How to influence the mortals in the world of the main material plane, successfully confuse the mortals, and make the mortals actively sacrifice, so as to open a double channel to the world of the main material plane and the bottomless abyss. This is not an easy job!

Like gods, demons can not project their image and power according to the prayers of believers.

The devil even dare not easily out of the abyss, even out of the abyss, also dare not let his real body exposed outside the abyss. Out of the abyss, their strength will be greatly reduced, and they will become extremely weak.

Therefore, if demons want to invade the physical plane world, most of their choices are to find an agent for themselves.

The keepsake containing one's own will is sent to the world of the main material plane, expecting to be successfully obtained by a mortal. Then, the demons will continue to bewitch and confuse the mortals with the help of the keepsake.

Once the mortals are confused by success, then the demons will not be stingy of their own power to enhance the power of the mortals. Let him be strong enough to open the plane channel connecting the two worlds through sacrifice.

At that time, once the channel is successfully opened, there will be vanguard demon Corps crossing the plane channel. After that, they would kill the mortals and sacrifice their souls. Call the will of the abyss to come, let the will of the abyss gradually encroach on the world of the main material plane, and improve it into an attribute suitable for demon activities. After that, powerful demon Lords will come.


Macarthut and dimorgan are very clear that with the strength of both of them, it does not mean that they are not sure enough to open the channel connecting the two worlds. However, it is difficult for them to grasp the length of time involved. Although inenville didn't give a specific time to complete the task, neither macarthut nor dimorgan believed that the longer the time, the better.

They don't know enough about their master, but the known information is that their master is one of the few gods who are at the top of the crystal wall system.

Therefore, whether life is controlled by ininville, or their expectation and greed for the world of the main material plane. Both macarthut and dimorgan want to finish the task as soon as possible. This task of invading the world of the main material plane and bringing chaos to the world of the main material plane is also a rare feast for the demons.

No matter soul, flesh and blood or rich resources, they are all scarce in the abyss.

No matter demons or demons, there is no moment when they covet the world of the main material plane.

Therefore, after a simple discussion, meccanius and dimorgan took the initiative to contact several powerful demon Lords. He talked about his idea of invading the world of the main material plane. This naturally aroused the interest of the demon Lords.

Even if the world of the main material plane is forbidden by the gods, the demons are not worried at this moment.

They are very clear that they do not have the ability to pull the main material plane world into the abyss of assimilation. However, before the gods react, they can eat in the world sea of the main material plane. For the devil who is used to the poor resources of bottomless abyss, the temptation is not great. So that after the proposal of meccanius and dimorgan was finished, the demon lords agreed almost without hesitation.

Melcanxiute and dimorgan, who have successfully won a vote of demon lords, are very happy. They began to prepare their own demonic legion, and at the same time opened a small channel to the world of the main material plane, throwing their Keepsake into it. The rest depends on the time and waiting for the person chosen by the devil to come to the door automatically.


In another world, the ancient god of death, after returning to ininville, would seize the time to stir up the relationship between the gods such as Shrek, kranword and Bain.

The ancient god of death, who lived long enough, had enough wisdom and experience, and had enough deep understanding of the essence of death. Although, in a long time was forced to give up their own strength. But that doesn't mean that he's happy to be immersed. He is willing to accept his new identity, from a powerful divine power to a weak divine power, from a god of death to a death recorder serving the younger generation.

If there is no thought in his heart, it is impossible. However, he had no way before, but now he saw his hope to ascend the ranks of powerful gods again.

He now has a new ally, new and strong enough.

Moreover, this ally also showed him a new road, a new hope.

Whether it's looking for the lost destiny clay board in the legend; Or from the fate of the clay board, to find a new power. Or against the king of gods, who does not know when and where he will wake up. Now that he has guessed some information about the king of gods, he is not willing to keep silent.

In ininville, he saw the possibility of fighting against the king of gods.

Even though ininville is likely to become a new king of gods once he gets the clay board of fate. However, compared with the ruthless king of gods, who is hard to understand the specific mind. At least, for a long time, ininville was gentle enough to give the feeling to jergi. In ininville, all he felt was the most gentle side of nature. Although he is also very clear about the other side of nature, most of the time, nature is still very broad and tolerant towards all things.

Jergi had reason to believe that ininville, influenced by the rules of nature, might be easier to get along with than the king of gods.

These contrasts and the consideration of the future made him willing to become the new king of the gods, rather than the king of the gods, who has been living since the age of myth, to continue to suppress the heads of the gods. He lived, was born, and rose in the age of the king of gods, and experienced the terrible influence and brutal rule of the king of gods. Under the oppression of the king of gods, he gave up his power in order to protect himself. Until now, when he saw that the gods who had been brilliant for a lifetime had already fallen into the dust, he felt more and more deeply in his heart.

Help ininville grow up one day earlier, and the earlier one is stronger enough to deal with the king of gods. It's the most intuitive thought in the heart of Jericho today.

Especially in the process of contacting with ininville, he felt more and more that the burning passion in ininville's heart was never extinguished, as if he had no endless ambition of satisfaction.

In addition, ininville gave him the sense, special enough, good enough at forbearance, and the endless wild hope which is still in the guessing. Both of them made him feel that it might be better to support ininville as his ally than to be his enemy. There was no sign of this feeling, but he believed in it and resolutely prepared a big gift for ininville. In order to show his determination as his ally, and to support him to complete the wild hope in his heart.

As for the deal between himself and ininville, he never worried about it.

He didn't believe that once ininville became the new king of gods, he would not fulfill his promise. He believes that ininville, who will be stronger then, will not be afraid or suspicious of him at all. This is the title of "king of gods", the supreme power and absolute power given by it, and the confidence it brings!