When Yu returns to Unicorn city to hand in the task, Yu is scared.

"Has our mission been carried out for a long time?"

Yu said to his part.

"Think for yourself."

It's really a part of a bad heart.

"You're getting worse these days!"

After that, Yu turned to ask himself about the girls.

This time, the mission and the journey only took two months. In fact, it wasn't too long, but these two months gave Yu a sense of heaven and earth.

This is because Yu saw a notice when he handed in the task again.

In fact, the notice is actually a competition, but it is because of this competition that Yu feels that the world has changed.

It said:

in view of the tension between Xia and Shang, a military song competition was specially invited.

Simple and clear, there are Jie and Tang's signature on it. After reading it, Yu will be a little surprised.

This inside can have a little private affair in inside, Jie oneself Miss soup to see her not good, unexpectedly still specially recruit open a competition, more terrible soup also with crazy.

It is said that the husband sings and the woman follows. Now it's better. Before he gets married, he just lets you do mischief. If he doesn't stop him, he comes down to play together. He really doesn't know what to say.

But forget it, let's have a look first. Anyway, she's not in a hurry to go back now.

However, the military song competition is held in a specific place. If you want to watch it, you have to buy tickets to get in. However, the money on Yu is enough for the people here to buy tickets, so you don't need to worry about the money. However, Yu began to think about whether to buy tickets or not. This is a redundant problem.

On the day of the competition, Yu simply bought a box as a viewing place because there were too many people. The box was well chosen, so she could clearly see the whole competition site, but the price was a little higher. The price of a box was 4000 Liang, and only cash was charged, but no Silver ticket was charged. For this rule, Yu had to go to the bank first to exchange her silver ticket for silver Two.

It's not because the person who takes it is Yu. It's because private fighting is forbidden in Qilin city. Violators will be fined 10000 Liang. If the case is serious, they can be executed first and then executed. Needless to say.

So no one in Kirin City has the courage to rob, but it's not necessarily out of the city.

After arriving at the box, Yu realized that she was really out of touch with the world.

Before the start of the competition, the bands provided by the two sides will appear first, and the musical instruments are even more terrible. From Chinese pipa, Dagu, erhu, Xiao, guzheng and flute to western medium and large violin, piano, jazz drum, flute and guitar, there are so many kinds of musical instruments that they can start the concert soon.

What's more interesting is that most of the Chinese musical instruments are in Jie's part, while most of the Western musical instruments are in Tang's.

And when they both started playing, it was even more silly.

The one with the Chinese musical instrument is actually playing for Alice.! And the one who holds the Western musical instrument is not willing to be outdone to play "Liang Zhu". It's over!

In this case, why don't you exchange the musical instruments? If you want to surprise us, it's more surprising than happy now.

Well, after the band's performance, the next step is the teams of both sides. A group of players signed up by themselves. Jie and Tang sent two teams to participate in the performance respectively. All the players took the initiative to fight for them. They were really enthusiastic.

The first team is Jie's team, they slowly in the middle of the track, the team is uniform, it seems to give a good impression, but when the music goes on the first moment, the whole person is stupid!

The smell of smoke in the rock burning shop is very strong. Next door is the National Art Museum.

There are three sections of mother's Mulberry Tea Road in the shop.

The boss who teaches boxing and foot martial arts practices iron sand palm and plays Yang family gun.

I'm good at hard base Kung Fu, and I'm good at wearing iron cloth shirt with golden bell.

I used to be influenced by their son since I was a child.

I'm good at all kinds of knives and sticks.

What kind of weapon do you like best? The double truncheon is soft and hard.

I want to study Shaolin and Wudang in Songshan, Henan Province.

No! Jay Chou's double truncheons are out!

After the music came out, everyone's movements were the same, but they broke their uniforms with one hand, leaving only a black sanitary suit. Then everyone took out their truncheons from the back of their waist and began to hum!

You've seen hundreds of people singing together. It's no big deal, but when hundreds of people are waving and singing with their sticks, you'll know how shocking it is.

The first group went down and put on the soup. The first group came up.

Yu admitted that he was frightened by the front, and his nerves should have been big enough, but the appearance of this group was really interesting.

All the people were wrapped in the black full-body Cape, and when the music came out, Yu was speechless.No more white souls.

From man to ORC.

I started using the first person.

Record what happened in front of your eyes.

The morning when the bloodthirsty forest wakes up.

Any aggression is possible.

I relive it with an old mantra.

Sing the prelude of soul to find the root.

Face the evil kiss of the demon world, turn around uncontaminated.

Maintain the symbol of pure white and then return to human.

Let our Orc souls roll.

Put away the cruel memories of the animal process.

Let's have a simple Orc look.

Not greedy for eternity, loyal only to violence.

Orcs! It's still Jay Chou's song! They won't say it one by one, will they?

When the music came out, everyone on the field grabbed the cape with one hand and threw it aside, revealing the naked muscles under the cape for people to watch.

And in the middle of the singing, all the people actually walked away together! The whole body muscles suddenly bulged up, and the eyes were red. They were really like orcs.

