188 Battle Of The Blue District III

The battle against Jaderon had casualties, but nothing serious on our side. However just like we feared,a few innocent bystanders had been caught up in the fight. But there was nothing I could do about it. I've come to terms with the fact that I can't save everybody, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't try. It's when you don't make an attempt, that you truly fail at what you want to do.

A few followers of Jaderon had escaped during the fight, but that was no problem seeing as it was a part of my plans. That was three days ago, by now the rest of the gang lords and coven leaders should have rallied themselves, and were preparing to either surrender, or fight to the death. In the main time Jaderon, and his herd have all been escorted back to the city, once they get there, I believe it wouldn't take Asare and Malek too long to analyze the formations, and reverse engineer it to something easier, and even make a few improvements to it. We're going to be having a rather hectic and stressful upcoming months, but if things should go according to plan, then we should be done with all this war fiasco in two months at the latest.

We were traveling on foot, though that was not a problem, seeing as the entire army was moving too fast for normal eyes to track. It was a rather impressive sight, as we raised a cloud of dust, reminiscent of a sand storm in our wake. The earth pounded and shook with the intensity of our footballs, announcing our arrival to our enemies. We were moving really fast, but not at our best; because we needed to give our enemies time to group up, and prepare to resist.

[Master Kael!]

I stumbled and almost planted my face on the ground. Being at the front of the army, made my stumble detrimental as they all came to a screeching halt, with some of them actually being more unlucky than me; falling down flat on the face to the amusement of their peers.

"Damn it Gus!" I yelled out.

Hearing me shout made the soldiers behind me understand what was going on. Gus's telepathy can be sudden at times, and since he's had his entire life to practice looking at people without the intention to speak, it would be hard to notice if there was any such intention on his face. Not to mention he was not here, and he was not using the crest to communicate. Which means, he's abilities have gotten stronger.

[Sorry for theshock master Kael, but I have a report.]

"Its okay Gus, tell me what you've found out."

[About seven to eight kilometers away from your current position is an area of tightly clustered towers. The space between each towers are so small, that only a single man can walk through at a time. This is the area the remaining three gang lords have chosen to make their stand. It's properly defended, there would not be enough mobility for the army, and they have already built fortresses out of this towers, which proves that those towers have already been prepared for such a scenario. There are metal gates there...….made of silver.]

I felt my eyes widen to epic proportions. When I said I wanted to give them time to prepare, I didn't mean to such a level. I just wanted them to all be gathered in one place, so that they could be nothing more than fish in a barrel, ripe for the picking, and incapable of mounting any resistance. But they had a fortress, one that was specifically designed to withstand an attack from a vampire army, something was up.

[But that's not all. The towers in the outer rim of this area, are all equipped with cannons, I don't know what they can do, or how effective they might be,but from what I can see, those cannons are almost ten meters long. We can't flank them, or surround them, and we can't attack them from a distance without incurring serious casualties, since they can equally do the same with none of the risk involved. Their defense can't be broken through, and Kuyait would be even more of a target in her dragon form.]

Well that was totally unexpected, and a complete wrench in my plans. I didn't want to take any risks with my soldiers, not until I knew the full capabilities of those cannons, and a way to take them out. But just as that though crossed my mind, another took hold. Even if we can take care of those cannons, how do we get into the fortress, especially since it has been vampire proofed. God I think I'm going to have a headache thinking about this.

"Hey guys! Let's stop and set up our camp here. There's been some new developments."

I turned and shouted at my soldiers. Then I turned my eyes until they landed on Teluna, Kodak, Rhea, Black and White. Gus's figure could be seen rapidly approaching from a distance, as I gathered the rest around me. I nodded to Kuyait to leave her in charge, as I took the rest with me, heading in the direction of the fortress. I needed to see it for myself, and hopefully, just hopefully I would be able to come up with a plan to bring it down.





The vampires leading them back to the city did not treat them badly, but they did not treat them nicely either. But this was better than what Jaderon expected from them, it made him feel good about his decision to not fight to the death. It was not that he was a coward or anything of that sort, he just had too many responsibilities, and dying was a cowards way out.

Living as a prisoner for the next fifty years might seem bad, but in retrospect, those were chicken change years, compared to how long vampires can live.

And if you think about it, they'vebeen prisoners for thousands of years, an additional fifty years would not take much out of him. Jaderon held his wife and daughter closer as he looked on ahead, marching onwards to an unknown future.

Living in a city filled with vampires that would most probably hate him and his people for their part in the previous attack would be hard, but nothing in life is ever easy. He wouldn't be hypocritical and say that he regretted attacking the city, if given a chance, he would do it again.

Because Ethernalia Leonis and her lord threatened the status quo. Good and fine it was because of his interference that the blue district became free, and many vampires had the chance to be released from the seal that has been a shackle on their lives.

