Chapter 395

After killing the star assassin, I called Xiao Jin and summoned the flame beast and other war beasts to take my war beasts to the city master's house.

The war beasts that can fly take the initiative to find other war beasts scattered around. When all war beasts are assembled, I will take them to the city master's house.

There were too many war animals along the way, which frightened many people and caused many people's panic.

When I assigned some war beasts to every corner of the mirror city to help guard the mirror City, it would be easier to cause panic and onlookers if all my war beasts came here together.

When we came to the city master's residence, Hua Jianfeng was already waiting for me. He was also moved to see these war beasts I brought.

In particular, the three war beasts, flame beast, Xiao Jin and nerd, have the super strength comparable to the king of human martial arts. They are much more powerful than Hua Jianfeng himself, which is easier to attract Hua Jianfeng's attention.

I smiled and said, "this flame beast is called Xiaohong. This is Xiaojin and nerd. They all have the strength of King Wu, so they will be the main force of our city defense this time. "

Hua Jianfeng nodded, smiled and said, "you are a good man. You have recovered such a powerful war beast! It's really the first time I've seen so many powerful spirit beasts live in harmony with human beings. I feel very unusual... Jin Feng, your comprehensive power has definitely surpassed some ordinary city masters. "

I quickly waved my hand and said, "Lord, I'll be ashamed of what you said. I brought these war beasts back from Chilong city to help us defend the city, but I didn't think about who was stronger. "

Hua Jianfeng smiled: "I'm just saying it casually. You don't have to think about it. By the way, I heard that you still have war beasts to help defend the city on the wall. I don't know how many war beasts there are? "

I clapped my fist and said, "there is not much at present. I plan to find some powerful war beasts to help us defend the city when I have time. But now I don't have enough time. I can't find spirit beasts and star beasts in time."

Hua Jianfeng said almost immediately, "you do it now. We need such a powerful war beast. You can ignore other things for the time being. "

I was surprised to see Hua Jianfeng: "the construction of the transmission array was ordered by the Lord himself. This..."

Hua Jianfeng patted his forehead: "I almost forgot this. I've been too busy recently. I'm anxious and confused. You'd better build the transmission array first. This is the most important thing at present. "

I couldn't help laughing and said, "I've started to prepare. It's not easy to choose a suitable place. Please give me more people, preferably experts in this field."

Hua Jianfeng nodded slightly, called a sergeant and said to the sergeant, "go find the money, deputy city Lord, and let him see me right away."

When the sergeant took the order and left, Hua Jianfeng said to me: "Jinfeng, you are also a level 8 general now, so I decided to let you be the third Deputy City Master of Jingshen City, in charge of the construction of transmission array and the defense of the main gate. If you don't mind, I'll send the letter of appointment to the whole city. "

I knew that Hua Jianfeng did this to facilitate my future work, so I didn't refuse: "thank you, city Lord. I will try my best to build the transmission array and guard the main gate of Jingshen city."

Hua Jianfeng said with a smile, "you and I are both teachers and friends, so don't be polite. Qian beixiong is the most suitable person to build a transmission array in Jingshen City, but he is old and has poor energy, so I'm more relieved to leave it to you. But you also need Qian beixiong's help. He has many people who are good at architecture. I asked him to help you complete the construction of the transmission array. "

I heard that Qian beixiong was coming to help me. Thinking of the unpleasant things between us in the past, I couldn't help but say, "will Qian beixiong hold a grudge against me because of the previous things and deliberately don't try his best to build a transmission array?"

Hua Jianfeng said with a smile, "don't worry about it. When is it? If he dares to put his personal gratitude and resentment before national affairs, I can't spare him, and the Lord of the country can't spare him."

I nodded slightly: "you're right. I just said it casually."

What I thought in my heart was: Qian beixiong dared to hit me again. I didn't mind beating him up. By the way, I doubled what he had done to me. I am also a level 8 general now. There are many powerful war beasts around me. I won't be afraid of Qian beixiong.

"General," I was thinking. Qi zuyue's voice came. He must have something urgent. He found the city master's house and came here: "general, the stars are coming again. They named to see you and said that if you don't meet them, they will destroy Jingshen city with restricted weapons."

My heart moved, frowned and said, "do they want to see me? This... "

Hua Jianfeng said, "how did they know you? Have you had any contact before? "

I nodded: "before, when we went to the red dragon country, we met the stars. This time, when we came back, we fought with the stars on the road. That time, we killed thousands of stars, and we almost lost the whole army. "

Hua Jianfeng's face was moved: "so you've already fought with the stars. I said how did they know you."

I smiled bitterly and said with fear: "the situation was very critical at that time. We almost didn't get out alive... Let me see. If the stars really dare to use those limited weapons, we might as well fight with them."

Qi zuyue said: "the enemy is threatening this time, with at least millions of personnel and all kinds of high-tech weapons. It seems that he will not give up."

Hua Jianfeng pondered a little, then turned and looked at the busy sergeants and shouted, "pass on my military order. Everyone is ready to meet the enemy and prepare our nuclear weapons. Wait for my order and be ready to launch at any time."

Nuclear weapons are the ultimate weapon and the last resort on the oxygen star. They cannot be used casually unless they are absolutely necessary.

Now the actions of the stars have forced us to prepare for the use of nuclear weapons. This is the last and most critical moment.

I feel that all this has come too fast. Nothing is ready. The enemy has pressed the border and is going to fight us.

This war is not what the stars said before. Their purpose here is to take us to develop and grow together. This is the * * naked invasion, an invasion that wants to take our oxygen star as its own.

I don't know what others think about such things. Anyway, I have a determination to either drive away or wipe out the stars, or die with them.

I can't live under the rule of the stars.