But fortunately, although they are now like a orc, at least they are still rational and haven't attacked people, otherwise the game will be forced to terminate.

Then came the performance of the third group, and Yu began to think that the later should be more and more exaggerated.

Not surprisingly, when the music of the third group came out, Yu had already realized.

Northeast east with Dunhuang as the center.

The coastline of this nation is like a bow.

The Great Wall is like a dream to be shot for 5000 years.

I use my arm to lift the weight of the whole land.

What does the wind from the south of the Mongolian Plateau write.

Do you understand the same skin color and face.

Cross the Yellow River to the East and reach the peak of Mount Tai.

I draw the north wind to the West and bask in bronze.

Yearning for blood ties, countless brothers.

I opened the world and emptied the Yangtze River.

Man is in the metamorphosis of the ancient river bed.

Move the mountains and rivers again and fill in the cracks.

The sunrise in the East adjusted time and space.

Return to the flood and wasteland to control and manipulate.

My right fist opened the sky and turned me into a dragon.

The heart of the earth is beating restlessly.

There is only one expression left in the world.

Waiting for the hero, I am the dragon.

Or Jay Chou, dragon boxing!

After the beginning of the song, the people on the field used their muscles to support their uniforms, showing their proud muscles.

And this point of the song is to the back, all the people began to line up, actually relying on the tattoo on the body out of a real dragon!

Really incarnate as a dragon ~! The following performances are basically based on the unchanged Dragon Figure.

It's really exaggerating one by one. Next, there are two groups. They won't bring down the venue, will they?

When the next group goes on stage, Yu is ready to escape. Otherwise, if he doesn't have time to run, he will lose face.

"Don't worry. I'll run with you. Just look at it."

Of course, the one who can say this is not the little girls who are attracted by the competition, but her part. Since she has said that it seems that there is no time to worry about it, then she can watch the competition at ease.

The fourth group is on.

Yu thought it should be Jay Chou's song, and the fact proved that Yu was not wrong.

When the music comes out, the performers appear together. All the performers are wearing black suits, black suits, black shirts, black shoes and black sunglasses, but they are also wearing a pair of white gloves.

Cool morning dew wet black dress, stone road fog father in low complaint.

Helpless consciousness can only be more cruel, all for the road to the temple.

The fog that can't be blown away has lost its intention. Who stops pacing gently.

It's too late to cry, and the bullet will take away the temperature.

Each of us has a different crime.

I can decide who should sleep with whom.

Arguments can't be settled in the endless night.

Shut your mouth, the only favor.

Those who stand in front of us are all guilty, regret and have no way back, and are sentenced in the name of our father.

The feeling that there is no suitable vocabulary is like laughing and gazing at the complete darkness.

The tragedy that prevents the spread of tragedy will intoxicate me.

Bow and kiss my left hand in exchange for the promise of forgiveness.

The old organ accompanies all the time in the corner.

The black curtain was blown by the wind, and the sun speechless penetrated and sprinkled on the animals I tamed.

Silent cry silent cry lonely began to ferment, kept laughing at me, memories gradually burn.

Once innocent pictures, cruel tenderness, fragile time to pray with us.Jay Chou's in the name of his father, feather originally this song should not be too good, but feather is still too small on people's creativity.

When the song came to the back, the lights went out, and the people on the field started to dance together!

Can you imagine a group of people in suits and ties dancing in front of them? Especially when the background music is still in the name of the father.

Yu was stunned again, which was really beyond people's expectation. It was just too exciting.

The last group is going to play, but Yu is thinking about what to do if they are more unreasonable!

The last group is the same. The music comes first, but the moment the music comes out, Yu has a bad feeling.

The moss green the cabin.

Meng Zongzhu in the deep of the road.

There was fog on the rubble.

This kind of seclusion is called Jianghu.

Arrows are flying all over the sky.

Who is crying when the sunrise is covered on the wall.

You know, you know, you're in a hurry.

Pull as many bows as you have brute force.

Listen to me, martial arts can't be better than temple bells.

The wind of meditation is as calm as the pine of water.

I have a unique destiny.

I am sad in my victory.

I encamped all the way, with a bronze blade.

It's not easy to put life first.

I have a unique destiny.

After breaking the city, I smile and never love to fight.

I'm waiting for the other race to see the sky, blood for the alliance.

I am a dragon in fire.

Jay Chou is unique.

And the first person on the stage, also riding a fiery BMW, and the people who sit on the horse believe that as long as there are people who have played the real Three Kingdoms matchless will not know.

It's Lu Bu! You are exaggerating too much. Now that you are still between Xia and Shang Dynasty, you have moved Lv Bu out, and Lv Bu is followed by Liu Guan and Zhang. Will there not be a three British war against Lv Bu?

And just as Yu expected, when everyone came on, they began to fight each other, and the more the music came back, the more intense the fight was.

However, there are a few people in this group, but after all, this group is the only player self registration group. No one is willing to provide money and no one wants to provide people, so it's normal to have few people.

When the music was over, the battle was over, and Lu Bu defeated San Ying by one to three.

So far, the competition is over, and the ranking will be announced tomorrow, so everyone will come home.