Black dragon is a powerful thug and a conscientious thug, which is another important reason why he, as an individual without background, can successfully enter the core team of Jiangnan aristocratic family since the end of the world.

Seriously injured, he pressed the pain and ran all the way. It took him only an hour and a half to run back from the zombie infested East District to the south district.

The total number of the team sweeping the secret territory was 16. On the way, three people were killed in the tide of zombies in Xiaonong. The remaining 13 people were ambushed by their old opponent yuntu after successfully reaching the target position, and three died on the spot. Master Duan Minghui was seriously injured by his opponent and broke his arm. Suddenly, five brothers who had entered the secret territory didn't know the outside situation, Another three brothers who had not yet entered the secret territory were suppressed by the fire of the other party's accomplices and retreated to a civilian house.

When such an amazing news reached the ears of Duan Hongshan and his wife, Mrs. Duan, who had become an advanced, was a woman after all and fainted on the spot.

Regardless of curing anyone's injury, Duan Hongshan personally went into battle. He immediately ordered the general. A team composed of four core members and 40 ordinary members was integrated in just 20 minutes. Then, in order to speed up the travel speed, two military armored vehicles were quickly dispatched.

A group of people left the South District in a mighty and murderous manner!

All other forces are watching Duan's family's high-level actions. He is still trying to guess if he has found any special secret places. No one guessed that they were just going to fight the fire.

It's all about speed. This time, they didn't abandon their vehicles in the East. The combination of infantry and armored vehicles opened the way. The combination of cold troops and firepower directly swept all obstacles and killed the generals in the shortest path.

How sensitive yuntu's hearing is. Just two kilometers away from him, yuntu heard the sound of armored vehicles.

"Here they are, two armored vehicles, at least 40 people!" Yuntu took a sip of water.

"So many people!" Close to the cloud picture, the green wing is a little nervous.

"Don't panic, we fight and retreat, they can't help us!" Yuntu gently hugged her shoulder to give her a little warmth.

Turning a corner, the team of Jiangnan aristocratic family appeared within the horizon of yuntu. With a range of 1.5km, yuntu could shoot, but yuntu didn't shoot immediately. He was still waiting. Suddenly, he was wise. Since the other party bypassed this section, he didn't know that this section had been broken, As long as the cloud map leads the bodies of these creatures in the secret place to a few hundred meters in front of the door of the secret place and then kills them, or even allows them to swim away, it can create the illusion that the secret place has been broken.

Special methods are needed in special times. Otherwise, with the strength of yuntu alone, there are still many advanced professionals in the other team. Even if yuntu is fierce and not afraid of death, it is not necessary to work hard.

When he thought of it, he went around the nearby alley for a few times, and the cloud picture attracted five or six more original secret beetles. He led him all the way to the street in front of the warehouse, and then killed him. In order to make the illusion more true, the cloud picture directly killed most of the beetles, leaving a small part, Only cut off their feet and let it whine on the road.

Everything was just ready. Yuntu heard the sound of the other party's armored vehicles and had come within 400 meters. As long as you turn another corner, you can see the scene of the incident. This is the last street and a section that is difficult to bypass.

Although the illusion has been made, we can't stop at this point. The Sniper War needs to continue, otherwise there is no resistance, and the other party can't go to the location of the secret territory to find out.

The two teams of the other party appeared in the street one after another. Yuntu hurried into a house a few seconds earlier.

It's not easy to hide so that the other party can't find it. Yuntu didn't intend to do that. He suddenly opened the window and the gunshot rang out again.