402 The Morrigan III : Path To The Second Floor

Raising a protective barrier over Kamesh was required to keep the people safe and prevent outside interference, using some of my faith points in a divine decree to turn the place into a sort of holy city was definitely overkill. But the barrier itself contained the divine energy, so unless a god is inside the barrier, they wouldn't even know that this was made by a god.

With an unsteady alliance with Morrigan, there was no need for us to hear to the capital again, but as it stands it wouldn't be too smart to out all of trust in this obviously ungrateful and crazy bitch, So Teluna had gone ahead to scout the gorge she gave us directions to, while Rhea was doing some really weird earth Dragon king shit.

Rhea was mapping the entire first floor with her mind, and as she did that a platform made of earth had rose up from the ground and was slowly etching what she had seen, and it was using metals, and jewels to highlight important places, making what was probably the most exquisite and sophisticated map in all of existence.

And the map was very much alive, this was pretty much magic that was as ancient as the universe itself, Dragon magic. I don't think we've noticed, well except me, but we were leaving pieces of ourselves behind on this planet, sure it could just be a coincidence, but nothing has even been a coincidence in our lives, it wasn't we got here that we knew with enough power, abstract forces like destiny and fate can be manipulated, slowly nudged, and pushed to set events into place that would be all to the advantage of a very much sentient planet.

I waited until she completed everything, watching as both Gus and Teluna who returned god knows when, offer a little bit of support to her so that she could stay on her feet. I smell a love triangle, a complicated one to say the least when you consider the fact that one of the lines is a blind boy that can read minds.

This is a disaster waiting to happen, but quite frankly, it's not my disaster and I don't have to worry about it. Teluna released a wisp of darkness element that stretched across the map to highlight the gorge Morrigan had sent us to.

\"There's an entrance to the second floor there alright, but the entrance to the gorge are guarded by two ancient guardians, some sort of rock golem or giant troll I'm not sure, either way they have power levels hovering around late elder to early Dracula. So that's probably a fight only you and Rhea can handle.

I wasn't able to sneak past them, and barely escaped with my life, but I could see the entrance, though it seems like we would have to go through some sort of gauntlet. It's a dungeon inside of a dungeon, what's on the other side, I'm not really sure but it's our best if we want to stay undiscovered, and not have to go headfirst against our enemies or cause any unnecessary problems with Morrigan if we decide to use the capital instead.\"

He was making a lot of sense, it would be better to just go through this gorge and the entrance that was discovered there. Getting the castle through shouldn't be a problem, I'll just shrink it, or push it into my divine dimension and call it out once we're there. Speaking of divine Dimensions, I've not seen or even been to mine yet, a could feel it. I know there's a divine realm catered to the God of souls, runes and hope, but I've just not had the chance yet to see the place and know what's like. Either way, I've got to focus on the task at hand first, vacation locations can wait later.

\"All right then, infused it's time for us to move out.\" I called out to them as we all made our way back into the castle and it moved, leaving behind a map side from earth, diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, rubies, topaz and boat load of other precious stones.

A map that was pretty much alive showing the change of the weather, the flow of the rivers, lakes, birds, beasts of all kinds, and the humans living in it. A map that's to be the basis of legends for years to come, and the palace where many years from now, a vampire with the Cor bloodline would build a grand city, on the bones and blood of demons, but that's a story for another time.


The Gorge was eerily silent, the two massive 150 meter tall stone giants with wide open, very real, very deep brown eyes were as still as the statues they were made to be. There was no sound of breathing or any movement whatsoever, but the mountain of bones littered around them feet, more than proved that movement was just a matter of choice for them. One held on to a massive iron Axe with an edge so sharp it could cut through my arm rather than smash it, giving that's aid add was a good hundred meters long and at least seventy meters wide.

The other giant to the left held onto a metal pole, now something of that size would smash a hole through my castle and squash me into a meat patty, assuming I was any less ordinary than I am now. They truly gave off the feel of legendary bosses, and now we all had to face them together, it shouldn't be too hard if we pool all our strengths together. I turned, only to see that everyone else was standing on a balcony of the castle, waving at me.

They might now be saying anything, but the mischievous looks on their faces said it all. I'm all on my own in this fight, some family they turned out to be.

I shifted my gaze past the giants and let it land on the tall arch and steps leading up into a temple at the opposite edge of the gorge, it would be better to call this a canyon though. Teluna was right about that being the entrance to the next floor, there was also a deep aura of death coming from it, but rather than scare me, it made me laugh. Because it quite simply told a story, where there is death, there are souls, and where there are souls, I'm the fucking God of them all. There's no way this would be easy without godly powers...…na I'm just kidding, this would be a total breeze, with or without the powers of a god.

\"Well then giant men...…have you ever heard the story of David and Goliath? Well allow me to regale you sight the tale, it goes like this.\"