350 Rescue Op II : Undead Werewolves, The King Sight, Guardian

When we came down we say Kodak sitting down on the floor and having a rather serious conversation with a young guard. The situation was made all the more bizarre by the wide smile on the boy's face as he asked Kodak questions. When we got there, Kodak was just explaining the feeding habits of dragons to the young guard, and then he turned and introduced me to the guard, prompting the guards eye to go grow a whole lot wider than it already was. Then Kodak got up, and flicked his hand, dislodging the remaining vestiges of blood on it, before turning to me and saying.

"This is Stefan, he's coming with us." I didn't need to question him about making such a decision, I trusted Kodak and his decisions. I guess you could say that Kodak was my right hand man, or vampire.

"Alright Kodak, you and the rest of the teak would make your way to the entrance of the main estate and make noise, lots of it. Make sure to let Shao Tie out to play, the inside of your body must be really congested. Tiberius, Xaseah and I would make our way towards the eastern part of the estate and make our way in. Keep their attention on you while we rescue his wife, if we're not back in thirty minutes take everyone here and skedaddle. Stay safe brother." I said to Kodak as clasped his forearm with mine.

"You too my Kinghe replied before he ran into the green glowing forest, The team of Tiberius and the young guard following behind him."

Tiberius led the way as we also ventured into the forest. On our way down from the top of the tree, apart from ignoring the oath of carnage Kodak left in his wake, Xaseah was ahem to deduce that whatever defenses that have been put in place within the forest were all deactivated as the Ionite synthesized tress were dragging every form of power within the forest to power their growth. Which means we had to at most deal with the human guards, or the attack dogs within the estates, AKA the werewolves.

And very much unlike the werewolves in the pit who had become really complacent with their abilities due to the fact that vampires had been sealed and lost control of the abilities, the werewolves here were powerful. They were practically the only mortal race that could compare in power, speed and resilience as the vampires.

Which means they would be a very real threat to ordinary vampires, not to me anyway. Besides I wanted to avoid killing werewolves, they were a sacred race of all moon gods and goddesses, and it was no different for Asha. In one way or another werewolves drew power from her, which was why I wasn't to surprised when Cassiel sprouted a tail yellow canine eyes, and fangs more ferocious looking than those of a vampire.

Been avoiding the thought, but it seems Cassiel inherited more than just vampirism and Godhood from her mother. To be honest I had no idea what my kids were anymore, even though Cassiel seems to be a whole lot more special than her brother, showing traits of power and intelligence I couldn't understand, I knew they were both one of a kind. It made me worry for them but that's a worry for another day, but for now we just had to get out of this forest.

We were moving really fast through the forest, Tiberius may not have been a vampire, but he was too powerful a human especially with his special war commander class that gave him really good skills with speed and strength. Plus he was wearing a specially crafted armor of Spero, without a doubt the speed he would be able to muster would be comparable to that of a Nosferatu, and that in and out of itself was pretty fast.

We moved last the tree lines, vaulting over roots and branches, jumping from one trunk to another. And everything seems smooth sailing until a big black blur crashed into Tiberius who was leading the way. It was a werewolf, but this lycan was all kinds of wrong. His body was exactly three meters in height and almost four in length, there was no fur on his body, and even though he looked like a hulking brute, the outline of his ribs and bones could be seen on his furless skin.

His eyes were red, a normal characteristics of an alpha, however there was black ring within his eyes, and from here it reeked of death and soul magic, I didn't have to even speak before Xaseah spoke out what was in my mind.


The werewolf in front of us was already dead, it's body was mutilated and there were snapped chains around its four paws and neck. They had turned a noble race into an undead monster. A lot of vampires hated werewolves, but in all cultures on Shearath and even on earth, werewolves always went hand in hand with vampires. They were the heads to our tails, the light to our darkness and vice versa. We drew our powers and abilities from the same source, the light in the dark and the dark in the light. Seeing this was pretty much annoying.

Tiberius crashed into a tree, but righted himself fast enough to release a debilitating shout that pushed the werewolf back, flinging it backwards like it was made of paper. Tiberius immediately took advantage of the werewolf's confusion and opened fire, drilling a hole into the skull of the dead Lycan, bringing it's struggle to an end.

I let my soul energy flow to me eyes, and watched in horror as the soul of the dead Lycan which was in fact a woman was pulled out connected to a pure white chain that slowly dragged her back towards the estate. It was almost as if the necromancer was recycling the souls, as soon as they died in one body he would place them in another, a never ending dream and reality of torture and pain. The woman fought as hard as she could againstthe pull of the chains, but she wasn't strong enough. She saw me looking at her and screamed.

"help me!"

Her shout seemed to release a sort of psycho blasts that shook me, and almost immediately I felt connected to someone, a werewolf of considerable power and ability. A dragon King. I fell to my knees as I could see through his eyes, and he could see through mine, I had no idea what sort of scream that was, but it was doing something really weird.I was looking as pod filled with liquid, and within that pod, a boy no older than 4 or 5 years old was floating inside of it unconscious.

