Chapter 1008

The man's voice was cold and said slowly, "the golden gate master misunderstood. I didn't mean to help you ascend to the immortal gate. I'm the general who killed the fleet of Chilong city and destroyed the fleet of Chilong city. It's just because some personal grudges between Du Kang and me have nothing to do with your Shengxian gate. "

After a pause, the man continued, "you don't have to thank me or ask who I am. I won't kill you, just for your father's face. You go. After a while, no one here will live. I promised your father I didn't want to kill you. "

"Father?!" I was so surprised that I couldn't help raising my voice and said, "what did you say? Do you know my father? Where is he? "

The man seemed to be staring at me, but I couldn't see him, and I didn't know if he was looking at me like this.

I heard him say, "your father is my brother. He saved my life, so I promised him never to embarrass you and your family. But others, as long as they follow Du Kang, must die. "

The word "death" that the man finally said was full of deep hatred. I trembled all over my body.

I tried to keep calm: "since you are my father's brother, you are my elder. Please tell me your father's whereabouts. We've been looking for him for a long time, but we haven't found him yet... "

The man said leisurely, "your father is no longer in the world. You don't have to look for him."

"Father..." I frowned and said, "is father dead?"

The man said, "it's impossible to say that your father is no longer a human. Where is life and death? I can tell you that he has obtained eternal life and enjoyed endless glory and wealth... "

"Splendor and wealth?" I was suddenly angry: "then why didn't he give us any information? Doesn't he know that we have been looking for him all these years? Did he forget that he had a wife and children? "

The man sighed: "you don't have to be angry, eternal life... It also comes at a price, which is not what you people can imagine. In short, people after immortality can't do anything at will... "

I seemed to understand something and said slowly, "how is he?"

The man said, "he's good or not. You'll know soon. I don't have to say more. You go. I'm going to destroy the fleet. You'll be in danger if you stay. "

After a pause, he suddenly said softly, "by the way, to remind you, Bian Lusha, whom you have always hated, is still in the gate of immortality and a friend of yours."

My mind suddenly changed. Without hesitation, I hugged my fist and said, "thank you for telling me. I'll see you later. I hope the next time we meet, we can be honest and make friends. "

I didn't wait for the man to speak again. I spread out and quickly left the base of the fleet.

I flew to the previous defense point in one breath and saw that the fire here had been extinguished. The sergeants were cleaning the area and preparing to rebuild the fortifications.

I didn't say much, let alone go down to meet them and leave directly with Wan Baoding.

I'm going to directly return to Shengxian gate, tell my mother and brothers and sisters what I saw, and then discuss with the closed elders to mobilize more disciples of Shengxian gate to garrison in Daba Mountain.

The mysterious man I met just now must be beyond the existence of immortals. This is my feeling, although I have not confirmed this.

The existence beyond immortals is either a legendary god or a demon in the world population.

Immortals and gods cannot exist in this world for a long time. When they are in this world, their strength will also be suppressed by the interface, or even pushed out of the interface by the force of the interface. It is difficult to stay here for a long time.

There is only one explanation. This man is not a man, but a devil.

A demon who kills countless humans without any compassion and kindness.

My father is with this man. Does it mean that my father has become a devil

I was full of wishful thinking, my mind became unstable again, and I wanted to go back to the gate of immortality.

I need to hurry back to Shengxian gate, tell some elders of Shengxian gate about it and ask them about this man's origin.

But my idea was doomed to be impossible to realize immediately. When I left the defense point less than ten miles, there was a huge sound behind me. One mushroom cloud after another rose into the sky, and the whole sky became dark in an instant, like the end of the world.

It was the sound from the warship, and the smoke from there covered the whole sky.

The whole fleet is finished. What kind of means can we do all this in such a short time?

This is definitely not a nuclear bomb. When the nuclear bomb exploded, it was completely different from what I saw.

How many people will die this time? How many people does the mysterious man have to kill? I was more frightened and uneasy, a fear I had never had before, which made my mind more restless.

I couldn't help turning around, took out a messenger and passed all I saw back to the immortal gate.

I took a few deep breaths and resolutely turned back to the defense point. I no longer paid attention to the warship, nor was I in a hurry to arrange any defense.

I didn't say anything more. I just said "rest at ease" to the commander who came to ask me what had happened, and then closed my eyes.

I stood quietly on a high ground at the defense point and did nothing with my eyes closed.

I'm waiting for someone. Waiting is boring, but I don't want to do anything and have no mind to do it.

An hour later, the energy wave came from the transmission array of the defense point, and our people came.

I slowly opened my eyes, slowly turned around and tried to smile, "are you coming?"

The man looked at me and said slowly, "what happened to you? The elders will be here in a minute. "

I stepped forward and put my hand around the man without saying a word.

My mind has changed a lot. My whole person has completely changed in the previous hour.

"Jin Feng," said the man I held gently, "you haven't been like this for a long time. You grow up and are no longer a child..."

I slowly released the man and slowly said, "Mom, for a thousand years, my son has been unfilial and failed to take good care of you..."

The person who came was my mother. I specially summoned my mother to come here. I want to tell her what I know personally.

My mother looked at me with tenderness and worry on her face. The thick maternal love made me feel a trace of warmth.