"The incubation period of rose virus is 0 to 7 days. After the onset of the disease, the patient's face will grow erythema like rose petals. The patient has a high fever of more than 42 degrees, and more than half of the patients will die within 4 to 24 hours.

You can survive this high fever. When the red spots on your face turn into black spots, you will grow tusks from your mouth and become blood eating zombies!

If a patient who has not mutated into a zombie pries open his mouth within a few hours after death, he will have a chance to get a rose red bead like a sugar bean.

Collect more than five such beads and swallow them at one time to gain a mysterious power. As medical personnel in this disaster, you will be more dangerous than ordinary people, but you also have more opportunities to live than ordinary people. Good luck! "

After returning to Yaxin hospital, while Fengling was busy with other things, Qingyi quietly turned over the note left by the cloud map from his bag, but saw such nonsense without any origin above.

what do you mean?

Is it just a prank?

Did he recognize that he was his schoolsister and deliberately joked with him? When Qingyi was full of doubt, the phone on the workbench rang, picked up the microphone and heard the sound of sister Liu, the head nurse, like a broken horn.

"Girls, there are more than a dozen patients with fever downstairs. Don't stay. Dr. Li and Dr. Yang are too busy. Go down and help quickly!"

Yaxin hospital is a private hospital. Even the boss, Dr. Liu Da, has only ten doctors. In addition, nurses, drug managers, cleaners and security guards, there are less than 30 people in the white and evening shifts. The doctors are also several departments. The nurses basically have no division of labor and go wherever they are busy.

Hang up sister Liu's phone, Qingyi put away the inexplicable note and ran downstairs quickly.


"Why do you suddenly have a fever? You see, there are spots on your face!"

"Help my wife first. It's too hot!"

"Help my son first!"


Qingyi is not a doctor, but a trainee nurse. Doctors need to queue up one by one to see a doctor. For patients who have not lined up, she first gives out a thermometer to measure their temperature, which can save the diagnosis time of the attending doctor.

42.5 degrees

43.6 degrees,

39.8 degrees

44.1 degrees


Is the thermometer broken?

When the thermometers were taken back and the values were recorded, Qingyi was trembling in his heart. He even wondered whether all the thermometers were broken at once. Usually, he couldn't meet one or two patients with such a high fever in a month. Now more than a dozen of them appeared at once.

Fever department is an emergency in all hospitals. If it is not good, people will die. Private hospitals are most afraid of this inexplicable fever, not to mention that everyone suddenly has the same situation.

All of a sudden, Yaxin hospital, which has always been out of business, was a little confused by more than a dozen cases of fever emergencies.

The first batch of patients had just been divided into beds and put on drops, and family members kept helping new patients in.

I can't do this. I can't figure out the situation at all. After receiving dozens of the same patients within an hour, the attending doctor finally couldn't stand it and called the president Dr. Liu directly.

"Everyone takes an ordinary fever reduction needle, and then advises them to transfer to another hospital immediately!"

More than ten minutes later, President Liu hurried from home. After turning around in front of each hospital bed, he quickly made a decision, and then called the Health Bureau for filing.

He is not only a doctor, but also a major shareholder of the hospital. If the business of the hospital suddenly gets better at ordinary times, he naturally can't wait. But in such an emergency today, he doesn't dare to make money. His intuition tells him that this will be an overwhelming epidemic.

"If you want to transfer to another hospital, you have to get rid of the fever before you leave! It is said that the people's hospital is also suffering from many people, and the patients have lined up for a long time! "

"There are so many patients. You who open the hospital can't just drive the patients out!"

Under the high temperature of more than 42 degrees, patients have long been confused, but the information spread very fast in the communication era. Some patients' families have long known that there are too many fever patients caused by the sudden blood rain. Public hospitals can't live at all. Where can they go in private hospitals.

"The hospital is so big, with more than a dozen beds and only a few doctors. It's no use for everyone to surround here. Besides, this is a new epidemic. There is no qualitative determination on whether there is an infectious Health Bureau. We can't afford to stay in Yaxin hospital in case of delay in treatment!"

President Liu tried hard to persuade him, and then winked at the only security personnel in the hospital. In this way, several people pushed and pulled together, and finally persuaded all the patients who had not been placed in bed to go away.

In Qingyi's impression, she worked in this hospital for half a year. Most of the hospital beds are empty. Only after driving away dozens of patients today, the hospital beds are still full.

The always easy work suddenly became busy, and Qingyi forgot about the note. However, as time went on, after she checked the patient's temperature in the third round of bed patrol, she had to solemnly take out the note and read it again, because she found that the shape of the erythema on the patient's face was more and more like rose petals.

"Rose virus is named for its red spots like rose petals..."

Even the Health Bureau has no qualitative epidemic situation. How does a wandering singer in yuntu know? According to the statement on the paper, more than half of these patients will die soon, and the others who do not die will become more terrible zombies. This is too scary!

