391 Base X : Castle Nyx

So the scarred fool was really enjoying he power he feels he has over me, and his soldiers were all to happy to do the same. So far they've pushed me to the ground for a total of eight times, and the distance from where we were left unconscious and bound was just about 50 to a 100 meters. I really wasn't enjoying this mockery, I felt like Jesus Christ on his was to Golgotha to go get crucified.....maybe not really, but I reckon this was the kind of treatment he had to endure. Well safe to say, I'm no Jesus Christ, I have every intention of making sure I kill each and every single one of them, and quite painfully too.

"Look at you, the great Kael Cor, you must be really proud of your name aren't you? Proud of the fact that every corner of the known universe knows that name and fears it, respect it, and even worship it. I guess your name means nothing here, in front of Ionite you're just like every other person...…mortal!"

I got up from the ground and looked at him, then I cocked my head to the side in a wondering manner and said to him.

"remind me again what your name is? Obviously you know mine, I'm pretty sure your kids, your mama and pops and the whores you fuck whenever you get the chance know my name. But who knows yours? Even the people you love know my name, but you? No one who matters knows who the fuck you are, because you don't matter, you're irrelevant to the universe and it's workings. A common soldier in a war where you can't even be in the front lines. To me you're even lesser than a foot note, you're dirt. And once this is allover I'm going to torture you in ways you've never experienced before, and it will be for all eternity."

Every one else was silent, even the general had taken a few steps back as he and his soldiers stared at me wide eyes and very afraid. I blinked at them and asked. "Is there something on my face?" but there was no answer forthcoming, it was as if they were looking at a ghost. I furrowed my eyebrows and paid attention toy surroundings, it was then I noticed the pressure coming from my body, a pressure that even the Ionite couldn't suppress.

I was just as surprised as they were, but I couldn't really blame them, I'm a freaking god, and I had weakened my body with seals before I had Ionite suppressing me. But even though I might seem like I'm mortal, it doesn't change the truth of who and what I am. Mortality was of the past, I'm immortal, divine and powerful enough to exercise control over a domain of life.

I've never seen a rune like that, neither have I seen any sort of written language shaped in that form, but I had this knowledge, like a realization that I knew exactly what it was that I was looking at. It wasn't as if the rune was. T and A combined, because then it would be the word 'AT', there were variations within it, but in the end I knew it was looking at the runes for the words rune and soul.

A Crest that shows my domain as a god, and more than elucidates my mortal roots and heritage with the Crest of a lion and dragon. I turned to look at the scarred general and his rabble of soon to be very dead soldiers. Then I asked them. "are you guys coming or what?" and that seemed to be all they needed to snap them out of the fearful daze hey had suddenly found themselves in.

We all stood in front of the doors as they swung open inwards. It opened up into a hallway that was pitch black as it stood it was impossible for anyone to be able to see anything from within, not without proper lighting. But even then I'm not so sure that would have even worked, because as it stands the darkness coming from the Interior of the castle seemed to be swallowing every form of light that came close to it.

I moved forward , stepping past the threshold and right into a whole new level of perception. I could feel every inch of this place, every brick, tile, glass, door, and the massive throne room with a throne made of gold, wood, and bones. The general followed right behind me, and the moment he stepped into the hallway, blue flames came alive from torches hanging on both sides.

The for he's themselves were the open mouths of sculpted dragons, and the blue flames were eerie, like if you stared at them a little too long, they would draw you in, pulling your soul out of your body. I knew that easily, because quite frankly those flames were made from my own soul energy, and right here, within the confines of this castle, I felt so powerful, the Ionite cuffs holding me bound could be easily snapped to pieces if I wanted to. But let's play this game a little longer.

We moved forwards with all of the soldiers slowly funneling in, they were about 30 in total with their general in tow, and as soon as all of them were insides the hallway, the massive four meter tall doors at the entrance closed with a bang. I smiled, to be honest it was really hard not to feel excited at the idea of scaring a bunch of ignorant fools to death.

"What's going on you bastard Leech!" the general asked as he pulled my hair back, dragging my head backwards.

Quite frankly that was the final straw that broke the camel's back. It was one thing to treat me like dirt outside where I had no power, but to the same thing inside my own house...…even games lose their interest over time.

I roughly pulled my hair out of his hands, much to his surprise at the strength I showed. Then I turned to him, and began moving back. The hallway on it's own was about fifty meters long and about ten wide. There was nothing like decorations within the castle itself since it was just built, so all we could see was grey and black stone and archways made of twisted branches of a tree.

"Well I'll tell you what's happening...…this place, this castle...it belongs to me" as soon as I finished saying that, the flames on both end of the long hallway went dark, throwing me and the soldiers at the read into darkness. The general pulled out a massive shield that closed a golden light as he moved forwards to catch me off guard, but all he found was a pile of dust left from the Ionite cuffs he used in keeping me bound.

"In this place, this darkness...we're going to play a game my good soldiers." More flames sent out, shrinking the area of the hallway that was actually illuminated. The soldiers began to shrink their formation and huddle themselves together to prevent any unexpected assaults, it's not as if that would help them anyways.

"Do you have any idea what you've done, I doubt you do. After all it's not really public information that High King Kael Cor has ascended into godhood and have become a god of souls and runes. It's why this game would be so interesting, how colorful and bloody would the punishment of a god who took a mortal form be, on the unfortunate lives and souls of a bunch of idiotic soldiers. Hehehehehe" more flames went off

I actually could see a few them shiver in fright, even if they were dealing with a Dracula ranked vampire, this much fear wouldn't seep into the very depths of their bones. However a god was on a whole other stage, quite frankly it was a death sentence of the worst sort.

"You're no god, your just a man! I saw you bleed! You're as mortal as the rest of us!" one of the soldiers closer to the darkness said. I moved right besides his ear and softly spoke with a smile. "is that so?"

"Arghhhhhhhhh!" his screams were all his friends heard as more flames went out leaving only two more dragon heads slot on both sides of the hallway. I stood there, right in front of them as I threw the package in my hands onto sword of one of the more terrified soldiers.

All of their attention was drawn to the bodiless head hanging from the tip of the sword, eyes smashed in, tongue pulled out, and ears ripped off with traces of brain matter leaking out of the missing ear. I guess there were more straws to break a camel's back with that.

"Arghhhhhh, Manuel! Arghhhhhh! Arghhhhhh!" and then he ran into darkness, swinging his sword widely and pulling the trigger of the gun hanging around his neck, all the while making a beeline for the entrance. And he would have made it quite a distance until he smacked into my body and fell down on his ass looking dazed as if he had ran head first into a brick wall.

I got down on my knees facing him,  and making sure all he could see were my piercing golden eyes and my very gleaming white fangs. I chuckled softly as I moved close to the still dazed and very terrified soldier, and then with an all too wide grin on my face I said to him.

"You can scream now."

And he did, loud enough that I'm sure most girls would be out to shame. And then he stopped, his body with all of it's intestines and guts hanging out flew across to land on the body of some of the other soldiers, blood, guts and viscera raining allover their body. And then my voice seemed to rumble across the entire hallways.

"Welcome to Castle Nyx!" and then the rest of the flames went off, a d the screams began.