370 Nirtan VI : Clash Of The Titans 2: Titan Fall

The first thing I noticed was the fact that I was freaking huge! This was not a projection of any sort, this was me, in my body, only it was very giant and looked very different. I had horns, except mine were more draconic or maybe demonic. I had a massive tail, and my legs had changed from normal to that of a cat. I was standing on hind legs, like I was some sort of theriantrope or cat person. My normal blue black hair was now a combination of white and black, and it stretched in wild waves all the way to the middle of my back, like the mane of a lion.

The trousers I had on were white with stripes of blue and black and runic scripts etched and dancing allover it. I didn't have any sort of shoes on, and I was completely shirtless. On my bare body, runes and the faces of a variety of people of different races could be seen. At first I was confused about what they were, but I immediately understood what it meant. One of the perks of being a God means you have a sort of cosmic awareness, something's are just clear to you, and if you so wished; most of the secrets of the universe would be laid bare to you.

They were souls, or rather imprints of the souls of the living, of my people. The people who in one way or another believed in me or to be more literal, the people who worshipped and had faith in me. Though of course most of them don't go to a temple in the literal sense and fanatically pray and beseech me for blessings and whatnot. That's just a means for most gods to stroke their ego, them having faith, believing in me and trusting me to lead and protect them was more than enough. And I drew power from it, from them, and those power had been translated into faith points. The currency all gods needed and used to change the very workings of the universe, the very same thing that this universe was built from. Humanity and it's ability to make the impossible possible!


Based on the look of shock on the face of my opponent, a cannon fodder whose name I don't even know, and I'm not sure I even want to know because ultimately; after today he becomes another forgotten character in my story, a foot note in my journey to everlasting peace for myself and for my family.

"How! It can't be! You just became a god! How can you have a DIVINE AVATAR!"

"I take it you don't really like the fact that I'm a giant glowing dude right?"


"Yeah I thought so too."

The rune circle that had served as a platform for me dissolved as he moved forwards, throwing a punch at my head. For all intents and purposes this guy was very much pissed that I'm able to manifest this (DIVINE AVATAR), I don't really know much about the realm and society of gods, but I knew it was something I had to resolve as soon as possible. I moved my body to the side with as much ease as I could move my smaller form, there was no air resistance or what not holding me back, I was in the full manifestation of my godhood. Space was probably the only thing that could affect me now.

His punch went past me as I moved myself closer to his over extended body and let his hand fly over my shoulder while wrapping mine around his neck. I used my left hand to grab a hold of his pants as I heaved, lifting him up and smashing him down to the earth with a loud boom. More mountains were destroyed, more holes poked into the surface of this planet as whole deserts became desolate valleys and canyons.

I pulled my arm back and dropped it onto his face, punching him so hard that his dead was driven into the earth beneath us. And then he started glowing, and that was all the warning I had before his chakram dug into my sides, making me roar out in pain as it carried a burning sensation with it. My skin was somewhat tough enough to stop it from digging too deep, but the chakram was spinning and gradually picking speed, it was beginning to get unpleasant.

My involuntary reaction to the unseen attack from his chakram gave him enough breathing space to throw a punch at my face. I was forced back, cradling my bleeding mouth as I took three massive steps backwards to create some space between us. Then I tried to pull out the spinning Chakram out of my ribs, but it wasn't budging, in fact it seems the more I pulled and tried to drag it out, the deeper it went.

"My Celestial Chakram Of First Adventures is unique even amongst the weapons of gods. The harder you try to pull it out, the deeper it goes, and if you leave it there, it will keep spinning, draining your divine essence to grow stronger until...…"


He had his eyes opened wide in surprise as he looked at the hole that had just appeared on his stomach, but beyond that he couldn't help but stare as the golden blood that had solidified into an earth spike. I may not know how to fight like a god, but I'll learn eventually. But for now km going to fight this bastard the only way I know how...…as a vampire.

I was still bleeding from the chakram that wad furiously trying to split me in two, but I had no problem with that, or rather I was choosing to ignore it at the moment. I rushed towards him just as he got to his feet and swung his club at me(where the hell did it come from anyway) I used my aura to dodge, bending my back so far backwards I was almost perpendicular to the ground. His swing went directly over my head, and I pulled myself up quickly and pounced on the opportunity that just offered itself to me.

I shot towards the back of his neck and sank my teeth into him, the first thing I heard was his roar of pain, that seemed to shake the very foundations of reality itself. His chakram spun faster, attempting to go deeper into my body so as to end my life before I would get the chance to finish what I had just started. Unfortunately for him, he wasn't lucky as he hoped to be, I took a massive gulp.

And just as I did so, the lifeblood of a god flowed onto my tongue and straight down my throat. I couldn't help but shudder at the pure pleasure and enjoyment that I got from it. My knees quivered in ecstasy and joy as I drank in the most powerful blood in existence, the divine ichor of a god. It was hard to stop, and pulled him closely and sucked harder in pleasure. He tried everything he could to get away from me, he hit me, bit me, scratched and clawed, but none of that worked. He was securely held within the confines of my arms, and he grew weaker and weaker with each drain.

Our massive forms seemed to fade into golden dust that floated with the wind of a half ruined planet, and when it golden dust floated away, all that could be seen was me bunched over the slowly dying figure of a god. By now he was already out of blood, what remained was his energy and I drained that too, leaving him with nothing until I came to the final delicacy. His soul. And taking his soul away went even faster than taking his blood and energy.

When I looked down, all that was left was leather skinned corpse with sunken eyes, parched lips and a terrified look on his face. But it didn't last long until everything crumble to dust and was blown away with the wind. What was left behind was a green gleaming long sword with a map etched on it's blade.

[You have killed a lesser god]

Obviously, just as I said I would.