England know that you bought back the Devonshire family castle. "

" thank you, Anthony. I have a tax case involving hundreds of millions of dollars. Are you interested in taking it? "William said.

"Hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes? Boss, you've made so much money in the stock market. God, boss, you must be God's illegitimate son. Of course, we are interested. Does the boss want us to go to Switzerland or be ready to wait for you in England? "Anthony said excitedly

" you'd better wait for me in England. I'll go straight back to Oxford in two days, and I'll wait for you in the castle. "William said

" I understand, boss "

William Hung up the phone and said to Phillips, "call the restaurant to deliver the meal. When the money arrives tomorrow, you can take it to enjoy life. If you insist on it for another day, your foot ban will be lifted"

Phillips said to William with a smile: "it's OK, boss, we all understand the importance of confidentiality. Besides, this action is all due to your decision-making ability Success, three months just according to your request operation, buy and sell can earn 7 million dollars, we will not have any dissatisfaction, they can understand your boss's practice "

" you can understand, ha ha, I don't know if there is such a good opportunity in the future, "William said.

He doesn't know whether the stock market will be the same as before. This time, there is a lot of luck to succeed. The inertia of history is still very big. Because of his joining, the NASDAQ index has dropped more than 100 points than before.

Although the general direction will not change in the future, it is impossible to operate as accurately as this time. History has changed.

The risk of operating futures at a large rate is very large. If the price rises or falls by dozens of points, the position will burst. If there is no buyer to take over, the loss of principal is very normal.

There is no chance to get rich overnight, but there are still many opportunities in the stock market. The U.S. stock market will go up and down for more than a year, and fall to more than 1400 points all the way. At that time, we will buy some promising company stocks at a low price and wait for the U.S. stock to appreciate. William's assets will rise several times and more than ten times. Although it will take a long time, we don't have to worry as much as this time. William believes that he will be proud I'm sure I will be the richest man in England in more than ten years. Maybe I'll be the richest man in the world. When I think about William, I think it's wonderful and a better life is waiting for me.