"I guess the beggar must be waiting for you there again today!"

At noon after work, Fengling took off her nurse's hat, took up her newly bought red bag, glanced at it with deep meaning, and was also cleaning up her best friend Qingyi who was preparing to leave work.

"I'm a street artist. Don't be so ugly. Besides, I'm not waiting for me to make a living by singing there!"

Knowing that the best friend wind chime is just joking, Qingyi's face has changed.

"Real Kung Fu, bridge rice noodles or bucket rice?"

Seeing that Qingyi's face was slightly red, the wind chime changed a topic when they walked out of the door of the hospital side by side.

Yaxin hospital is a small private hospital. There is a Cross Street tunnel about 200 meters east from the gate of the hospital. Across the tunnel is Hongda business district. Several restaurants like "real kung fu", "bridge rice noodles" and "KFC" are opposite. The hospital does not include food and accommodation. They go to the opposite side to eat fast food every noon.

"You decide, I can do whatever I want!" Qingyi answered absently!

Before she reached the tunnel, she heard a familiar melody from the tunnel. Her mind was affected by the song, and subconsciously she opened her wallet again.

"I reward you every time. I don't know whether you are full of compassion or have a crush on someone else's face, but you're also a cripple. Your face is handsome and can't be eaten!" Seeing the Green Wing turning his wallet, the wind chime couldn't understand it at all.

"This is the last time!"

Qingyi murmured to herself. She was not answering the wind chime, or talking to herself!

Since the man appeared in the tunnel to sing five days ago, there has been an unspeakable taste in her heart.

She is not a health school student, but also an art talented student who graduated from the Central Conservatory of music. Although she did not engage in professional related work after graduation, her previous foundation is still there.

Last year, she also signed up for the "happy tide song competition" of mengguo station, but in the end, she was eliminated by the program group in the second round of audition because she resisted some unknown hidden rules!

At this time, the "street artist" who is singing in this tunnel is yuntu, the most popular original singer who won the title last year. She once admired the same school senior.

Unfortunately, yuntu failed to win the title and become a star. In the final stage of the finals, the police found drugs from his residence and came out after half a year in prison. Yuntu's left leg was also disabled. He walked lamely and finally fell into the street.


"If one day I have no country for old people, please leave me here in this spring..."

In the narrow Cross Street tunnel, yuntu plays a broken wooden guitar, and Wang Feng's "in spring" is sung in his slightly hoarse voice, which is completely different from the positive energy and inspirational feelings sung by the rising sun. It only reveals a kind of sad decadence and sadness

"The emotion of this song is very special, and the voice recognition is also very high!"

"Disabled and determined, although this song is different from the original song and the rising sun, it has reached another height!"

"It's a pity that he is lame!"

"What's the matter with the lame? The Chinese good voice can also be used by the disabled. This guy is still very handsome. Participating in the good voice may be hot!"

While listening to the song, people around talked one after another. It was obvious that the cloud picture of disheveled hair and stubble was not recognized by anyone. He was the favorite winner of last year's fashion song contest.

Although yuntu was not recognized as a professional singer, when the song came to the emotional place, fifty cents and one yuan coins were occasionally thrown into the small carton in front of yuntu from the crowd.

Playing and singing without saluting the appreciating audience, yuntu's eyes were empty and blank, as if he had completely integrated into the music realm he had created and had already forgotten himself.

"Staring at the brilliant spring at the moment, it still looks like the warmth at that time..."

When the chorus began, his body suddenly trembled. On the guitar, his left hand pressed the wrong chord, and his right thumb pulled too hard. The thinnest treble steel wire "Zheng" snapped, and the singing stopped suddenly!

The sudden unexpected cloud picture was unexpected. The whole person was stunned there, and a look that would never be understood flashed in his empty eyes!

Why am I not dead?

Why didn't the devil from hell cut me in two with a knife?

Why am I here?

where's this?

Countless questions burst out of the cloud picture's mind, but there were no answers.


"Grandma, you can charge so much for playing a broken guitar. If you don't worship the wharf, you dare to open the hall and sing for me!"

The "golden hair" with wolf head tattooed on the arm and "yellow hair", "red hair" and "miscellaneous hair" with different hair colors appeared from the tunnel entrance and rushed to the cloud picture like a ferocious spirit.

Most of the people who listen to the songs around are wage earners who leave work at noon. As soon as they see that the situation is wrong, they immediately disperse and leave. Occasionally, a few bold listeners can only stand at both ends of the tunnel and look back.

With a "Hoo", a steel pipe hit the forehead of the stunned cloud map!

The flesh cracked and the red blood gushed down the cheeks, but the cloud picture still didn't wake up from the deep confusion. He stood there like a wood and didn't know to fight back. He didn't even hold his head and block. In that way, he let several steel pipes hit him like raindrops.

"Count your wit, brothers, take the money and leave!"

Seeing that yuntu didn't dare to fight back for more than ten times, "Jinmao" seemed quite satisfied, motioned his men not to hit people again, and then he went to battle in person and kicked over the small carton in front of yuntu.

All of a sudden, coins jingled and scattered, and paper money flew all over the sky

Where is this, the Cross Street tunnel in HTC business district?

Am I reborn and back before the end?

Looking at the familiar scene of paper money flying all over the sky, yuntu's body trembled again, and the memory came back like a tide!

Still wrong!

