385 Base IV : Detective Dorian

Dorian has been one of the most outstanding law enforcement officers the city of Yursk has ever seen. He had a knack for always getting his target, and so far he has never failed before. For most of his childhood, he was jointly raised by a pair of dungeon dark elves and a wood elf. Those two taught him to hunt, to love the thrill of the chase, how to track prey or an enemy and how to recognize when things were completely wrong with an environment.

But even then, nothing would have prepared him for this....every single guard responsible for watching over the entrance of the dungeon, was dead. But if it was just the guards most would say that it was due to a couple of snuggles being caught and there being a fight. But all of the merchants within the vicinity also lost their lives, and the way they died was nothing short of bone chilling, it was why Dorian was here himself, rather than someone else.

Dorian was standing in front of the temple, hundreds of bodies around him all covered with white sheets while a crowd of onlookers were gathered a few dozen meters away watching the show. But based on the amount of tears coming from within the crowd, it stands to reason that some of the people watching on, just lost their loved ones, and it could be any one of this body currently covered at his feet.

Dorian was a tall man, he has always stood a head taller than everyone else, and with his incredibly imposing stature, he drew in attention like he was some sort of black material that absorbed light and heat. His blood hair was cut short, almost to his scalp, but it still gave him a sort of wild charm that more often than not has been able to get him into the bed of a few prominent women.

"Detective Dorian! I've finished my Analysis of the crime scene." A young woman with huge wire rimmed glasses said as she walked towards him, carrying a briefcase that looked a little to heavy for her to lift, but yet she was still carrying it.

"Yes Bebe what did you find out." The recently named Bebe placed the briefcase on the ground as she turned to face the covered bodies whilst preparing to give Dorian her report.

"Each of this bodies all sustained the same damage, they all died of brain aneurysm. I'm sure such a term might be a bit foreign to you, but basically I'm saying that the blood vessels in their head exploded. But this was worse and a whole lot more elaborate than a normal aneurysm.

Just the blood vessels exploding would have been enough, but what was attacked was the cell within the brain itself, plus the tissue of the brain is deformed, almost as if it had withstood a lot of pressure before finally caving in as all of it's cell exploded. I have no idea what kind of magic or creature did this, but I can safely say that no one has ever seen anything like this before, we're dealing with new territory here detective, we might need to reconsider before we give chase."

Dorian crouched down as he raised one of the sheets and looked at the body in front of him. Blood had spilled out of his ears, eyes, nose and mouth, it was a horrifying sight. It was hard to believe that a human or any sort of humanoid creature would have done this, Dorian suspected that a very dangerous boss from a part of the dungeon that has not be explored was actually responsible for this, but even then this doesn't make any sense.

Based on the tracks that were left behind, there were more than one, probably a groups of people, creature or not. But the thing is, they were heading into the dungeon, not coming out of it, so the idea of this being a monster that escaped the dungeon would have to be thrown aside, but who or what would have been so ruthless to kill just under three hundred people just to get into the dungeon that wad always open to any and everyone.

And then it hit Dorian like a sack of bricks, he shifted his gaze into the gloom of the temple, his eyes moving towards the direction of first floors entrance. No one else in the city was hurt, just the people who were around the vicinity of the temple and wanted to head into the dungeon at first light. They were killed because the people who just went through here wanted to keep their movements a secret.

But it stands to reason that a massacre like this would definitely draw attention, which is to say they didn't mind the attention that came from killing everyone here, they just didn't want to be exposed, probably their facial likeness, and abilities were what they wanted to protect. Or whatever it is they might have been carrying with them into the dungeon. It was not that they were trying to cover their tracks, it was their presence that they were trying to erase, and even if he followed there's no telling what he would find, or if he would even be able to find anything.

"Bebe I need you to head on the guard station and ask a few questions, ask them if anyone on patrol had seen any sort of weird creatures or people. Also be sure to ask around the city if anything odd might have happened yesterday. I don't know what kind of monster we're dealing with here, but obviously it's not alone, so I'm going to head to the adventurers association and hire some mercenaries and then gather some supplies before we head on to the first floor.

Meet back here in five hours, and try to be discreet with your investigations. I'll get the Adventurers and the supplies, but most importantly, keep your ear on the ground in case you find something out, we're going to hunt whatever did this and bring them to justice, regardless of who, or WHAT THEY ARE."


Even for me, the forest right in front of us was scary as hell, the fact that o could actually feel and see souls within in pain within the trunks of the trees was more than enough to give even me, a god of souls, chills the likes which I've never experienced before. But it was just scary, it was not as if I was afraid of it.

We could actually just try and harvest the trees at the edge of the forest, but according to Roan, the most powerful of all the trees was right in the middle of the forest, and whatever was made from it, is bound to be infinitely more powerful than whatever we might get from the outskirts. But the wood sprites didn't Just control planet and fauna, by nature of what they were, they could also be considered earth sprites, and Roan had suggested we built with wood and stone, and promised to tell me a place where we could mine stone or something like that.

We might be on a planet way below our power levels, but souls were a whole other different ball game. If you don't have the power of souls, or even understand how to defend yourself from the assault of a soul, then without a doubt you would be unable to even walk five steps into that forest. Which left only one other option, and that meant I have to go in there and get the most aged and power soul catcher oak tree. What could possibly go wrong in a place like this.