Chapter 613

I also made an appointment with Zhou Shuangyin in the evening. It's late now. It's time to talk to Zhou Shuangyin alone.

Mysterious armor may not be new to me, but it must be attractive enough.

Armor is a necessary thing to assist a warrior in fighting. If it is really the same as what Zhou Shuangyin said before and how powerful the armor he wants to make now, I also want to have such a armor.

Although my strength is already the second-class king of martial arts, the king of martial arts is not the ultimate existence in this world. There are Wuxian and Wushen above the king of martial arts, which are enough to threaten my existence.

In the past, I might have thought that Wuxian and Wushen were too far away from me, but recently, I didn't meet Wuxian and Wushen twice. I saw Wuxian and Wushen with my own eyes. I began to face up to my strength and know where I was.

Now my strength is not enough to protect myself, let alone invincible. Many people can defeat me.

I have never dreamed of becoming an invincible existence, but I must be able to protect myself, which is the most basic.

When I came to the city Lord's residence, Zhou Shuangyin was already waiting for me.

When he saw me coming, he took out a treasure box from his desk with a smile. After carefully opening the treasure box, he took out a rare piece of paper.

Zhou Shuangyin attached great importance to this piece of paper, opened it carefully and said to me, "this is the production drawing of armor. Don't underestimate it. It was developed by the predecessors in ancient times."

I looked at the piece of paper in front of me. There were complex pictures and texts on it, but I couldn't understand it.

Zhou Shuangyin explained: "this suit of armor can not only defend against physical attacks, but also against real Qi, Reiki and even immortal power attacks. According to the above records, the great powers of ancient times and the legendary martial gods will try their best to refine such armor for self-defense. It is said that this armour can defend the warrior in the realm of Wushen without damage. It can be called the best armour... "

"What?" I couldn't help shouting, "is that too exaggerated? Don't mention the God of martial arts. Even if it's just a warrior in the realm of the king of martial arts, the destructive power of a full blow is not easily blocked by a armor. The protective clothing of the stars is excellent, and the warrior in the realm of King Wu can easily break it. This armour is a thousand times better, but I'm afraid it can't resist the full attack of Wu God. There must be something wrong in the record above. Maybe it's a lie... "

Zhou Shuangyin interrupted me: "you can see it first. Don't rush to a conclusion. I found this thing from the treasure house of the city Lord's residence inadvertently. It was locked by the eight treasure box. I spent a lot of energy. I invited several instrument practising masters and it took three months to open the eight treasure box. When I got it, it was also protected by a small array. The rare Tianyuan stone provided array energy. You should know the origin of Tianyuan stone. It was the most precious energy gem in ancient times. A piece the size of your finger is enough to buy 100 gems of Jingshen city... "

I was a little moved. I opened my mouth and looked at Zhou Shuangyin, waiting for him to continue.

Seeing my expression, Zhou Shuangyin smiled proudly, "are you scared? Hehe... I asked experts to help identify it. This paper came from millions of years ago. If it hadn't been protected by the array, it would have been destroyed. I absolutely believe what's on it is true. "

"Things millions of years ago, even if they are protected by an array, they will be damaged." I continued to insist on my view: "I didn't find any damage on it. It looks like something made now."

Zhou Shuangyin smiled: "that's because you don't know the array to protect this rice paper... Take a closer look at the box and the array inside the box. I have never seen or heard of this formation. However, the array materials it uses are never visible now, and they only exist in legends... So it is a fact that it comes from ancient times. "

I leaned over and looked carefully for a while, and really found that I had never seen this array before.

There are only eight materials used in the array. A fist sized black transparent stone is about the Tianyuan stone mentioned by Zhou Shuangyin just now.

This black and translucent stone is placed in the middle as the energy of the array. The pure energy visible to the naked eye slowly flows on this stone and emits soft light, which looks unreal.

This stone seems to be a treasure in itself. It may really be the Tianyuan Stone said by Zhou Shuangyin.

There are four pillars around the Tianyuan stone, only one finger long. The crystal is generally a beautiful small pillar, which is placed around the eight treasure box as a flag in the array.

Or they are just used to support, not what I think in the array.

Two yellow jade stones, almost the same size as this eight treasure box, are fixed on four small columns up and down, like the ground and roof of a house.

They completely fix the space size of the eight treasure box, just like this one.

In the middle of the "roof", there is also a fire red bead the size of an egg, which emits a trace of red light visible to the naked eye. I don't know what it is or what its function is.

These attracted my attention, but what attracted my attention more was this eight treasure box.

The eight treasure box is not a rare thing in the red dragon kingdom. It is said that women in the oxygen star people have a lot of small objects around them. For convenience, they specially made this eight treasure box to put their small objects in different categories.

Later, as people found that the eight treasure box still had many important functions, it was slowly loved and used by more and more people.

After continuous improvement, the eight treasure box has become a very practical and popular common tool. Almost every family uses it and every family will buy and collect it.

Some people like this tool very much and try to improve it. Finally, they produce all kinds of eight treasure boxes, including eight treasure boxes with mechanisms for valuables, eight treasure boxes with arrays to keep fresh items or items that do not want to dissipate in a short time, and space eight treasure boxes with large storage space similar to space rings

In a word, the eight treasure box is a particularly popular and beloved tool in a certain era, and it is also a tool used by some people to preserve their precious things.

I took the eight treasure box and observed it carefully. At the same time, I also recalled some things I had seen in some books. I soon had a general understanding of the eight treasure box.