As the blood rain became thicker and thicker, the atmosphere in the air became more and more strange. The patients who had been caught in the rain two days ago and were still lurking began to suffer from a large area of disease. At the same time, the people bitten by zombies two days ago also accelerated the autopsy, and even some elderly or women who had not been caught in the blood rain but were weak directly became ill.

All the public security, armed police and regular troops stationed in the city have been dispatched. Starting from 12 noon, gunshots have been heard one after another. Zombies continue to appear and hunt madly in every street, community and enterprise.

The whole city has completely lost control and screamed everywhere. People who had hoped for the government and the army began to despair. In addition, some hooligans began to smash and rob in groups, and the world has become purgatory.

Standing in front of the window and seeing the familiar situation outside, yuntu knew his rebirth. Although he had eliminated two mutated black stiff and more than a dozen ordinary zombies two days earlier, the impact of this little change on the overall situation of the end of the world was almost negligible.

A few hours before the end of the bloody rain, yuntu finished a bag of instant noodles, put on a raincoat and resolutely left his residence.


Just after yuntu came out of his residence wearing a raincoat, two beauties also came to santangkou.

"It's here!"

"It should be here. There are no other shopping malls nearby. I just don't know which one it is!"

Qingyi and Fengling stood at the door of Huaxin shopping mall with the big umbrella given to them by the cloud picture last time, looking at several old residential buildings opposite and worrying.

"Brother, do you know that wandering singer named yuntu? We are his classmates. We can't get through to him now. We only know that he lives nearby. I don't know which building he lives in." When a man came out of the corridor across the street with an umbrella, the wind chime immediately came forward to inquire.

"I don't seem to have any wandering singers in the building where I live. Someone came out there. Go and ask!" The man reminded and left. Along the direction of his fingers, the two women saw a building next to him. A man in a raincoat came out.

The raincoat covered most of his face. Because he couldn't see his face clearly, the wind chime didn't ask for the first time. When she recovered, the man had rushed into the rain curtain and walked far away.

"It's him, as if it were him!" Qingyi is timid, but has sharp eyes and is more familiar with the cloud picture. Seeing that the man's body is somewhat similar to the cloud picture, he hurriedly pushed the wind chime with his hand.

"No, that lame man doesn't walk so fast!" The wind chime only saw the back of the cloud picture and instinctively felt that it was not like it.

"Look out of sight!"

Qingyi didn't see clearly at that time, but intuitively felt that the man was very similar to the cloud picture, but the man's walking posture just now was clearly a normal person. The wind chime quickly denied her view.

"I don't think I've lost my sight, but I'm still haunted by the cloud picture. Everyone feels like it. But don't worry, the monk can't run away from the temple. As long as he really lives in these buildings, I'll find him out for you! It's a big deal. Let's inquire from floor to floor! "

The wind chime is also decisive, pulling the green wing to say and do. Although we generally don't know each other when renting a house, the characteristics of yuntu are very obvious. Carrying an old guitar and a lame foot, the wind chime only knocked on several doors. The wind chime soon heard yuntu's room number 703 on the top floor. Unfortunately, yuntu is not at home.


"Dad, no!"

"Husband, she is Xiaoya. Let go!"


Just when the two beauties found the room number of yuntu and were waiting in the hallway at the door, room 704 on the same floor screamed, and then a panicked woman opened the door and escaped.

"The patient becomes a zombie!"

An idea came from the two girls' minds. Instinctively, they turned and ran away. At the critical moment, the frightened Green Wing mixed with a mop in the aisle and suddenly fell down. At this time, he followed the woman out of the room and rushed out a male zombie with a bedstead wooden strip tied to her arm.

"Green Wing, run, I'll stop it!"

After advancing, the wind chime felt that her strength was stronger than that of ordinary men. Coupled with a man's character, she was much braver than the green wing. She pulled up the fallen Green Wing and bravely blocked behind her.

At the same time, the fanged zombies have rushed over. Although they don't know any martial arts, Fengling has learned several moves to prevent wolves before. In addition, her physical strength, eyesight and agility are much higher than ordinary people. In the eyes of ordinary people, zombies move very fast, and there is almost no hiding at such a close distance, But in her eyes, there is still room for counterattack.

One side of the body, one knee at the same time!

Under the full launch, the wind chime kneed against the crotch of the zombie. Although this part is no longer the key to life and death after ordinary people mutated into zombies, the evolutionist's full blow also drove the zombie back several meters away.

Ordinary zombies without evolution are stronger than ordinary humans, but weaker than evolutionists. In addition, they have no IQ. As long as wind chimes deal with it calmly, it is not difficult to kill them.

The wind chime's confidence increased greatly with one blow. All the shrewdness in her character came out. She took up the mop in the aisle, took advantage of the victory and chased the zombie all the way. Finally, she forced the zombie to the end of the aisle.

Although the momentum is completely suppressed, after all, there is no sharp weapon in her hand that can really hurt zombies except the wooden mop. In addition, she doesn't know the key of zombies at all. It's still difficult for wind chime to kill her opponents with a wooden mop. In order to prevent zombies from counterattack, she can only push them down harder and harder, and the strength of the mop handle is limited, After a long time, the wooden mop in his hand began to break.

"Use this!"

Fortunately, the fight soon attracted several brave men on the same floor. When they saw a woman who could suppress the zombies, the man with a kitchen knife summoned up the courage to hand the kitchen knife to the wind chime in time.

I have a knife in my hand!

Put down the broken mop and put on the kitchen knife. The knife cut into the meat and slashed the Dead Zombie for dozens of knives. The unlucky zombie was finally abused to death by a crazy woman. At this time, the wind chime with serious overdraft was also out of breath.

On the third day of the apocalypse, the situation is somewhat different from the previous two days. With the blood rain getting thicker and thicker, the air is filled with various apocalyptic variation factors. The person bitten by a zombie will change his body as soon as a few minutes. The woman who was just running for her life learned that her husband who had mutated into a zombie was killed. She returned upstairs again to thank the wind chime for saving her life, But the words of thanking her for saving her life were not half said, and suddenly her brain became a blank. It turned out that in the process of fighting with zombies in the room, she had already been scratched and infected by her husband.

"What's the matter with you, sister?"

I felt that the other party's face was wrong, and the wind chime had not had time to respond. The other party suddenly grew an inch of blood eating tusks in his mouth