Chapter 265

Mrs. Sanming didn't seem to want to kill uncle Qin here. She didn't try her best in every attack and didn't really kill him.

She just drove uncle Qin back, but she didn't really hurt uncle Qin, even though the attack parts were mostly the key.

I was secretly strange about this. I wanted to ask Du Yu what was going on, but I couldn't help but keep silent at the thought of asking these words at this time.

The battle between Mrs. Sanming and uncle Qin was frightening at first, just like a battle of life and death.

But slowly I found that they didn't have any deep hatred. Although they started to fight when they met, they didn't intend to kill each other.

They just want to play, like dancers on the stage, performing a wonderful fight play

I suddenly understood something in my heart. I had no time to think too much. I quickly quietly turned to Zhou Xiaoying and said, "sister, you and sister Hua'er go into the house and look at Dewey. Don't let someone take the opportunity to save Dewey."

Zhou Xiaoying frowned slightly and whispered, "Dewey can't move. Can he escape?"

I looked at Mrs. Sanming and uncle Qin, who were still fighting, and whispered to Zhou Xiaoying, "they were only afraid to attract our attention, but they played tricks secretly and sent someone to save Dewey..."

Zhou Xiaoying frowned and said, "you said they deliberately met like this. In fact... I'll go and have a look. If Dewey were still there, otherwise..."

When Zhou Xiaoying spoke, she had rushed to Mrs. Sanming's house, and the last half of the words came from the house.

Sai Hua'er also thought of something at this time. She turned and rushed to help Zhou Xiaoying. What she didn't hear was a possibility she thought of. It seems that she is also a very alert person.

I looked at Du Yu standing aside and sneered, "good Du Yu, it really opened my eyes..."

Du Yu suddenly sneered and said, "it's too late for you to understand at this time?"

I stretched out my hand to catch Du Yu. As soon as I shot, I felt the strong wind behind me. Unexpectedly, someone took the opportunity to attack me.

When I looked back quickly, I saw that the person who attacked me was Mrs. Sanming. She was punching me in the back of the head. If I hadn't avoided it in time, I was afraid I would be seriously injured.

I knew Mrs. Sanming must be a very powerful martial artist. Just now she fought with Uncle Qin, but I didn't think there was anything. At this time, looking at her speed and power, she was almost the peak cultivation of level 9 generals. I had no ability to fight back except to avoid.

After Mrs. Sanming attacked me, she didn't stop, but attacked quickly, forcing me to keep retreating.

There is another enemy behind me, uncle Qin. I don't dare to retreat too fast. I'm worried that uncle Qin will attack me from behind.

In my busy schedule, I looked back and saw Uncle Qin attacking me behind me. The attack was still very fierce.

I subconsciously turned around to stop uncle Qin's attack, but I forgot that Mrs. Sanming was also chasing me.

After a sudden pain in my back, the whole person flew up, like a broken kite, and hit it out from a distance.

"East..." when the cry of Saihua came to my ears, my body had hit the ground heavily.

Mrs. Sanming's attack power is very strong. When I was hit by her, I flew out and hit the ground, I felt hurt.

Fortunately, my body is strong enough. Even if I hit it like this, I still didn't suffer a heavy injury, but the pain and humiliation made me unbearable and couldn't help humming.

I immediately got up, made a defensive posture, and looked at Mrs. Sanming and uncle Qin coldly.

After Mrs. Sanming attacked me, she probably thought I would die, so she didn't follow me to make up for it. If she followed me and hit me again, I would be extremely dangerous.

Mrs. Sanming was surprised that I was almost unharmed. She looked at me and said strangely: "originally, you are still a martial arts player refining your body. The strength of your body is compared with that of some martial arts players at the peak of level 9 generals... Hum, I underestimated you before, boy."

I originally hated Mrs. Sanming very much. At this moment, a strange idea suddenly appeared in my heart. I smiled faintly and said slowly: "you underestimate not only my physical strength..."

Mrs. Sanming's eyes coagulated: "do you mean I have no eyes? Good boy, it's really rare for me to talk to Mrs. Sanming like this in recent 100 years. You're the first. "

"So what? You want to kill me. Do you want me to respect you? " I was also angry and deliberately angered Mrs. Sanming: "are you with Uncle Qin? Hum, your good play is worthy of being two crafty old immortals. "

"The young man's Kung Fu is not good, but his tongue is powerful!" Uncle Qin suddenly said, "since you see our purpose, please hand over the eudemon and let us take you to the Lord. As for your sister and friends, we will consider giving them a way out... "

I frowned, looked at the stunned Sai Hua'er not far away, raised my voice and said, "aren't you from the Du family? How can you help the Lord catch me? Are you basically the running dog of the Lord and the slave of the Lord's family? "

Uncle Qin's face was green and white, and he sneered: "boy, your mouth stinks. Who says I'm from the Du family? I am the steward of the Lord's house. The Lord himself is the steward. "

I looked at Mrs. Sanming: "I can call the dead in black of the Du family, but I don't admit that I have a relationship with the Du family. I'm really a treacherous villain..."

Uncle Qin was stunned and then said with a smile: "just scold, you won't have too many opportunities to scold. You can scold now, just scold."

Regardless of Uncle Qin's murderous spirit, I said to myself, "Mrs. Sanming is from xingmen, but she has close contacts with you, the steward who claims to be the Lord's house. If you say there is no shady business between you, who will believe it? It's not my imagination. What you do may not be able to see people. Hei hei... Once the Lord knows, you can imagine what you will do. "

Uncle Qin was stunned again, and then said, "Mrs. Sanming and I are old acquaintances. This time, thanks to the clues provided by Mrs. Sanming and miss Du Yudu, I can find you, the thief who stole the national leader's phantom beast at the first time. You don't have to try to stir up the relationship between us and xingmen, let alone between the Lord and me... To tell you the truth, xingmen people won't care about these things. After all, these things have nothing to do with them. The Lord of the country will not be provoked by your words. He is a wise gentleman with insight... "

Uncle Qin was very excited. He said a lot of good things about the country Lord and the star gate. He was worried that my words would affect his impression in the eyes of the country lord or the star gate.