As for the problems between human beings and what is happening, even if he had known for a long time, he still ignored them. Whether it's a spirit or a human, it's the same to him. They are all creatures of this plane. In terms of feelings and blood, he is naturally close to the elves. The latter, after all, was created by himself.

As for those native human beings, they have nothing to do with him. In his attitude towards them, ininville also kept an indifferent manner. On the contrary, he paid attention to elves from time to time. Whether it is to give them magic, or to give them gifted blessings and so on, are the special preference and care of ininville to the elves.

In sharp contrast to the elves, it is undoubtedly human beings.

They are the natural products of planes, not from other planes, nor created by a God. They are real Aboriginal creatures, the aborigines of this plane. The level of civilization is also very low. So many years have passed, and no God belonging to human beings has ever been born. They don't have any backing. If ininville's mind was extreme, I'm afraid this plane would belong to the Forest Elves completely. Therefore, inenville did not pay attention to these races which were not related to him or created by himself.

Even, with the passage of time, today's ininville has been a powerful deity with a godlike level of 19. There is no need for the Forest Elves to cover up their identity and origin. Therefore, he is a little careless with the Forest Elves now. All these changes are always attributed to his own growth in strength.

It has made ininville not need to hide himself as carefully as in the past, for fear of being discovered by others that he comes from a different universe. Although, it is not a secret among the gods that we know that krylon also came from another universe. However, krylon is a powerful divine power with a Godhead level of 19, which can not be compared with his original. Now ininville, also successfully promoted to the divine level of 19 strong divine power, also finally have a straight waist, do not need to hide his background.

Based on this change of self and reality, he has already focused more energy and attention on how to improve the natural rules faster and better. It's also natural that things outside the rules of nature should become less attentive. After all, compared with this event closely related to itself. What happens in a small plane is really not worth letting the superior gods pay too much attention to things beyond the natural rules. Compared with the rules of nature, those are just small things.

As a result, for things between humans, the differences within the elves; In this world of natural planes, inenville knew that nothing could be concealed from him. However, it will be another matter to know what you know and to control what you don't care.

In his own temple, ininville quietly understood the rules of nature at the same time; A dark figure quietly came out of the natural plane world. Moreover, his arrival was detected by ininville at the first time. In ininville's heart, naturally, he felt an accident. At the same time, there was a hint of speculation in his heart, but now it was not accurate.

"The death recorder, Jacques, requests an audience with his highness ininville, the God of life and nature!" The divine power, with its will, turns into waves and impacts the natural plane world in front of us. The sound of Yago is accurately transmitted to the natural plane. Then, he shut up and stood quietly outside the natural plane world, waiting for ininville's invitation. During this period of time, YeGe's interest in ininville, a rising star, is strong enough. As for this unique God among the gods, he used many means to understand the information of ininville. Although, the information is very limited, but it can't make YeGe lose interest in ininville.

Either in the abyss to capture the dark clergy of rose after spider God, or in the duel with losanda to seize the fragments of the sun clergy, or with the king of the dead kranword to deny the ownership of the fragments of the death clergy. Well, after that, kill ambori, take the sea clergy and so on. All kinds of signs show that this God of life and nature is by no means an ordinary person. No matter in the new era, walking on the road of ancient gods, or taking advantage of the opportunity of the rule fragments from the alien universe, he seized a series of things including the dark, sea, sun, death and other clergy and rule fragments. There's a kind of evidence out there!

Then came Jacob, the ancient god of death.

Ininville also felt a little strange about the visit of Jericho, but he also knew some rumors about the God. As a result, we are now valued as the powerful existence of Godhead level 19, and combined with the integration of clergy, forming the natural clergy. Although it is not complete, it is only a semi-finished product, but in terms of power, it is still far beyond most of the gods in the world. Therefore, the fearless ininville opened a channel to welcome the visit of the ancient god of death.

When jergi followed the passage opened by ininville to the divine realm opened by ininville on the top of the snow mountain. He was surprised by the simplicity of ininville's life. Compared with the gods, the environment in which ininville lived was too shabby. In the mountains in the distance, there is only one temple complex. In addition, there are some natural beauty and animals. In addition to these, there is not even a servant to serve, let alone the spiritual enjoyment of music and dance.

"His highness ininville, as one of the highest spirits in the universe; Life is so simple, not to mention compared with the gods. I'm afraid that the nobles of mortals are more extravagant than you in life. " He has seen too many gods, both in his past time and in his present time. As one of the oldest gods in the world, although he took the initiative to disperse most of his power, he talked about knowledge and all kinds of secrets. Jegal is definitely the most profound of the gods.

"Your Highness, the ancient god of death, why did you suddenly come to me today?" Ininville quietly watched the ancient god of death, although his power was only weak because most of his power was scattered. However, his contacts are not weak at all, and his influence is not small. It can not be distinguished only by the strength of divine power. In fact, he still has allies with many ancient gods like him. Moreover, this is a neutral God, not involved in the disputes between the gods. His only concern and effort is to record the fate of the whole world in an orderly way, just as the world is slowly sinking to death.

"I'm here to help your highness accomplish what you want to accomplish!"

Ininville's pupils shrunk a little unconsciously, and then his face did not change, "Oh? I don't know how your highness will help me to accomplish what I want to accomplish. And what do you want from this? " He said, "or, how much did you see and how much did you learn from it? How dare you boast such a big mouth!"

But he said with a smile, "I don't see much, but I can guess that what you did some time ago is all in the same line!"

"I'd like to hear about it!"

"You want to finish the Ministry of nature, and now you're half done. This is something that no God has ever done since ancient times, but it is half done here. I'm very curious. Maybe you will step into the 20 level solid barrier as you wish, or you can enter a higher level. But I really want to know what kind of power it is. At the same time, I also hope that you can help me to gain strength again at that time! "
