William takes Garris Mallory into the restaurant of Hilton Hotel, and they order good food.

Garris Mallory said to William, "the Devonshire family has been working for the special department in England for more than 140 years. I didn't expect that you are the only 19-year-old left in the family." then Garris Mallory said with a game on his face.

"You must be curious why the military intelligence agency would let a team w be silent for ten years and not start up," William nodded.

"Haha, it's not that Mrs. m doesn't want to start group W, but she can't start it. Group w has been only controlled by the Devonshire family for 140 years. Even the director of the committee doesn't know who is in group W. she only knows that the person in charge is a member of the Devonshire family. Complete information can only be backed up in the bunker outside Buckingham Palace.".

"What" William was stunned, how could it be put in Buckingham Palace.

"Isn't it amazing? Haha, a few hundred years ago, the royal family and the aristocracy controlled the intelligence agency, and all the information would be backed up in the secret Castle outside Buckingham Palace. This habit has been passed to now, but the times have changed. Now the right of intelligence is handed over to Downing Street, and the only secret castle that the aristocracy still controlled in the intelligence newspaper.".

Garris Mallory took a sip of the wine William poured for him, and then said

"group W was originally an action team to check and eliminate the traitors in England, but no one wanted to give the handle to others. Even if there were internal problems, they also wanted to solve them by themselves. Therefore, various departments in England set up their own monitoring departments, and in those ten years, group w had been in charge of supervision It's useless. Until the Second World War, the Germans broke our secrets one after another, and finally found out that there were a lot of traitors inside. At this time, the independent group W was useful again. But how much power can the group that has been silent for more than ten years have left, and the traitors are not so easy to clean up. "

"However, in the case of world peace after World War II, the responsibilities of group w have changed again. In recent decades, group w has been assigned by the security committee. An independent department has been set up in the military intelligence bureau to take charge of some special security affairs and protect the royal family from being threatened. It only goes out in a special crisis and is only responsible to the Committee. All the people in this group are super experts, all of them are her I've always wanted these people.

"Haha, there's something m didn't know all the time. All the members in charge of the committee were born of nobility. Every time the election of the committee was held, these directors were selecting people.

They pick whoever they want, and they only pick those who don't hate the nobility. So group W, the super expert group, has always been in the hands of the Devonshire family, who was born to the nobility. Isn't it surprising that William "Garris Mallory laughed at William.

William didn't expect that the aristocracy in this world and the aristocracy in his former world were in a very different situation. The aristocracy in this world was much stronger than that in previous lives

"how can this be"

after hearing what Garris Mallory said, William didn't believe it. You're kidding. Now all the aristocrats in England are pretending to be grandchildren. It's better for the aristocracy to go out of England It's useful, but for so many years in England, No. 10 Downing Street has spared no effort to suppress the aristocracy.

Now you tell me that aristocracy has so much power in England?

Garris Mallory looked at William's face, you are cheating on children, can not help but want to beat William.

"You idiot, how did your grandfather's father and three uncles die? They died for England. It's because there are so many aristocrats like them that the committee can always be in our hands. This is what our ancestors paid for with blood. No one can take it away."

William responded and asked, "are you a nobleman, too?"

"Nonsense, of course I was born as a nobleman. Otherwise, as the chairman of the committee, you were born as a nobleman, and we are a group. Don't think that you can stay out of the business now that you don't have the title of a nobleman. That's impossible, and the grand Duke of Devon won't agree.

The Grand Duke is still very optimistic about you. Otherwise, you think the Duke who doesn't show his face several times a year will be caught by reporters and asked a lot of questions. The title of Earl Devonshire of Oxford has been reserved for you all the time. It depends on whether you want it or not. William, there are many people watching you now. You'd better figure out where you want to stand, hahaha What's funny, Gareth? Is that what I want? I don't believe you can change the laws of England "

Garris Mallory rolled his eyes." I suddenly feel that you are worthy of our investment. How can you ask such an idiotic question? How does Baron inherit the title now?

Your grandfather had already arranged for you. Although the count is a member of the Devonshire family, he has no children. In addition, Henry signed a contract with the count in front of the royal family and the great nobles. As long as he has no children, the title must be returned to you. The count is now 65 years old and has been busy for ten years, but it is useless. I heard that last month When he went to the hospital for examination, it was confirmed that there would be no more children. Do you understand? "

William thought about it, but he still thought it was unreliable,"It's still impossible. I don't have the right to inherit. The other male relatives of the count can inherit the title. It's none of my business," sighed William.

English women can't inherit the title. If William's mother Lena doesn't have the right to inherit, so does he.

"Ha ha, or people will say that Henry winster Devonshire is a sly fox. I don't know if your Devonshire family is cursed, or man-made. " Garris Mallory stopped talking and looked at William meaningfully, a picture you should understand, which made William's heart beat inexplicably.

He was a little bit frightened by the idea that came out of his mind.

"You and the Earl of Oxfordshire are the only ones who have blood certificate now.

when there are no other heirs, according to the aristocratic inheritance law, you are the only heirs in the aristocratic Council. As long as you don't refuse, you will soon be the Earl of Devonshire in Oxfordshire, England. I think you are If you have money to inherit, you'll have to pay a lot of inheritance tax.

Now, the noble family like yours, which has not put the family property in the trust fund, can't be found in the whole of England. Mr. Henry winster Devonshire is really cruel. It seems that he is really afraid that other Devonshire branches will jump out and grab the inheritance right. Now, some people have this idea, one is that they can't inherit if they can't pay the tax, the other is that they can't pay the tax Yes, there's no blood certificate in the Council of Lords.

The Duchess of Devon is also worried about the fact that his successor doesn't have much money. Seriously, Mr. Henry winster Devonshire, isn't he afraid that you don't have money to inherit the title and property?

"I'm afraid that if I can't inherit the title, I'll give it to the English government for nothing. That's certainly what Henry thought at that time.

he now knows The aristocratic inheritance law in this world is somewhat different from that in previous lives. A man like him had no right of inheritance in his previous life.