On the last day before the end of the world, didn't the other party smash my guitar?

Watching several gangsters pick up some large banknotes from the ground and walk away, and then look at the guitar still in their hands, the cloud map sensitively found that this scene was slightly different from that of the previous life.

Just when he hesitated, the golden brother who came to the tunnel suddenly turned his head and ordered his gang of miscellaneous younger brothers: "go and smash the guitar!"

Hearing Jinmao's order, the three little brothers came back with the steel pipe towards the cloud picture again.


That's right!

The details are slightly different, but the story is basically the same!

Yuntu smiled and smiled strangely on his bloody face!

He was sure that he had been reborn. Only because he resisted desperately when the miscellaneous hairs shot last time, the other party first knocked him down and then smashed his guitar before stealing his money. This time, he unexpectedly didn't resist. Naturally, the other party's specific actions were a little different from last time.


Fist language says: one does not hit the sun first!

Fist unintentional, unintentional! Yuntu pushed the guitar in his arms to the right, sideways avoided the first steel pipe hit head-on, and a hook in his left hand was as fast as lightning, hitting the temple of yellow hair. The first yellow hair rushed to the ground.

Seeing the original wooden cloud map, he dared to resist, and the red and miscellaneous sticks rushed up after him hit the cloud map at the same time.

Fist language says: two don't hit the middle of the throat!

Bevel force, take the nearest straight line!

Push and hang the guitar on the right behind the back, insert the cloud picture's hands obliquely upward, turn the hitting force of the other party's two steel pipes with a slope, and then bully the body to take a step forward. The hands stretch and shrink like lightning again. At the same time, turn the palm into a crane top fist, and double-click on the other party's jaw and throat.

Although he is lame now and his physical quality is in a mess, he was reborn after experiencing countless killings in the last world. His mind is as firm as a rock. Compared with these street gangsters, his fighting skills are more like heaven and earth.

The two moves were put into three opponents, and all of them were one move to win, which made the other party lose combat effectiveness in an instant. When brother Langtou, the leader, rushed to ten steps away from the cloud picture, he stopped his feet, and he felt a cold evil spirit in his back from the cloud picture's shining eyes.

"You are cruel, you wait!"

Leaving a cruel word, brother wolf head helped some of his men to flee.

Watching the gangsters go away, the cloud picture doesn't pursue further. The past has passed. He is reborn. He didn't come to teach these gangsters a lesson.

What happens next?

The cold light in the cloud picture's eyes converges and falls into memory again!

The past reappears one after another!

After he was wounded by this group of miscellaneous hairs in his previous life, two beautiful nurses will pass here!

By the way, the beauty with big eyes seems to be called Qingyi. He will reward him 20 yuan every time he passes here. He can't remember the name of another round faced and slightly fat woman. He just remembers that she speaks loudly every time. It's a standard female man's character. They both appear together every time. They wear nurse clothes and should be colleagues.

Thinking about this, yuntu opened his eyes again and looked at the other end of the tunnel. Sure enough, the two girls in white nurse clothes in his memory were standing there with a frightened face. It was obvious that they had witnessed the whole process of his struggle with the group of miscellaneous hairs just now.

Singing in the tunnel is called a street artist if it sounds good, but a beggar if it doesn't sound good. The cloud picture is very clear. Under normal circumstances, a reward of more than 10 yuan is very difficult to meet, so the girl Qingyi, who rewards 20 yuan every time, has a deep brand in the heart of the cloud picture.

From the memory, the blood on his forehead flowed into the corners of his eyes, took back his eyes, yuntu raised his arm and wiped the wound indifferently with the sleeve of his cowboy coat, and the rough denim rubbed heavily from the wound on his forehead. It is said that no pain is false, but this degree of pain has long been immune to yuntu who has experienced countless killings.

"That's silly. Why don't you fight back if you can start!"

A pack of paper towels was stuffed into his hand. Yuntu was stunned. The beautiful green wing had covered her face and ran away.

"The opposite is Yaxin hospital. There is a doctor on duty at noon. Hurry and bandage it!"

The round faced and slightly fat nurse then walked past him and glared at him with a look he couldn't understand.

What does that look mean? Yuntu doesn't understand!

There should be some differences between this situation and the previous life, but one core point is the same, that is, Qingyi cried!

Why did she cry for him? He didn't understand this problem in his last life. When he was born again, he still didn't understand it.

Yuntu didn't know that the girl named Qingyi was his schoolgirl at the same school, because he was one year higher than her at school, and he had a beautiful girlfriend at that time, so he didn't pay special attention to the girl who was one year lower than him. Even if he met occasionally on campus, he didn't remember.

In addition, he didn't know that Qingyi participated in the fashion trend song competition of mengguo station last year. They didn't sign up in the same competition area at that time. In addition, the other party was eliminated in the second round of audition, so he didn't know Qingyi at all.

The name of Qingyi was only known when she heard her female colleague call her when she came here to listen to him sing a few days ago.

Carefully wipe the blood stains on his face with a fragrant paper towel on his hand. While recalling the cloud picture, he looked at the time with his mobile phone and calculated roughly in his heart. At most, an hour later, when he bandaged the wound from Yaxin hospital and passed through the tunnel, Qingyi and her colleague just came back from the opposite after lunch, they will meet again in the tunnel.

so what?


Yuntu's rock solid heart trembled slightly!