When William returned to the Hilton Hotel, it was noon, and he was sitting in the living room with Alexander who was still sick. Now William found that he could eat more and more, and his appetite was three times that of ordinary people.

Looking at William's big mouthful of food, Alexander's envy is not enough, she can't so open to eat, the model is really not so easy to do.

After lunch, William and Alexander took a nap in their arms. After 2 o'clock, they dressed and went shopping.

At the end of February, the daytime temperature in Miami was about 20 degrees, neither hot nor cold. It was just right to wear a coat.

William accompanied Alexander all the way to the luxury shops in Miami. Chanel, Dior and LV strolled all afternoon. By 7 o'clock, William was almost covered with handbags.

Passing by a coffee shop, William busily pulls Alexander in, who is still in high spirits. His physical fitness, which is several times stronger than ordinary people, can't stand it. Women are crazy about shopping.

Alexander holding William's arm sitting in the card, chirping and William said that before she saw everything she wanted to buy, but there was no money, today she finally realized her crazy shopping wish.

Looking at William with a tired face, Alexander was a little embarrassed. He looked at William apologetically and kept on coquetting with him. Today, she spent 40000 pounds in a few hours. She didn't dare to do that before. Her savings in a year may not be 40000 pounds.

Alexander Ambrosius thinks his choice is too wise. William is considerate, talented and handsome. He is not mean to her at all.

But this amount of money is really small for William now. It's like when you have 10000 yuan, you buy 4 yuan for your girlfriend. Maybe you will think about the true value of your girlfriend, and you won't spend money.

After a break, William called the hotel and asked them to send a car to send all the things he bought in the afternoon back to the hotel room. Because he was going to fly to Heishan in the middle of the night, William felt guilty for the beauty who had just given everything to him. He planned to hang out with Alexander. At 10 o'clock in the evening, the shops closed and two of them left.

When he arrived at the hotel, Alexander would not move on the sofa. Ha, William thought that women would not be tired when they went shopping. Unexpectedly, after a while, the hotel people would lie down.

William sat beside Alexander and rubbed her shoulders and thighs, "have a good day, dear"

"en, en, William, you're so good. I love you so much. Today, I've realized my shopping wish that I've endured so hard all these years. Thank you, dear. I'd like to reward you and kiss you"

after more than an hour, the wind and waves are calm, and the fitness exercise is finally over Stop.

William held Alexander, tired and sweating, sniffed Alexander's hair and said to him, "honey, do you have any other activities after the show tomorrow"

Alexander clambered on the sofa and said softly, "no, honey, I haven't received the invitation from the fashion brand, and I don't know if anyone will come to me for the spring show this year It's so depressing, honey, I don't have many shows right now. "Alexander is coquettishing around William.

It makes William want to run again.

William turned over and said, "honey, let's run again. At three o'clock in the evening, I'm going to the airport to catch a plane to Heishan. It happens that you're going to a walk show in the next two days, and I won't see you for two or three days after I leave"

it's more than one o'clock in the middle of the night. After fitness, William returned to the hotel and said to Alexander, who was tired and almost asleep: "OK, honey, I'm going to catch a plane Well, three days later, when you finish the show, we'll meet in Switzerland, and I'll take you skiing. So? "

"Well, OK," Alexander said in a low voice, lying on the sofa.

"Then I'll go."

"well, you can go. It happens that I don't want to stay with you these days, or I'll be broken up by you"

William said with a smile, "take care of yourself, I'll wait for you in Switzerland, you book a ticket and call me, I'll pick you up at the Swiss airport."

"OK, honey, be careful on the way," Alexander gave a kiss After William sent him away, he fell asleep in bed.

William took a private plane to Montenegrin. The small plane was very troublesome. It took him 13 hours to refuel in Iceland and Wyn.

Off the plane, just out of the airport, William saw bond coming to meet him with a beautiful woman with black hair.

William shakes hands with bond. After greeting, bond introduces him: "William, this is Miss Linda vesper, the accountant of finance department, Linda, this is Mr. William Devonshire"

"good afternoon, Miss Linda vesper" William shakes hands with Linda vesper and says

"good afternoon, Mr. Devonshire," Linda vesper says.

After greeting, bond said, "William, let's get in the car and go to the hotel first"

the two took William out of the airport and got into an old Rolls Royce taxi.

Bond takes out a document and gives it to William. When William opens it, he sees two passports and a piece of paper. On the paper, it says that William's new identity is Arlington bill, a professional gambler. Opposite Linda Vespa, whose pseudonym is Stephanie blotter, they are lovers.William looked at the question and make complaints about it: "bond, I am a celebrity now. Do you think others will believe in these documents? And Miss Linda Vespa, we are lovers. I don't care if we live together. "William looked at the beautiful woman and said with a smile," no, Mr. Devonshire, I'm a Catholic. For my reputation and future marriage, I think we should open more rooms. "Linda Vespa said," I really hate me There is a religious gap between us, which makes it impossible for us to have some pleasant exchanges, "William said with a smile.

Linda Vespa said with some embarrassment: "religion is a safe door, you don't have a problem! Mr. Devonshire "

" no, don't worry, you're not my type, "William said, looking out of the car? So you don't have a sense of accomplishment? " Linda Vespa asked back.

"I'm not interested in the type of having a boyfriend or a husband at all." William knows that the girl has a boyfriend. Just look at the necklace he wears around his neck.

Algerian knot, the knot of love, symbolizes endless love, so William is not interested in her at all. It's immoral to pry into the corner. Moreover, although the girl has made up, the freckles on her face still show, which makes William even less interested.

"Bond, why does the financial department send an accountant here? Does it have anything to do with the financial department?"

"Hahaha, I think you'd better not know. If you know, I think you will go crazy." bond looked at Linda Vespa with a smile.

"In order to avoid your tax evasion again, Mr. Devonshire, we think you have a criminal record in this respect," Linda Vespa said.

after hearing this, William yelled, "hell, when did I escape tax? You're slandering. Pay attention to your words, beauty. I can sue you."

go to your tax evasion, you've already arrested me if there's any evidence.