To be honest they owed him, every vampire in the pit owed him a lot. But that's as far as it goes. They were not willing to serve him, or follow him, or to even let him have a enough power to affect their lives. Because even though Kael Cor was now a vampire, and he would remain a vampire for all eternity.

He was still a noble, a cog in the machine that has kept vampires prisoners for as long as they've been. He was only sentenced to a 5 year imprisonment, and in a year, he has already become the lord of a district.

It would be stupid to think he would stop there, he's going to take everything. And then the vampires would truly become what the humans and the council of light have wanted them to be for a long time.

The personal army of a noble. Sure he was no longer considered one of them, but the name Cor has existed for hundreds of thousands of years, all the way from the dawn of Shearath. And it will keep on existing far into the future. A family with the power to subjugate an entire civilization.

Jaderon believed that this was all a scam, the council of light failed to fully control the vampires, blinded by their discrimination against the race. But Kael Cor craftily found and used the most full proof method to gain full and total control, or at least he was in the process of doing so. He became one of them, one of the vampires. Shared in their woes, and their troubles, and when they needed it the most, became the light that would lead them out of obscurity and imprisonment.

Everyone else was blind to this scheme, but Jaderon was not; he knew the true face of Kael Cor, and even though there was nothing to be done about it, Jaderon was unwilling to leave his life in the hands, of a noble snake like this. He was the worst of the worst, and would do anything to get what he wants.


Jaderon could not hold himself as he was pushed forward by the blast. It came from a little ways behind him, right in the middle of his herd and gang members.

He held his daughter tightly to his chest, but the blast forced his wife's hand away from his. Jaderon angled himself, and made sure he landed back first, sparing his little girl from any untoward injuries. His ears were ringing, and screams filled the air as the sounds of battle commenced.

He looked to his left, and almost cried out in rage. They were being transported with a wagon filled with ores, however the blast had thrown his wife's body onto the path of the incoming wagon, and they crashed into a heap together. Half her body was already crushed, including parts of her skull, and based on the vacant look in her eyes, she was already gone. His daughter shifted in his grasp, he felt her try to move her head, but he pulled her closer to his chest instead.

"Don't look Amara, don't look. Baby please close your eyes and your ear's for daddy, can you do that for me?" a small nod and a sniff was all the answer she gave him. Then Jaderon raised his head to the sky.


Grief was a primal force, and to beast men, it had a power all on it's own. The cause of this misfortune, were four vampires, wearing a particular set of blood red robes with a rather thick scent of blood....human blood.

Jaderon couldn't make out the expressions of three of them, but the fourth one he could see clearly as he weaved in between the soldiers of Kael Cor, stabbing his two meter long spear into their throats with much skill and finesse.

He was like a phantom on the battlefield, moving so fast that all Jaderon could see was red shadows and spilt blood. Kael Cor was powerful, but he could not hold a candle to this guy and the way he fought. He was like a demon, a monster, a true vampire in every sense of the word. His spear flashed and the heads of two members of his herd flew into the air, a sadistic grin on his face.

But not just that black spear of his, but also his fangs, claws, limbs and body were perfect parts of a killing machine, and he reaped lives everywhere he passed. It didn't matter if you belonged to Kael or Jaderon, as long as you were in front of him, then you died. One of rhino men managed to hold on to his spear long enough to ask.

"Who're you? Why are you doing this?"

In response he jerked his spear up roughly, slicing through the palm of the rhino man beneath him, and brought it down on his scull. He had a cold grin on his face before answering the already dead vampire.

"We're the order of the purebloods, and we're doing this because mixed blood filth like you, that was not born a vampire does not deserve to live or be any where close to vampires with the pure blood. This is a cleansing, and you're all going to die!"

As soon as he finished talking he raised his head and Jaderon's gaze met his. There was no light or feeling in those glowing green orbs. With eyes like that he had to either belong to a bloodline coven, or was already an elder. Jaderon couldn't beat him, and they both knew it. Jaderon held his daughter tighter, and said a silent goodbye, watching as the vampire with the green eyes, purple hair and black spear took aim.

He threw the spear, but just before he let go, one of the soldiers from Kael Cor's army slammed into him and pushed the spear a little of course, shouting at Jaderon to run.Jaderon did not need to be told twice, he jumped into the shadow realm, and ran for his life.

But life had different plans for him. The spear had missed his daughter completely, but the force from it passing under his armpit, had blown a hole in his side, completely obliterating his heart. But he kept on moving, jumping in and out of the shadow realm until he showed up at their doorstep, at the city that sparked hope in the hearts of many.

There was pregnant woman at the city gate, conversing with a large tree. Jaderon collapsed on the ground, his daughter calling to him as his vision went dark.

He was unwilling, but he knew his time had come, the pull of this new darkness was irresistible, and he wanted nothing more than to fall into it's embrace. And so he did, leaving behind one word as he was called to the ancient plains his ancestors once ran free.
