278 Fallen Angels VII : Vampire In A Hallway

I hid behind the corner as the hail of gunfire fell unbidden. To be honest I didn't need to hide, but it was more fun this way. Besides I might be more resilient, but bullets can still pierce me, I mean come on, it's bullets. My skin is stronger, so they'll maybe only move about a centimeter or two, but it would still hurt like a bitch none the less. So what I was waiting for was an opening, a spilt second or moment when the gun fire would be less and the Josagn and Nephilim in the hallway leading down into the underground basement would be off their guard. and that moment was NOW!

I jumped into the hallway, moving so fast that I was nothing more than blur. I grabbed the first Josagn, and slammed his beaker face into the wall,it based on the squeal that I heard, I reckon this Josagn was female. I pulled her head back and slammed it against the wall again, this time there was a sickening crunch as her headburst open within my grasp as brain matter, skull fragments and blood became splattered all over my body.

I moved left, literally sliding across the ground as I back handed a Nephilim. With how narrow the hallway was, there was not that much room to be thrown about, so he bounced hard from the wall and crashed to the ground, coming to a stop as a crumpled pile of bones and flesh. But based on the still beating heart, he was still alive, which was good.

At this point the gunfire started up in earnest once again, but I jumped upwards, turned upside down and slammed my feet into the only light source in this tiny hallway. The entire hallway went dark almost immediately, and the gun fire increased in intensity as they shot out into the darkness, bothered and searching for my position. They stopped shooting for a while and opted to get some flashlights on, what they were doing with flashlights in a situation like this, was something I'm not sure I will ever find out, but it surprised me none the less.

I came down from the ceiling, and stood in front of the Josagn who had the flashlight in his hands and was about to turn it on. And he did turn it on without a problem, only for him to come face to face with my snarling mouth and exposed fangs, that quickly latched onto his neck as I dragged him back up to the ceiling and smashing the flashlight, sending the hallway back into darkness again.

The Josagn and Nephilim opened fire, shooting at the place I once occupied on the ceiling, but I was already far away from that point. I noticed that the Nephilim werenothing more than just vacant drones, as their eyes were blank, almost as if someone else was riding their bodies. The shooting stopped, and I dropped the dead Josagn in front of them, scaring them as they opened fire again, blasting their former comrade to pieces.

I was playing with them, and at this point it really wasn't needed, but I guess I was indulging my darker desires. I dropped down behind another Josagn, and just snapped it's neck, before grabbing a Nephilim by the throat, raising him up and slamming his body into another Nephilim, before proceeding to mash them up against the wall, knocking them both out amidst the sound of broken bones and startled screams.

I slapped a hand gun pointed at my face to the side, badly mangling the hand of the person holding it, before I shot forwards, grabbed their shoulders and sunk my fangs into their neck, tearing and pulling at their flesh until the head gave out, and fell of the now headless body. I slashed my fingers into the darkness, their points sharpens into fierce looking claws, as they took off the entire face of Josagn, in what I would could call the most bizarre skinning of the century.

The Josagn stepped back screaming in pain, as the top half of its beak and most of its nose fell to the ground with a wet splat. I had already ignored the wailing bird man, as I swiveled around a Nephilim, grabbed him by his wings, raised him up, and drag him down to the ground, using his huge brown wings for leverage. I slammed his back and head so hard, that cracks appeared on the tiled floor, and his wings were twisted at an awkward angle.

I shifted my head left, and then right, and then left again. With each time I moved, a plasma bolt flew past my head.There were five Josagn left, and no other Nephilim. It was obvious that I was killing the Josagn and just hurting the Nephilim, so the fear they had stuck in their eyes was quite expected.In fact, if I should be honest I would say I loved the look on their faces, at his point they all knew they were staring death in the face, and that no matter what they did, there was no escape and no running away from this.

"I told you guys I was just looking for a bathroom, and your refused to believe me. Oh well, I guess we're way past the point of no return right now."

As soon as I finished talking I shot towards them, and swung my fist upwards at the first Josagn.The uppercut took off his head, smashing it so hard into the ceiling that it splattered on it, like an over ripe tomato. The headless body fell down, spraying blood in the process as my entire body became doused and covered in it. I couldn't even imagine what I looked like at the moment, but I'm sure it must be quite terrifying.

