Chapter 937

Fake MOI sighed: "to tell you the truth, we haven't seen each other for a long time... This villain has done a lot of wrong things, which has ruined the face of Emei sect. I really don't want to see him."

I pretended to agree with fake MOI, sighed and said, "brother Hua is too greedy and lustful. This... Hey, don't say this."

Fake MOI nodded: "villain, it's me that MOI didn't discipline well..."

I smiled: "elder MOI is very concerned about brother Hua. Caring is chaotic. Human nature is understandable."

Fake MOI was slightly stunned and immediately said, "I didn't discipline him well, which made the kingmen master laugh."

I saw that the fake MOI was very similar, so I deliberately said, "I don't know if the beautiful women I introduced are still serving brother Hua?"

"Ah..." fake MOI was stunned again, and then said with a smile: "I have to thank the golden gate master. If the people introduced by the golden gate master hadn't served him, he wouldn't know how many innocent people would be harmed..."

I looked at Moi and my face slowly changed: "I'm afraid brother Hua is not the only one who harms innocent people?"

Fake MOI's face changed slightly, and something suddenly appeared in my eyes: "the golden gate master is powerful. He found out that I'm not MOI himself... Well, it's terrible for later generations. To tell you the truth, I'm not MOI. "

Fake MOI suddenly confessed, which was beyond my expectation. I thought he would deny it desperately, but I didn't expect it to be like this. He was almost speechless for a moment.

"Since you admit that you are not senior MOI, I want to know who you are?" After holding it for a long time, I said such a sentence.

"Lord Jinmen, guess." The fake MOI smiled and said, "if the golden gate master can guess my identity, I can answer the golden gate master a question unconditionally."

I stared at fake MOI, thought for a moment, and slowly said, "you are Bian Lusha!"

"Ha ha..." fake MOI smiled: "smart people are different. They guessed my identity at once. I can answer you one question, but only one. The Golden Gate leader must think clearly before asking. "

I said without thinking, "are you Bian Lusha, the star man I know?"

Bian Lusha, disguised as MOI, stared at me with anger in her eyes and said slowly with her teeth: "yes, I am Bian Lusha, the unique Bian Lusha in the world."

With his voice, he waved his hand, and his appearance changed greatly. Bian Lusha, whom I had seen once before, stood in front of me.

I didn't believe my eyes. I stared at Bian Lusha and said, "are you Bian Lusha? How did you look like this? "

"This is the second question." Bian Lusha said, "as I said, you can only ask me one question."

I was speechless and looked at Bian Lusha, but I couldn't ask any more questions.

"Ha ha..." Bian Lusha looked at me and smiled happily: "the head of the immortal promotion gate, if others see this now, many people will be surprised..."

I held back my anger and said, "Bian Lusha, I wonder how you can survive. I saw you killed with my own eyes and personally examined your body..."

Bian Lusha's laughter stopped abruptly: "do you remember that I was killed by your people? I haven't avenged this revenge. How can I die? Hey... Jin Feng, you and I have been dealing with each other for so many years. You should know how much I hate you! "

I frowned and said, "you are not a warrior. You can't take away other people's flesh without practicing the yuan God. Unless you are a ghost... "

Bian Lusha's voice changed as like as two peas I'd known, "don't think that only the high rank of your oxygen star can use the yuan God to recover your soul. We are prosperous in technology and many things are not understood by you.

After a pause, Bian Lusha seemed to think of something and said with a sneer: "today I'm specially waiting for you to let you know that I'm not dead. I want to avenge you!"

I finally understood something. It turned out that Bian Lusha was resurrected with the help of science and technology, which surprised me.

But there is another question I don't understand: "even so, how can you live for thousands of years? Has your technology developed to extend human life? "

Bian Lusha no longer bothered to answer my question and sneered, "do you think you warriors can have endless life?"

She suddenly stared at me and shouted angrily, "it has been more than a thousand years since I was killed by you. It took me hundreds of years to resurrect. How can you understand the hardships... I will avenge you. Please wait. I will kill you and avenge myself and the people who died in your hands."

Like a crazy Bian Lusha, her appearance is completely unmatched by her before, but her voice is surprisingly similar.

I knew that the middle-aged ordinary woman in front of me was Bian Lusha, and I couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

"Bian Lusha, to tell you the truth, your technology really surprised me, revived a person who has died for hundreds of years and extended his life... But I'm surprised by your appearance now..." I couldn't help saying: "you're a living dead man, a zombie face..."

Bian Lusha angrily interrupted me: "you noble immortal sect leader, do you still care about a person's appearance? To tell you the truth, my appearance can be changed at any time. I can become what I want to become. I can meet at will and feel free... "

When Bian Lusha spoke, her appearance slowly changed, from an ordinary middle-aged woman to a very beautiful young woman.

Although this young woman is different from Bian Lusha before, she has some elegant demeanor of Bian Lusha faintly, at least three points similar to Bian Lusha before.

I was stunned and couldn't help boasting: "what a powerful deformation, which is beyond any kind of face changing on our oxygen star..."

Bian Lusha showed a smile on her beautiful face: "it seems that you still prefer my original appearance... Jinfeng, we could have been friends, but you conspired to kill my family, my friends and my people... You made me lose everything. I have no reason to forgive you and can't be friends with you again."

Bian Lusha changed her face and shouted angrily, "I will kill you and your family and friends by using the immortal cultivation on the oxygen star and our most proud high technology!"

I was suddenly a little afraid, because the high technology of the stars was very powerful. If Bian Lusha was given immortality, the combination of the two would have unimaginable consequences.