359 13 Years V : Burning A Soul

"So you really are awake, that's good. Gives me enough chance to kill your fucking ass!" He shot towards me, moving with enough speed to have matched a Dracula, unfortunately for him, I was a very different person from who I was when I went into a coma. He had pointed his palm, flattening it like a blade and pointing it at my chest. I just sidestepped the strike and grabbed him by his neck, raised him up and slammed him into the ground, releasing a loud boom.However it did not seem as if he had received any damage, as he twisted himself and wrapped his legs around my arm, putting me in an arm bar. Seems like these foot thought he could wrestle with me, unfortunately for him, I'm not really in the mood. The ability to speak out my runes, was a little exhausting, but depending on the scope of the rune used, some could be used multiple times in a fight…..I think. "PUSH!"Cornelius was blasted away from my hand, flying across the Coliseum until his back impacted the legs of a statue that stood as a pillar for the walls and bleachers of the coliseum. This time Cornelius received damaged as on the tip of his forehead, a hairline crack appeared. Though there wasn't even a single scratch on the massive statue, the impact of his back hitting it had actually shaken the entire coliseum. We were practically kilometers away from each other, but I could see as the crack on his forehead tried to heal itself. All of this might seem to sudden, but obviously there was no longer anything living about Cornelius. He truly was a weapon, but right now that weapon was not strong enough. Not when it was not being wielded. To be honest this was not a fight, with the way I am right now, this was nothing more than an execution, and one that would be done properly this time. I teleported in front of him and shoved my hand into his chest, there was a sound akin to glass or steel breaking as pulled his crystallized heart out of his chest. There was no blood to make the scene as gruesome as I wanted it to be, and Cornelius was definitely not feeling any sort of pain, he just looked at me with a rather nasty smile on his face. "I warned you,I told you that I was going to make you and the people you love pay for crossing me. Now your son will never see the light of day again, and even as a god, I it would be incredibly hard for you to save and return is eyes back to him. Your son is going to be a cripple for life, and it's all your fault.""No! Cornelius, I'm already past the point of taking blames for a lot of things, maybe this is my fault, but you're the one who's going to pay for it, and so would every other dark God that decided to endorse this bloody venture. By the time I'm done with you, whatever is left of your soul can go back to your masters and tell them that I'm coming for them, and that I'll be putting an end to this bloody war that they started."With my hand still in his chest, I ignited my soul energy. As stands, my power over soul energy has grown to the point where I can actually give it an attribute, or change its state and shape into various forms of matter and elements. And this soul flame burned cold, it doesn't hurt the skin or anything inside the body, the only thing it hurts is the soul. I used my other hand to grab a hold of Cornelius's other limbs, and after exerting a little strength, I began to pull them off amidst creaking and breaking sounds. There was no blood within his body, and ever other thin in him seemed to be made of some sort of glass and metal. And as I slowly and brutally ripped him apart, it became more and more obvious that apart from the factabsence of blood, his body was exactly like every other person's, except for the fact it was not made of flesh and bones and blood. Glass like intestines spilled out of his stomach, along with every other valuable organ that's supposed to be there.But through it all there was no sound of pain or a look of fear in his eyes. Almost like he was mocking me, but I already had a plan for that.With the soul flame still ignited I clenched my fist as I crushed his heart, and then grabbed onto something and began to pull it out. It was only then an expression of fear and pain appears on his face. After I had pulled my hand out, whatever was still left out his body turned to a pile of fine dust at my feet, and clutched in my hands was the soul of Cornelius itself.So we were back here again, and just like last time I'm going to let him go, he's sure to return to wherever the fuck he came from, and he was going to take a message back for me. But before then. (BURN) That was rune speak, and because it was not my soul rune, and I already had a catalyst to work with, which is my soul flame, it didn't take too much out of me if anything at all. The flickering yellow soul in my hands with blotches of sickly looking black and purple, and a massive chain in his chest, that stretched upwards into the sky, probably back to who or whatever made him into this. The flames rapidly covered his soul, and the most infernal screaming that I'veever heard escaped from his lips. "skreereereeereeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiii!!!! Yiyiyiyiyiyyykiiiiiiiiiikk!!!"It was like metal grinding on metal, his screams left goosebumps on my skin, and a sense of horror assaulted me. But it was not horror at what I was doing, it was just a fleeting feeling that came about as a reaction to his screams, and it was eerie and haunted. His yellow soul began to fade at the edges as he turned into motes of light that became the purest form of soul energy. I knew that if I continued, Cornelius would truly die, and it was a death that's worse than anything ever imagined, he would cease to exist, burnt away into oblivion and nothingness. He wouldn't even be a memory within the minds of anyone, completely forgotten. But he still had a mission to carry out for me, and killing him now doesn't seem like a fair thing to do, at least not until he's delivered my message. I held what was left of his tortured soul in my hands, from being the size of a full human, he was no larger than a baseball, and as he floated above my palms, he released pained mewling sounds you would only expect from the cutest of animals, not from a murdering snake like this. "Well then Cornelius, run along to your masters. Tell them to get ready for war, tell them I say that they're a nuisance that I really want to get rid off, because obviously they're a threat to the greater good. Tell them.....I'm coming! We all are."