I grabbed the necks of two of the Josagn, and in an almost similar fashion like their friend, I threw them up headfirst towards the ceiling. It's safe to say, they wouldn't be coming back down alive. I moved forward as their bodies dropped behind me, and the I looked at the remaining two Josagn. They were much to afraid to put up much of a fight, so I guess there was no need to prolong their suffering. I raised my right hand up and used [PUSH]. The ensuing blast completely destroyed the door to the bunker behind them, smashed them to bits, and completely pulverized the trio of Josagn waiting behind the door in an ambush. And then amidst the clouds of dust and the smell of blood, I walked into the bunker, looking every bit like the monster I know I am.

Larkin was there, along with a couple of Josagn one of them who looked quite important seeing as he was dressed differently, and a blank faced looking Galadriel who had a gun pointed to her head. Okay this looks complicated, and quite confusing. So I had to ask.

"How the fuck is she here? I thought she's supposed to be out there, killing your featherless bird friends?"

Larkin straightened his back, and pushed his nose up in the air as he glared at me and answered.

"Well she is out there, just one half of her a anyway. The Nephilim are always born with a distinct and unique ability in conjunction with the light element. Some can turn invisible, others can heal, some channel it into a weapon. But there are a unique few born with different special abilities, like Galadriel here, who has the ability to spilt her soul into multiple bodies and personalities, each sharing thoughts with the other, senses, and vision too. It's how I knew how you were planning all of this. And you know the funny part, Galadriel has no idea this clone of hers exists." Larkin said with a laugh.

Now I'm sure I was way past the point of listening to people talk about their plans and about all of the intricate bullshit that has to do with their plots and downright asshole-ness. But this was important information, so I had no choice but to painfully experience a scene from a generic TV show or a wuxia novel.

"But how would Galadriel not know about her own clone. It's obvious you've also mind controlled this clone like you've done with the other Nephilim. But they don't share a mind, unless you've messed with her head before all this started." I said to him, as I tried to piece everything together.

"Mind control? Are you trying to insult me. What I control is not the mind, it's the soul. That is the power afforded to me by my soul runes, the ability to completely rewrite the soul and what it's made off. Memories and personalities become nothing but mere strings under my fingers. Galadriel and her clones may not share a mind, but they most definitely share a soul, so it's quite easier to manipulate the bitch, especially when she's split her soul into so many pieces. I've made a killing selling all eighteen of her clones. In fact the Galadriel you know is not the original, and not even the mother of the oracle, that title belongs to the babe right here." And then he grabbed her ass and squeezed tightly before continuing.

"With her clones scattered across different planets and dimensions, all to far away from the main body, it's causing her soul to deteriorate, and unless she absorbs at least five of her clones within the next two years, she be dead in five years, and even then, she might die right here, right now. She's only lived this long because I was using my soul energy and runes to keep her soul stable.

Now with my deal with Josagn, I can begin my quest to..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let me stop your right there, pretty human dude. I don't care what your grand plan is. All I know is that, you and your chicken friends are in the way of me creating an alliance and a powerful kingdom strong enough to withstand not just the test of time, but fucking cosmic darkness heading for our universes. So please do me a favor already and just die!"

"No wait! Don't make any sudden moves Kael Cor, or I will blow her brains out. Who do you think you are, I've worked so hard to get here, do you think I'm just going to let you put an end to it! Put an end to my life! No!" Larkin shouted at me as he held the gun to Galadriel's head.

"You're a bad guy, it doesn't matter what you've gone through, or whatever fucking mountain you've had to climb to get here. One thing I'm sure of is that, people like you, who shamelessly trade in the lives of others, like they're nothing more than cattle, does not deserve to live. Because you obviously have no remorse for your actions, no care for the lives you've ruined. You deserve every bit of what's coming to you, and believe me when I tell you this, no rune, soul rune or otherwise, would save you from death. This is the will of the universe." I said to him, as I took a seat on the ground, and leaned back, watching his nervously twitching form.

The Josagn were scared, I'm pretty sure they were afraid of me due to the amount of blood, and the fact that the mutilated corpses of their comrades littered the hallway behind me. The lights within the bunker room began to flicker as Larkin glared at me and said.

"I won't let you stop me Kael Cor, not after all I've achieved." I looked up at him with a smile and said.

"Sweetheart I don't think you have a choice." And then the lights went dark.And without a doubt, that's when the screaming began.