The call was soon put through.

Christmas anxiously said: "Barney, are you in London Bridge?" Christmas heard Barney didn't speak, and knew that his teammates were really in London bridge now, busy said "man, we are in trouble, don't say anything else, come to pick me up, we are in big trouble"

Barney listened to the Christmas phone, didn't think much to know that it must be the Christmas connector Now these people, hell, they are kind-hearted and have done bad things. If we don't talk about Christmas, now we can see the meaning of Christmas. The people who connect with them will think that they are trying to ambush each other. Hell, the expendables are in big trouble.

Barney quickly said to the headset: "Yin and Yang, you and the highway immediately connect to Kaiser, and I go with Gong to pick up Christmas. Guys, we exposed, yin and Yang, you go to our hiding place in London. I'll go with Gong Na to take the Christmas first, and then open up the eyeliner and look for you. Be careful,"

"understand that we are going to start," Yin and Yang said.

Barney drove the car to pick up Christmas, stepped on the accelerator and ran away.

After William Hung up the phone, he walked slowly to Yin Yang's car. Dozens of meters away, a tracker was wrapped in William's mental power and loaded on Yin Yang's car. Then William found his car and followed Yin Yang.

William followed Yin Yang's car around London for more than an hour. During this time, Caesar and the highway looked at the car from time to time. Finally, after confirming that no one was following them, the three came to an old house in the suburb of London. Caesar and the highway got out of the car, took out their guns and felt in the safe house. After confirming that there was no problem, Caesar sent out a safety signal and Yin Yang drove the car to the safe house On the side of the car.

William parked his car a few hundred meters away from the safe house, got out of the car and took out a piece of equipment that Garris told him he had got from the safe house this morning. He took two Glock 17, 10 cartridge clips, an M4A1 rifle, an AWP, two base ammunition, four smoke bombs, flash bombs, shock bombs, walkie talkies, eavesdroppers, etc Tracker and four anesthetic smoke bombs. Fortunately, the boxes of these ammunition are all written with what they are. Otherwise, William, a rookie, would not know anything except the guns he saw on CS.

William walks in bulletproof clothes and equipment, and slowly approaches the safe house under the cover of the surrounding woods. He has the mental power to scan around and avoid several hidden cameras. William is more than 20 meters away from the safe house, leaning against a big tree and closing his eyes, waiting for Barney to arrive.

William took a bug, a shock bomb and two anesthetic smoke bombs into the safe room with the master's hand, and Caesar's voice came from the earphone on his ear.

"What's going on?" Caesar asked mistily.

"I don't know. It will be clear when Barney and Christmas come," Yin Yang said.

"Damn it," Caesar complained

after waiting for more than 20 minutes, William felt Barney's car coming. Barney asked Yin and Yang on the walkie talkie 50 meters outside the safe house. When Yin and Yang were sure to be safe, Barney stopped outside the safe house, opened the door and entered the safe house. After everyone met, Barney asked Christmas, "what's the matter, Christmas, how do you know us Exposed, who else will come to us for trouble "

Christmas looked down and thought about it. The genius said:" Barney, I can't say, you have no way back, now you haven't played with each other, you can escape to America overnight, we can't afford these guys "

" Damn, we don't even know who our opponents are. We have to escape like this You know who to guard against, "said gunner angrily.

Barney raised his hand to stop gonna. He knew that Christmas would not harm them, or he would not tell them what happened and come to London alone. Christmas yesterday should know who the opponent is, just think the opponent is too strong, don't want to implicate them, just a person to London.

"Gunner, Christmas doesn't want to implicate us, or he won't come to London alone"

other people nodded when they heard Barney's words. They were all old guys, and everyone knew their teammates.

After listening to Barney's words, gongna knew that it was not Christmas's fault, and said to him, "OK, man, I apologize."

Christmas nodded to gongna: "I want to thank you, guys, you are my best comrades in arms, but today's opponent is not what we can touch. As soon as I got to the bridge, the opponent found you, which shows that the opponent knows us very well And in England, they are too powerful. I don't want to implicate you guys. What they want is me. I stay in London to distract their attention, and you take the opportunity to go back to America.

Barney thought about it and said to Christmas, "that is to say, our opponents understand each and every one of us. I can't think of a few who can have such strong intelligence ability, Christmas You're going to get into trouble with the CIA "

when William heard Barney's words, he knew Barney had guessed it, but William didn't work for the CIA.

Seeing Barney at Christmas, I had already guessed it, but I didn't want to hide it. "Yesterday, a director of the Military Intelligence Bureau called me and asked me to come to London to see him today. Before I saw anyone on London Bridge, I got a call saying that I had violated the confidentiality agreement, and they might attack us, and then you all know later."After hearing this, William fiercely opened the shock bomb in the safe room with the wizard's hand. He only heard a huge touch sound. In the safe room, he remembered that all six members of the death squads were killed by the huge noise of the shock bomb.

Shock bomb is very powerful in the room, and its huge sound can make people dizzy instantly. However, these guys are all super soldiers, so William used the master's hand to open an anesthetic smoke bomb. When the anesthetic smoke dispersed and the six guys in the room did not move, William used the master's hand to open the door and window, and waited outside for more than 10 minutes to carry his equipment Into the safe house.

Looking at the six people, William sealed everyone's mouth and eyes with adhesive tape, tied his hands and feet, went out to drive his own car, carrying all these guys in one hand and throwing them into the car. Fortunately, William was driving a range rover, or he couldn't fit six big men.

Driving his car, William came to a secret forest about ten kilometers away. He drove into the forest and got off to tie six members of the death squads to six trees. These guys won't wake up for hours.

William was sitting in the car thinking about how to recruit the expendables. He knew that these guys were tough, and he was a little upset. Originally, he wanted to recruit Christmas first, and then use money to hire the expendables. As long as he didn't let these guys do evil things, and as long as he gave money to others, they wouldn't care who to do it.

It's a bit of a headache. William is reluctant to kill these people. After all, although these people are mercenaries, they are still very principled. And I have no grudge against them. They are all familiar faces in previous movies. I can't do it.