“ Seven days, half a million, what kind of model is so valuable, of course I'll take it, "Brian mills said happily. This is the highest paid task their team has received in recent years

" the protected person's name is Alexander Ambrosius, my employer's girlfriend. Now she's on the show in Miami. After the show ends tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, she'll be escorted to Switzerland, my boss said If you can finish the work without disturbing Alexander and give you an extra $200000 afterwards,

Brian, I'm a friend. I know you're the best at handling threats quietly. I specially said to my boss, "Barney, thank you, Barney, you old man can rely on me and come back to buy you a drink." Brian mills said.

"There are plenty of opportunities when you drink, but don't make mistakes, man. If you make mistakes, you'll be chased by my boss, Brian. I don't want to lose you old man," Barney told him. "Don't worry, Barney, you know us. We never make mistakes. If our mistakes lead to the death of the protected person, I'll give you my head "OK, I know your strength, or I won't recommend you to the boss. Be careful, Brian mills. You may face armed kidnappers. Remember to take the whole guy with you." Barney said

"I understand that in seven days, you can protect Alexander Ambrosius. Your opponent may be armed kidnappers. Barney, what I'm good at is to protect Alexander Ambrosius That's not the case, "says Brian mills.

"That's good, Brian. If you do well this time, I don't think you will be short of work in the future. Besides, my boss is rich and generous, and he pays very well. You can get cash if you want. You can get money anywhere in the world, including cash."

"OK, we'll see if we want cash or check after meeting the employer. Thank you, Barney, "Brian mills said

" good bye, Brian, good luck "

" good bye, Barney, good luck "

after hanging up Barney's phone, William called his mother. When he got through, William heard his mother Lina's angry voice:" Damn, William, why do you call me at this time? You don't know it's the busiest time in the coffee shop Are you waiting?

How many girlfriends do you want to make? Tina cried when she saw the picture of you and the model in the newspaper in the morning. Why do you want to offend Tina? "William thought," I'm not going to offend Tina, but our little beauty Tina is offending me. ".

"No, mom, I didn't mess with Tina. She's only 16. How can I mess with her?" William said.

"you mean if Tina was older, you'd mess with her? Well, mother William Devonshire didn't expect that you would become so bad as soon as you got rich. The other day, you found the Diana Rieger, and now you find a Brazilian model, and you want to harm the little girl who grew up with you. You're really good, William. You go back to London immediately. You don't want to fool around outside any more. "Lena scolded The Empress Dowager was angry, which made William a little afraid. She said weakly, "Mom, I can't go back now. I'm working in Heishan now. I'll go back as soon as I finish my work.".

When Lena heard that William said that he was not embarrassed when he was working in Heishan, she said calmly, "OK, business matters, but how long will you be back? You'd better not cheat me, or you'll be criticized."

"no, mom, I'm not cheating you. It may take about ten days depending on the situation." William quickly changed the topic and said, "Mom will be back tomorrow The team is looking for you. The leader is Barney. They will take you and Tina back to Oxford castle town to sign a contract with all the people in the castle now. I'm going to buy Devonshire Castle back, but I can't go back now. Mom, you have to sign the contract for me. "

" are you serious, William? You're going to buy the castle back, great, baby, we can finally go back to the castle, thank you, baby, mother loves you "

when Lina heard that William said she wanted to buy the castle back, she was so happy that she didn't even care about William's sending someone to protect her. She didn't think why William sent someone to protect her.

"Yes, mom, you can go back to the castle tomorrow. Just in case I send someone to protect you to go back to the castle. If there's anything you can do, just tell the person I sent you. Remember to go when the person who picked you up arrives. The cafe will close first," William said.

"OK, don't worry, baby. I'll close the door when I'm busy today and go to the castle tomorrow. My mother will wait for you in the castle. Ha ha, I'll clean up the castle well. When you come back, you'll see the same thing you saw when you were a child." Lena said excitedly

after talking with Lena, William called Alexander Ambrose again, and they were very intimate Half a day later, William said that he had hired some temporary bodyguards for Alexander. After the show, he would escort her to Switzerland to join William.

Alexander didn't want bodyguards to follow him at first. When she wanted to come, she was 20 years old and went to Switzerland for protection.

Finally, when William said that he had paid all the money and could not return it, and he was really worried that Alexander would go to Switzerland alone, he reluctantly agreed that the bodyguard would follow him.After making arrangements, William relaxed, whistled and got up to change his clothes for a walk.

He hasn't been to black mountain yet. After taking a general look in the car in the afternoon, he has a strong interest in Kotor, the most well preserved ancient city in black mountain. As soon as he entered the hotel hall, he saw bond taking Vespa out, but he didn't follow bond.

Walking happily in this old town, time seems to suddenly return to the middle ages. When walking, you don't need to have a clear destination. When you are tired, you can find a coffee shop everywhere and sit down. The slow pace of life calms William's restless heart.

I ordered a special local food in the cafe. After eating, I went out of the cafe and wanted to go back to the Royal casino, but I found myself lost. Finally, I returned to the Royal Hotel under the guidance of a kind local.

When he got back to the hotel, it was already 5:50. William walked into the hotel. As soon as he entered the lobby, he saw several middle-aged white people walking towards him.

"Hello, Mr. Devonshire, I'm Steve from Swiss National Bank. The wild card you need has been completed, and the card game will start in ten minutes. As for the tax avoidance scheme you requested, our bank has prepared it for you, but Mr. Devonshire, I suggest you join the card game with me first. Time is running out, and you can sign documents in the middle of the card game

William nodded when he was resting. "These guys are awesome," "Okay, thank you, Steve, let's go."

"OK, Mr. Devonshire, please follow me"

Steve took William into the Gambling Hall specially prepared today.