William Hung up and got up confused. After washing, he picked up his cell phone and looked at the message from Garris.

"100457 Baker Street." do you have this number? William is a little confused. Forget it, you must drink when you go to the bar. Take a taxi later. The taxi driver must know.

William dressed up and drove to his mother Lina's coffee shop. After Lina set up the coffee shop, William hadn't been there. Now it's time to go and have a look.

Find Devonshire cafe in Oxford Street. William parks his car and pushes the door in.

"Welcome" in. William sees a beautiful waiter greeting him. He nods to the waiter with a smile and sits down by the window with her.

William looked at his mother's new caf é. The whole caf é was English style, with round legged wooden chairs, small round tables, large pieces of glass on the wall, and two rows of red sofas against the wall. The whole caf é was warm.

William thought it was ok, and said to the waiter, "a latte, thank you"

"OK, Mr. Devonshire, do you want me to tell Mrs. Devonshire that you are here?" the waiter said to William gently, asking me out quickly, asking me out quickly. William was itching.

This girl is really beautiful. She may only be sixteen or seventeen years old. She has flowing blonde hair, big eyes, high nose, thin lips and pink lipstick. Her face is reddish and full of youth.

But it's from Lina's Cafe. William doesn't dare to let Lina know that he's soaking up her waiters in her cafe.

William showed an apologetic look and said to the beauty with a smile: "if Lena is not busy, then please, thank you"

"OK, Mr. Devonshire, and my name is Tina. I get off work at five o'clock, Mr. Devonshire." Tina winked at William, twisted her waist to the service desk, walked and half turned to kiss William.

William laughs and is favored by beautiful women, which makes him feel relaxed.

William suddenly sees his mother Lena appear in his eyes. Lena stares at William and Tina. Tina quickly and carefully says to Lena: "Mrs. Devonshire, William just ordered a latte. I'll go to get him coffee. Madam, what can I do for you?"

Lena stares at Tina and says: "nothing's wrong, you can pour William coffee"

she says“ All right, ma'am. "Tina ran off to get her coffee.

Lena went to William's seat and sat down. She gave William a white look and said, "don't think about Tina. She's your aunt Mary's daughter. You met her when you were young. You broke Tina's doll, remember?"

William thought about it and said, "that fat Aunt Mary, the one with more than 200 pounds?"

Lena gives William a white look, "how can you say that?"

William looks at Tina with coffee. She can't believe it. This is little Tina who loves to cry. After William broke his doll, he grabbed her and cried for an hour?

"Mr. Devonshire, here's your coffee." Tina bent her legs to William and put the latte in front of him. She stood up and blinked at him with a blushing smile.

"Tina, just call me William. I'm sorry I didn't recognize you. We haven't seen each other for years," William said with a smile.

Tina heard that William recognized her, covered her mouth happily, looked at William with big eyes and said: "it should be more than 10 years. We haven't seen each other since you moved to London with grandfather Henry. Brother William, I still remember when I was a child, you often took me to play in the castle and broke my favorite doll." then she wrinkled her nose lovingly.

Lena watched William and Tina flirt in front of him and said angrily: "William, what are you doing here? Are you free to do it? You'll go away after drinking. I have something to do. I don't have time to talk to you"

"Tina's coming. Go to entertain the guests." Lena glared at Tina and said, "OK, madam, I'm going." Tina turned and held the tray in her hands Behind him, half turned to William, and then made a phone call.

William secretly nodded to Tina. Tina saw that William nodded, blinked happily to William and went to entertain other guests.

Seeing that Lina was still staring at him, William said, "Mom, your coffee is really good. It's the first time I know that your coffee is so good. I'll come to you for coffee more often in the future"

"no, you'd better not. I don't know what you're up to. I warn you, if you want to make Tina, be careful that your aunt Mary will trouble you."

William thought Aunt Mary had a cold war with her 200 kg figure, and asked, "Tina would come to London and work here, Mom"

when William was a child, Aunt Mary held him in the shadow. Every time he thought of being held by that 1.6-meter-old 200 kg fat aunt, William had a cold war.

"When you are rich, I want to know about our family's castle first, and call Oxford to ask about Aunt Mary's situation. When Tina knows, she comes to London to see me. Hum, see if I'm fake, see if you're real. I said, why does Tina have to work for me? She doesn't even go back to school. She's calling your attention. No way, I have to get her back to Oxford.William said quickly: "Mom, Tina has only been here for a few days, so you can drive her back. That's not good! After all, Aunt Mary's family has been friendly with our family for generations, and we need Uncle David and aunt Mary to help us look after the castle when we buy it back. After all, we don't live in the castle often "

" well, let Tina stay in London for a few days, and then send her back. I warn you, don't come to the cafe these days. I don't want to see you. Do you understand? "William Devonshire," Lena warned William in a low voice.

"what has the final say, mom?" William nodded in agreement with

. William nodded in agreement. Lena didn't say much, and got up to do his work.

William drank latte and looked at his watch. It was almost 12 o'clock. William asked a waiter to order lunch. After waiting for more than 10 minutes, Tina served lunch to him with a tray. Because there were so many people at noon, Tina didn't say anything to William. She just said to William, "brother William, today's bread is good. You should have a good taste." and then she went to other tables I'm busy.

William picked up the bun and saw that there was a long note under it. He picked it up and looked at the phone number written on it. William laughed and put the note into his pocket.

Not far away, Tina watched William put the note into his pocket, smiling sweetly at William, and saw that William looked at her and pursed his mouth deliberately, which was very lovely.

After lunch and a cup of coffee, William gets up to check out. As he leaves, he makes a gesture of waiting for me to call Tina, who nods to William.

William walked out of the cafe and drove away

in his ca