Chapter 544

Xuelian'er frowned and said, "but the mirror God city I saw, the money that the people have worked hard to earn, they have to pay taxes. How can I say that?"

I continued to explain: "the princess doesn't know anything. In the current Chilong country, all the cities rely on the protection of the city master's house to survive. When the city Lord's residence protects the city and its people for free, it needs to set up its own army and have its own various officials to help the people do things, which requires expenses. In short, the city Lord's office has no source of funds and does all the things it has to do. Therefore, the city Lord's office of each city collects some taxes to maintain these daily expenses. "

Xuelianer nodded slightly: "I understand what you said. We don't need the army to protect us because there is no attack or sneak attack from the outside world. Moreover, the people here have relatively few things to do. We all concentrate in one place and help each other directly. We don't need to organize a group of people to help others do things. Indeed, we don't need to organize special personnel to serve others in the way of tax collection. "

I said with a smile, "if you understand, it's not that there is any injustice in the outside world, but that if the situation is different, the practice will be different. It's like an agreement between you and me. You help me and I'll pay you. It's that simple. "

Xuelianer smiled: "I see. Thank you, general. Treat the general to breakfast. We'll start in a minute. It may take half a day to get on the road today. If we start earlier, we can arrive earlier. "

I nodded, grabbed a piece of meat and ate it.

Yesterday I had tasted xuelianer's craft and felt very delicious. Today, when I eat again, I still feel very delicious. I can't help eating several pieces in a row.

When I had enough to eat, I stopped.

Xuelianer and Xiaojin are also eating. Only Xiaozhu doesn't need to eat. She practiced yuanshenjue with me last night, recovered some consumed yuanshenjue power, and now she goes back to shenghunzhu to have a rest.

I inadvertently thought of the colorful immortal who had been protecting xuelian'er before. At this time, I asked xuelian'er: "why did colorful immortal follow you and protect you? Who is he? Is it just that what you said is similar to your master? "

Referring to the captured colorful real person, xuelianer said sadly: "he is my father's good friend. This time, I begged my father to let the colorful real person take me out to play and have a long experience. Unexpectedly, colorful immortal accidentally found an old friend. After discussing with me, he went to see his old friend. I'm alone outside. I'm not familiar with my life. I fell into the hands of the stars. So colorful immortal was forced to promise to help the stars attack Jingshen City, and I was forced to help them... "

Hearing this, I have understood a lot. It turned out that xuelianer didn't take the initiative to help the stars. She went out with colorful real people. After they separated, they were accidentally caught and had to be an accomplice of the stars.

The old friend of colorful immortal should be the five idle people who hurt me before, if I guess well.

Later, the colorful immortal was forced to agree to help the stars attack Jingshen city because xuelianer fell into the hands of the stars.

I am very clear about the latter things and have participated in them.

Xuelianer said with a trace of regret: "if I hadn't insisted on coming out to have a look, the colorful immortal might be fine. I myself... I wouldn't have fallen into the hands of the stars and became their accomplice and killed the general..."

I understand everything, but I still can't help but want to ask, so I said: "colorful immortal helps the stars do things. Is it also related to your being caught by the stars?"

Xuelianer nodded and didn't speak, but her eyes were obviously regretful.

I couldn't help asking, "is it because the stars threatened him with your life that the colorful immortal helped the stars attack our mirror God city?"

Xuelianer nodded slightly, then grabbed my hand and said excitedly: "general Yingming, that's right. Colorful immortal didn't want to take refuge in the stars at the beginning. He was forced to cooperate with the stars because of me. General, when we leave the extremely cold place next time, please go to the Shen family to find Shen Zu, tell Shen Zu the whole story, and save the life of immortal Qicai. "

I smiled bitterly: "not to mention whether Shen Zu would believe me or not, even if he believed me, the Almighty person might not have spared the colorful immortal. Princess, openly surrender to the enemy and attack her city and country with the enemy, that is a complete traitor. Such people, no matter for what reason, want to be forgiven by everyone, I'm afraid it will be very difficult. "

"What about me?" Xuelianer looked at me disappointed: "I have also helped the stars. If I were like the general said, wouldn't I be forgiven?"

I knew that xuelianer had caught the flaw in my words, so she had to say patiently, "princess, I took a great risk when I helped you get away. Now I can try the colorful real person. As for the final result, I really can't give you a clear answer. I don't know what kind of person the Almighty is. The princess should know. They don't necessarily listen to me. "

After a pause, I said reluctantly, "if you want to be forgiven by the world, the best way is to help us resist the stars. Through your actions, let the world know that you do have a heart of repentance, and the world will slowly forgive your mistakes. "

Xuelianer said helplessly, "in fact, I know it's difficult for the general, but the general is my last hope. I can't help asking the general for help..."

I nodded: "I know what the princess means, and please understand my difficulties. The disciples of the Almighty are all martial arts masters in the realm of Wuxian. I don't have to speak effectively in front of them. The world is still a world that respects its strength. If its strength is not enough, it doesn't matter what it says. "

Xuelianer nodded in disappointment and said slowly, "let's go, I see... Let's go."

I suddenly felt that I couldn't help xuelianer. I was sorry for her. I couldn't help but say, "I'm sorry, I..."

Xuelian'er was stunned and then said, "the general is polite. In fact, I also know that it is difficult for me... Don't worry, the general, this is only my personal request, not a condition for our cooperation."

I smiled bitterly, waved my hand and said, "well, in that case, we'd better hurry."