252 Dragons IX : The Council Of Dragon Kings

Before I could say anything, especially to the people who were now around me, there was a massive flare of light, as four dragons appeared right in the middle of the arena. The first dragon, had metallic scales of white and black, and it came flying out of the tattoo on my forearm. This dragon was more machine than flesh to be honest, as he reminded me of something out of a transformers movie.

The next dragon came from a black dude, with marks of some sort on his face. The marks on his face made me suspect he was African, those were tribal marks, or scars, I wasn't exactly sure what they were, as hey were asymmetrical on both sides of his face. His dragon was pitch black, with metallic scales that seemed to gleam and sparkle. It's horns curved over it's head, to form some sort of circle, though to be honest it looked more like a satellite dish to me.

The next dragon actually came from a trio of women, and theirs was the most surprising. Three grey colored tiny dragons, came off their bodies, before combining in a jaw dropping display of mechanics and magic, into a grey and gold scaled dragon, who's eyes, seem to be nothing more than two orbs of glowing fire. This dragon unlike the previous two, had it's horns, hitting from underneath it's jaw, and it had tufts of hair growing from it's joints.

The final dragon, came from Baeki, it's scales were scarlet red, with a completely white underbelly. It's wings seemed to shimmer, looking like it was coated by a light film of flames, and all of its four limbs, including the tip of it's tail, had flames on it.

"The soul dragon, The mind Dragon, The magic Dragon, and then The fire Dragon."

No one told me about what I was looking at, there was just this instinctual knowledge about who or what I was looking at, and an understanding. The awakening of the soul dragon, required two final steps, and thankfully all those steps could be carried out in the sixth temple. I didn't have to feel pain of any sort, all I had to do was find the temple, and let the temple summon the other kings and queens, that's when the soul dragon and the rest of the dragons will fully awaken.

"This Arena is the council of the dragon kings. None of you have much time to spend here, as in one way or another, you're either busy, facing a crisis, or are not yet strong enough to withstand a prolonged projection of your consciousness into this dimension. As such I ask that you all keep your questions to yourselves, and listen to what I have to say."

To be able to finally see and properly hear his voice, after so many times where all I could do was feel him and his whispers, all the way to the depths of my soul. Was fulfilling to say the least, and he sounded just like me, like a wizened older version of me. The soul dragon settled down beside me, his silver eyes, gleaming with wisdom and understanding, and knowledge that we all desperately needed.

"The only awakened dragons so far, are me; the soul dragon, my brother the mind dragon, my sisters the magic and mind dragons. My two other sisters, the earth and water dragon have still not connected with their king, and queen, but that's probably because the dragon queen of the earth dragon is still so young, and also because Teheran is not on Shearath. Your majesty Rhea would have to travel the cosmos and find her.

And as for his Majesty Zhang Wuji, the water dragon can be found by tracing the heritage of your current bloodline. But it's going to be harder for you, because out of everyone here, you're the only one on another universal layer. You're in the sixth, and short of using the dimensional key that's hidden in that layer, you would have to wait another five years, as the sixth and seventh layer completes their merger."

"What do you mean merger?" one of the three dragon queens of magic asked.

"Please your majesties, no questions. Everything will be revealed in due time. Now as I was saying, we're now left with the imprisoned wind dragon. Unlike the rest of us who had gone into a dormant state, our brother has been awake, and a prisoner on the planet Dekina, thousands of miles under a college for magic, deep within the bowels of a planet class dungeon. The Wind dragon King, is currently clearing the college of monsters, but it would take him too long to do it on his own, which is why I would like to request the help of the fire Dragon queen. Though I don't think I need to ask, since he's your husband, or was your husband, in another lifetime. But your presence would speed things up, and as am added Incentive, your son won't survive without your help."

To be honest this was rather anti climatic and somewhat boring. I can't really say what I was expecting from this meeting? Only that I sort of expected more. So far all he has done was tell us the status of the other dragons, and what needs to be done to find them, maybe I was being impatient, but at the rate this was going, everything now seemed too easy.

"But now that you're all here, I will tell you about the threat we're facing. As you all know, due to humanity's free will, and their ability to dream, create and make choices that completely alters and change the future ever second, the fabric of reality on earth was torn. To put it simply, earth could not keep up with the power of a human mind, and the potential for great change, good or bad, that it was capable of.

So it created the seven layer universes, channeling and sending all broken hopes and dreams, discarded choices, fantastic ideas, that can never see the light of day, choices that could not be made, good or bad, and used them all to create all seven separate universes that could contain all of the essences that is humanity. Earth exists, outside of this layers, and as the humanity on earth grew, and dreamed, and made choices, so too did the seven layer universes.