"I don't know how this is happening, but it's good. Save those souls and make sure the bloody Necromancer involved dies a painful death. See you soon Kael Cor of the Soul." A voice said to me. I felt the need to answer him too, so I replied.

"See you soon too Joshua of the Wind."

And then the connection was cut off, and just in time for another undead werewolf to jump towards my body. I stretched my hands outwards and used (PUSH) sending the werewolf flying back until it's back impacted a tree trunk and snapped loud enough that it rang out within the entire forest. But that was the least of our problems as I could hear the howls of other wolves and the vibrations of the pounding paws as they drew closer to us.

Tiberius picked up speed and we followed behind him, we took a round out way towards the eastern part of the estate, but we were moving really fast, and I took us no more than five minutes to get there. There was a side entrance and a wall protecting the estate, there was a shimmering blue barrier over the entire sprawling estate, and the only way in or out of the estate was through the gate. But the gate itself seems to have it's own security measures in place as over three dozen guards were gathered there, guns pointed at us to stop or slow us down. I waved my hand and the rune for (SHIELD) showed up in front of us, stopping the hail of gunfire that feel on us.

We couldn't stop running at this point, the undead werewolves were still hot on our heels, and I rather not become a chew toy, of course I could kill them, but that would he making too much noise. The estate was improving it's security measures against vampires, so they were still working out the kinks. I don't on how good their communication is, but seeing as they have not raised any alarm even after all of the noise we've made, makes me think that we've not been fully discovered.

We broke out of the tree line running towards the gate with our shield defending us from the gun fire. The undead werewolves followed, and they numbered in the hundreds, if not thousands. I had no idea how they were all able to hide within that forest without me taking notice of them. The guards in front of us as soon as they noticed the werewolves stopped shooting at us and brought whistles and bells that they began to blow on and ring. The werewolves all collapsed on the ground, shaking and writhing in pain as they were assaulted by the pain.

It was then I remembered something about dogs and by extension werewolves, they could hear certain frequencies not known or heard by man. And the by extension it seems the necromancer was using that method to control them. I raised my left hand and used (PUSH) again, throwing all the guards backwards and slamming them against the gate behind them. The gate did not even budge, rather it burnt quite a few of them to a crisp. It was protected by a powerful rune, even from here I could see it. But a rune no matter how powerful was nothing to me, especially if the concept and power of will behind it could not match mine. Besides I had a rune that was the key to all doors.


A massive rune circle showed up in my hands rotating with a blue and reddish glow. If flew forwards and impacted the gate and by extension the glowing dome like barrier that covered the entirety of the whole estate.

There was a loud crack as the gate and the barrier were reduced to dust and motes of light. We ran over the heavily injured bodies of quite a few guards, while the rest hastily got to their feet, witty fear in their eyes. We left them behind without a second thought, leaving the behind for the mindless army of undead werewolves that were slowly drawing closer. We didn't have to go far before we heard screams, gun shots and the intense ringing of bells and soundless whistles. That was not out our problem now, we were already on the estate ground, closer to our goal, closer to his wife.

XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX


Finding his way to the main gate was not that much of a problem, now that he was away from the vicinity of the tree, Kodak's senses were back to their full capacity, and the world itself seemed to be trying to help him get to his target. Adding to the fact that it was the middle of the night, Kodak was like a fish in water. The other five human members of their team followed behind Kodak with the allure Eric following safely behind them.

Kodak didn't twist his perception or made him see vampires as a friend. All he did was calm the young guard down and gave him certain explanations about vampires and everything they had been through, which completely changed his perception of the blood sucking race. In the time that Kodak had spent talking to him, he realized that young guard was really just an innocent orphan trying to find his way in life, and starting as guard for the Nix family seemed to be the only choice available to him.

Kodak felt a feeling of Déjà vu, it might not be the same situation, but his meeting Eric reminded him of his meeting Kael, and how Kael slowly became his big brother and best friend. They bonded from both their experiences in life, becoming each others most trusted support, he intends to do the same with Eric. Besides it would be nice have another little brother, one who talks a lot at least, Gus really isn't the best person to be having a conversation with.

Kodak came up in front of the main gate, and the amount of guards there were in the hundreds. But not just the guards, there were all sort of undead creatures with them, including werewolves. Kodak narrowed his eyes in annoyance, he had friends that were werewolves, so seeing the mutilated bodies of the werewolves really pissed him off. Anyway since they were supposed to make noise, then there was no need to keep somethings secret.

As soon as he finds wished that train of thought, there was a flash of light in his right hand as a massive golden Warhammer appeared within it. The hammer was the improved version of his old hammer, being two meters long, and having engravings of dragons, lions, and bats on it. It was no longer just a weapon of science, but a weapon of magic, and just as the weapon came out, so too the silhouette of a golden dragon.

The glow from the dragon drew the attention of the guards, as they all pointed their guns at the red skinned looking devil, with a golden blazing dragon coming out of his body and floating above him. Kodak twirled his hammer skillfully and took of in a running start, building up speed as he ran towards the small army guarding the main gate. He jumped into the air raising his hammer in the air as the dragon above him opened it's mouth and roared, releasing a bright light that made the night seem like day, and then.


The guardian has been summoned.