After reading the note again, the kind-hearted girl has been distracted. Private hospitals generally don't take seriously ill patients. After working in the hospital for six months, she hasn't seen dead people. Now she urgently needs someone to cheer her up.

"My sister is busy and dizzy. You are still in the mood to read love letters here. You are really hooked by that boy!" The wind chime was very angry when she saw Qingyi hiding behind the nurse's desk and looking through the note in Kun's bag!

"Sister Fengling, come and help me!"

This time, Qingyi didn't hide any more. He handed the note to Fengling directly.

"I'm so busy. Who has time to mind your family's business!"

Although she said so, it was a woman's nature to peep into other people's secrets, and the wind chime took the note.

"This boy is not playing tricks! It's scary... "When she finished reading the contents of the note, she fully reacted, and her face became dignified.

"The key to the problem is how did he know that there will be so many fever patients in the hospital today, and there will be spots on his face. Do you want to hand over the note to President Liu?" Qingyi asked carefully.

"Don't worry, it's a little weird. Do you have the boy's phone?" Wind chime's mind is obviously more mature than green wing.

"I heard it secretly at school. I don't know if the number has expired?" Green Wing blushed and turned out the number of cloud map from his mobile phone.

"Ding - Ding - Ding -" after three rings, the phone became a busy tone. It was obvious that the other party hung up!

Qingyi knew that her number was only a strange number in the other party's mobile phone, but it was shameless for the other party to hang up in front of her best friend. She bit her teeth and pulled it out again.

"The phone you dialed is turned off. Please redial later..."

The system prompt sound of mobile company is very good! The two girls were so angry that their teeth rattled!


The first blood rain of the last world was just the leader of the blood rain for the next three consecutive days. Although it came quickly and fiercely, it did not last long. It ended in about two hours. However, although the blood rain stopped, the transparency of the air seemed to be lower, the dark red clouds in the sky were also lower, and the whole world seemed to be shrouded by the night ahead of time.

Standing at the gate of a supermarket in Hongda business district, looking up at the gloomy face of God after the blood rain, the cloud picture knows that the world has changed. Of course, most people don't feel it at this time.

The mobile phone rang. When I saw a strange number, I didn't want to hang up directly. By the way, I looked at the time and turned it off!

His time is precious. It's not easy to be reborn. He has to seize the opportunity.

The last world is not only a dark game, but also a mystery. How does it start and how will it end? Yuntu hopes that he can live to uncover the mystery of rebirth.

There will be more and more people with colds and fever in the hospital because of the rain. Soon, this phenomenon will be concerned by the health department and the news reporters of major radio stations, and the world will be in chaos soon.

If the memory of the cloud picture is correct, at 6:30 p.m., the first black spotted zombie in the city will appear in the people's hospital. After running out of the control of the hospital, it will bite and kill dozens of people along the street, and finally be killed by the special police with heavy equipment.

Time is a little tight, but it's still too late!

I bought a lot of bottled water and convenience food from the supermarket. When I took a taxi, the female driver frowned at his lame man with long hair and guitar. She was used to seeing the clouds with white eyes.

Back to the dilapidated rental house, yuntu changed his black windbreaker and put on a pair of sunglasses. The original decadent vagrant singer with some artistic flavor soon had the appearance of some gangster.

In the hall of the people's Hospital, there was a long line of patients and their families waiting for registered treatment. Under the cover of black sunglasses, the cloud picture's eyes flashed cold light across everyone's face. After confirming that these people were temporarily safe, he didn't stop for a moment and went straight to the injection room of fever specialty!

There are thirty or forty patients in the injection room. In front of a chair, a middle-aged man of about 30 years old is carrying a bowl of porridge and feeding his delirious wife spoonful by spoonful. The female patient in a white shirt has a red face and a rose shaped stripe on her cheeks, which is deep purple.

Could it be her?

TV news usually doesn't have too scary scenes. Reports about the first zombie in previous lives are only dictated by the host, and there is no live video, so the cloud picture can't judge the patient's face.

"Do all the doctors in your hospital eat shit? They have a fever of more than 40 degrees and can't control it for half a day. They only know to take drops. If they have a fever like this, the patient's brain will be burned silly!" When the fourth bottle of drip was finished, his wife's face was still hot. His anxious husband finally couldn't control his emotions and began to challenge the nurses in the injection room.

Someone took the lead, and then other family members became excited.

In order to calm the situation, after a while, the hospital leader and the attending doctor ran over with a pile of reports in their hands. After a series of visual examinations at the scene, they explained: "you can see today's situation. There is more than one patient. All the experts in the hospital are working together to find a way. It is estimated that it is a new type of viral infection, Especially serious cases should be sent to the intensive care unit first, and the body temperature should be reduced by physical methods first! "

After the hospital made a decision, several medical staff quickly pushed a stretcher bed and moved the female patient up.

Seeing this, yuntu has determined 80% in his heart. In order to further lock the target, he pretended that the patient's family followed the woman's husband slowly




**Coming, send a signal first, ask for some comments and flowers!!!