Chapter 927

Without waiting for the scorpion to breathe, another huge sword Qi gathered from countless attacks turned into an almost physical sword and accurately hit the scorpion's head.

The scorpion roared again. Several ferocious wounds suddenly appeared on the whole person's body surface, and more blood flowed out, which made his whole person look very scary, just like a bloodthirsty evil ghost from hell.

I knew that the power of the array was enough to threaten the life of the scorpion, so I stopped launching other arrays to save a few energy spars in my hand.

If I stimulate more arrays, I think one blow will be enough to kill the scorpion, but the spent crystal stone will also greatly damage the vitality of Shengxian gate. Energy spar is precious. I have to save some.

I finally believe that immortal ascending array can kill immortals. I saw with my own eyes that the Scorpion was about to lose its support. Maybe after the next attack, he would really die, which is enough to explain everything.

Besides consuming a lot of energy and crystal stones, there is basically no one else to kill the scorpion in the half immortal realm. The power of the immortal ascending array is definitely the greatest I know.

However, before the scorpion died, I still made some preparations. After all, the scorpion is a half immortal. It almost became the immortal in the legend. I don't think it can be killed so easily.

"Jin Feng!" The scorpion suddenly roared, "you forced me. I'm going to destroy your immortal gate!"

With the roar of the scorpion, his body suddenly grew rapidly. He was like a rubber man. He was being inflated and became extremely huge with the naked eye.

A moment later, the scorpion became like a giant beast, like a mountain, like a giant who had disappeared for countless years.

At this time, the scorpion's skin is like a rock, his hair is like a flame, his eyes are like a door, his fist is like a giant hammer, and his legs are like a giant tree

The whole person of Scorpio has changed. Now he is the demon God who came to the world, the demon God who destroyed the world.

"Roar..." the huge roar rang through the heaven and earth. The originally cloudy sky suddenly became like a dark night.

Shengxian sect and its disciples are in danger.

The scorpion, with his arms raised high, smashed his fists like two hills. The goal is the whole immortality promotion array.

Banxian's strength is by no means more than that shown by the scorpion before. I had expected this, but I saw his transformation with my own eyes. I haven't seen his attack yet. I already felt the coming of death.

"No, this is the most advanced war skill of the demon family. The demon God Yu Wei." Xiaozhu's voice spread to my ears: "Jinfeng, be careful. The remaining power of the demon God is infinite. You are not an opponent at all..."

I saw the changes of the scorpion and heard Xiaozhu's reminder. I had already been moved. I threw out all the energy crystal stones I had prepared in my hand and started dozens of arrays in an instant.

More energy spars are ready for me. If the dozens of arrays I stimulate still can't stop the scorpion, I will not hesitate to stimulate more arrays.

If you can't stop the scorpion, the immortal gate will be destroyed. In front of life and death, nothing is important, let alone the energy crystal.

Dozens of times more powerful than the previous attack. The attack power of the immortal ascending array can not be underestimated.

The attack of the array collided with the fist smashed by the scorpion, but there was no sound or earth shaking phenomenon.

This time there was no sound, no sound at all, no fluctuation, strange and abnormal.

For a long time after the impact, I still didn't see anything until I suddenly felt that there seemed to be some changes in the air I was standing in

The dark clouds originally covered in the sky disappeared strangely at this time, leaving no trace.

More strangely, the sun that should have appeared after the dark clouds dissipated did not appear.

A large dark starry sky suddenly appeared in front of me, just like I suddenly went into space.

Is it the aftershock of the impact that swings away in circles, dispersing all the dark clouds in the sky without leaving a trace? But why didn't I feel the shock wave?

Or did I have an illusion and fall into a fantasy?

Naturally, I didn't go into space, because I clearly saw that the immortal gate was still under me.

I didn't fall into a dreamland. I clearly saw everything I knew in Shengxian gate

There is only one possibility, that is, the powerful attack has torn the space of the small world here, creating a huge space crack.

It must be. I was sure of what I saw, and then I suddenly thought of it.

How dangerous would it be to be in a crack in space?

Even the immortal, facing the space crack, has a great chance to be swallowed up by the space crack, and nothing will remain.

I shivered and was about to confirm whether I was really hit into the space crack. I saw that the space crack above my head became smaller between the electro-optic flint and disappeared without a trace.

I was still where I was, I didn't feel anything, I didn't even have time to feel the danger of space cracks.

I was sure I was safe. Although I didn't know how, my inner joy erupted without warning and couldn't help laughing.

My smile was like an introduction. The originally silent area of Shengxian gate was suddenly attacked by a nuclear bomb, and everything suddenly changed irreversibly.

Everything that was normal in the area I could see suddenly disappeared after I laughed.

Is my eye blind? Or did I see a super magic show by a powerful magician?

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to keep my head awake and calm myself.

When I opened my eyes again, I found that I was not in place. I was hundreds of meters away from where I was originally, and I had fallen to the ground.

It was the aftermath of the attack and collision that scattered the dark clouds. Even I was in the air and flew hundreds of meters.

Looking at the blood on the skirt, I suddenly remembered that I had vomited a big mouthful of blood in mid air.

I was badly hurt. My internal organs were cracked and my blood surged. It was very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the speed of the holy body's self-healing has always been my pride. In the blink of an eye, it has repaired my injury and made me recover as before.

All the previous scenes are slowly restored, and my mind slowly recalls the scenes that happened before