William put up his arm and let Diana Legge take it. They went out of the hotel gate. As soon as they got out of the hotel, they were blinded by a large group of flashing lights. Under the escort of the hotel security, William escorted Diana Legge into a Rolls Royce prepared by Hilton Hotel.

two people in a Michelin 3-star restaurant happily had a dinner, during which two people drank 3 bottles of wine. Diana Rigg finally had a little too much. When Diane finished the bill, William had already hung the whole body. Did he still have to consider it? The beauty did not mind at all. Diana Rigg and William were in love from time to time in the car returning to the hotel. Yes.

Along the way, many paparazzi followed William on motorcycles and took photos of Rolls Royce from time to time. It seems that Diana Legge's purpose is not simple. She always wants paparazzi to take pictures of them.

When he got to the hotel, William helped the drunken Diana Rieger into the room. As soon as they entered the room, they gnawed onto the sofa.

After doing push ups, William went to the bathroom to take a shower. When he saw that Diana Rieger had fallen asleep, he had to pick her up and put her in the bathtub in the bathroom to clean her body. After washing, he took her back to bed and fell asleep.

The next morning, while he was still asleep, William suddenly felt that Diana Legge was holding his nose. After scanning Diana Legge with mental energy, William suddenly yelled.

Diane was startled by William's sudden cry and sat down on the ground. She cried in pain.

They started to exercise together in the early morning. The exercise lasted for two hours. It was 11 o'clock after the shower.

"Damn it, William, you're a beast. You haven't played with your exercise. I'm tired to death," complained Diana Rieger to William, putting on her make-up.

William came over and hugged Diane, gave her a kiss on the cheek, and comforted her, "how about going out for lunch at noon, and then going to Oxford Street to buy you something you like? Come on, dear Diane, I'm hungry now If you don't hurry up, I'll eat you.

When she heard that William took her to Oxford Street to sweep the goods, Diana Rieger's mood immediately brightened up. She knew that William would not treat her as a girlfriend, which was known by William's attitude towards her.

Although I can't be William's girlfriend now, as long as William doesn't dislike her and is willing to associate with her, I'll still have a chance for Diana Legge. It's good to find such a high-quality male ticket, even if we play friendly games together. It's really barbaric to think that William has a Tyrannosaurus Rex hidden in his not strong body.

Women's make-up is really troublesome. It's almost 1 o'clock when William and Diana Rieger come to the Michelin restaurant. Now William can say that he is really hungry and can eat a cow.

As soon as the dishes are served, they will be ready to eat. If a gentleman is not a gentleman, they will eat first. After lunch, William takes Diane to Oxford Street.

Although they didn't hold each other all the way, they could not help holding hands and whispering. Diana Legge intentionally made some intimate moves, and William didn't refuse. She played a friendly match with others and didn't want to be someone else's boyfriend. That should give Diane some benefits. Diana Legge, who lacks fame, might be able to transform from a reporter to a BBC host.

They wandered in Oxford Street all afternoon. One luxury shop after another bought a few pieces of cloth and a bag for William's forty or fifty thousand pounds. Fortunately, Diane Legge didn't really treat him as a Kaizi. All the things she bought were one or two thousand pounds. Only when she hesitated for half a day to accept the 20000 pound bag.

William is quite satisfied with this. Diana Legge is a reporter on the ground floor. She is not dazed. She knows where the bottom line is. The girl seems to be a smart person. This makes William decide to keep in touch with Diana Legge for the time being, and talk about it later.

When William and Diana Rieger got home to the Porsche store, William couldn't turn his eyes when he saw the blue 911. In his previous life, he liked Porsche very much and didn't like Ferrari very much.

Seeing the 300 horsepower 911 of 1998, William walked into the store with Diane's hand. The salesperson of the store recognized William at a glance after watching his live broadcast. He went up to William with a smile and said, "good afternoon, Mr. Devonshire. I'm Lois, sales consultant of Porsche. What can I do for you?".

William smiles at Lois, points to 911 on the stand and says, "Hello Lois, I like that car. Do you have any cars in stock? I want to take her for a ride now"

Lois smiles and says to William, "Mr. Devonshire, we are the biggest store in London. We only need to have a Porsche in England. We all have it. The 911 you want is in the garage There's a car with the highest configuration. I think you'll like it. Mr. Devonshire, please come with me and let's sit down for a while. I'll ask my colleagues to put the car forward "

before a cup of coffee, the voice from Lois's walkie talkie reminds her that the car is ready.

Lois led William and Diane out of the store and saw a sky blue 911 in the back yard of the store. William asked Tina, "Lois, can I have a test drive?"

"of course, Mr. Devonshire, of course you can."Accompanied by Tian, William got on 911 and said to Diane outside the car, "Diane, you wait for me first, I'll take you for a ride later"

Diane nodded to William with a smile. She just saw that there were only two seats in the car and knew that William didn't mean to let her avoid it. She told him: "drive carefully, William, I'll wait for you in the shop for a cup of coffee"

William took the car Lois, sitting in the co driver's seat of the 911 car, quickly opened the exclusive store and went on the ring road. William raised his speed and listened to the roar of the sports car engine. William was very excited.

Lois, sitting in the co driver's seat, hurriedly reminded William that he had been speeding. With some regret, William lowered his speed and ran around the ring road. William drove the car back to the store, got out of the car and said to Tina, "Lois, I'll buy these two cars. You can bill me for them"

hearing that William bought the car, Lois's mouth was crooked, and she nodded to William and said, "OK Mr. Devonshire, I'm going to bill you right now "

after swiping the card, William takes Diane to go shopping. In two hours, the car will be delivered to him by the Porsche shop. Now the car has to be covered and licensed in the shop.

Two hours later, when William and Diane were eating a big bucket of ice cream together, the phone call from the Porsche shop came. William didn't wait long on the bench on the street until he got his new car. In those days, before the 918, William thought that the BAOSHIJIE 911 was the most beautiful car.

Looking at William holding Diane's hand to receive 911, the paparazzi who followed him were busy surrounding the license plate. With a flash of thunderbarra's flash, William quickly put on his sunglasses and conveniently put on Diane's Sunglasses hanging on his collar. Diane was dizzy by William's sudden consideration and looked at William blushing as if he was about to drip water.

The paparazzi around are very excited. Seeing William and Diane brush dog food in public, the paparazzi are very happy to eat. It's written in tomorrow's newspaper.

Imagine tomorrow is to write: William Devonshire is throwing a lot of money for his new love, LV bag and Porsche 911,. Or Diane Legge will marry into a rich family, or have a chance to be the Countess of Oxford, from a tabloid reporter to the countess's counter attack,