Doing this, gave earth power over time and space, enabling it to not only see the future and past, but to also to a certain degree, influence it. But only within the domain of the seven layer universes, a domain, that earth is currently outside of, and can't fully control. Which brings us to the threat abound, it's a cosmic entity, the size of billions of suns. It's hunger is everlasting, and it hopes to swallow the universe in it's entirety, to eat and swallow worlds, ending and uncountable amount of lives across the true cosmos.

But the universe itself is an ever expanding entity, there's no end to its vastness or profoundness. For every new day that passes, new planets are born, new civilizations, new races. Which means this entity's mission is never ending, and it will keep on eating, and eating, and eating. There's no way to defeat it, but there's a way to survive it.

And that's by being completely cut off from it's reach, by existing in a universe of your own making. But there are seven layers, so all seven universes, and their realities would have to merge into one, and then earth would have to situate itself in the core and center of this universe, protected, safe and stronger. The entity would not be able to attack earth after that, but it could still exercise some influence by sending pieces of itself through cracks in the layer that are sure to open up once the merger of the universes are complete. As the first generation of Dragon Kings, it is your duty, to first, open the gates that would facilitate earth's arrival to the core universe, but that can only happen once all seven are combined.

And after the combination, the patching of those cracks are up to you, and believe me, it's going to be a never ending journey of duty and responsibility. And it would be passed, from generation to generation. Your children might inherit it, or someone else entirely. It's a future of conflict, and it will be hard, but it's the only way to protect all life that has been created by earth.

Five years from now, the first merger would begin, and the first crack would also appear. You all need to be prepared, and had given you all the proper tools required to complete this mission. The wind dragon king is destined to be next dean, principal, or sect head of the college he's currently fighting to free from monsters. Your future generations, your servants, and your soldiers would all be taught there. So for now, your main mission, is to awaken the rest of us, build your forces, and move the college in it's entirety to this place, the realm of kings. Everything you all need, to not just be powerful individuals, but to create the most powerful force and empire in the history of the universe has been placed here for you. All you need to do, is awaken your dragons, and complete every mission that earth gives to you, it will lead all of you right back to where you need to be.

There's no time for all of you to get to know each other, but the next time a dragon is awakened, you will all be brought back here. You can socialize and get to know each other then, but for now Your Majesties, you must grow stronger, not just as individuals, but as leaders. Because what is coming is not something that can be faced alone, only together, regardless of race, skin color, religion, country or beliefs can we survive the coming storm.

Since this is just a simple meeting without all the dragons present, I can't call it a council of dragon kings. But either way, the first council meeting of the dragon kings is at an end, stay safe and fight hard, till we meet again."

As soon as he finished speaking, every other person and dragon except for me, Baeki and the fire dragon disappeared from the giant arena, leaving only the four of us as the only inhabitants. Baeki was focused on the spot, where the dragon king of the wind dragon was standing, and she had a forlorn expression on her face.

I think I could understand how she felt right now. For the countless years that have passed for her, who knew how long it has been for her son and husband to not only be alive, but to also to be a part of what took her away from them in the first place. Excluding the fact that her son seems to be in danger, she was not the same person, it was very probable that the Ming Bae Ki her husband and Son knew was already dead. This new one, would most probably be very confused.

"I thought you said the council is over?" I asked, as I turned to face the Soul Dragon.

"Then why are we still here?" I added.

"That's because it is time for you and the fire Queen's awakening. You have awakened your dragons, now it's time for your dragons to awaken you." This time it was the fire dragon who answered, her crisp but clear voice, seemed to carry heat with every breath she took.

"And how will you do that exactly?" Baeki asked.

"It's quite simple really, we'll break your entire body down to the tiniest atom, and wipe the slate clean. Of course you'll still be vampires, but you will lose your classes, lose your skills, even your current systems would be gone. The only things that would remain, are powers or abilities connected to your bloodlines. Once we're done, you won't just have the powers of a dragon, but the powers, the body, the spirit and the soul of a vampire and a dragon combined. And entirely new and unique race that's never been seen before.

And then you'll train, learn everything you've lost if you want, or learn new things. Time runs very slowly here, and the library and the Arena is here to help speed along your training, so you don't leave here any weaker than when you first arrived, but stronger. Now, shall we begin?"

This seemed all nice and all, but why do I get the feeling that I'm going to seriously hate this, like it's going to hurt even more than what I've experienced so far. I wasn't exactly sure anyway, it could just be me being paranoid, but I guess there's no turning back now. I turned to Baeki and asked.

"Let's go fuck some shit up?"

"Sure, why the hell not!"