Ininville looked at corelon and Agnes, as well as the true pillars of the genie system. For his external image, the two gods are still satisfied. There are more beautiful men and women in the elves. They are also satisfied with ininville, who is also excellent and amazing in appearance. If we can ignore the power conflict between the other party and Agnes, it will be more perfect.

He was looking at the two powerful gods, who were also looking at him.

Whether it's for krylon or for Agnes, the appearance of ininville makes them feel surprised and surprised. At the same time, we have to feel the magic of the rules of the universe. What no one can imagine is that in an ordinary, remote and narrow plane, and at the same time, resources are extremely scarce, an elf will naturally be bred.

And the spirit, after its birth, became a God in a short time, and also created a new group of spirits. And he himself, is promoted to a powerful divine power. It has to be said that the process of birth and growth alone can be said to be a legendary story. If the mortals in the world of the main material plane knew it, they might make up excellent stories.

Now, for the two powerful gods, this is not their problem to consider.

Whether it's Clarion or Angelis, they have a very complicated idea about the appearance of ininville. The former learned that a "young" deity, who was both elves but had stepped into the ranks of powerful deities, had a strong interest and desire to make friends. When he learned everything about ninneville from elistre, he was really interested and surprised by the unexpected appearance of ninneville.

What does the birth and appearance of a powerful divine power mean? If we have to associate it, we can associate a lot of interest disputes.

The conflict of interests and the struggle between gods are more complicated and cruel than the mortals in the lower world. However, most of these are not put on the surface of God, because no one wants to easily open a god war! In fact, the heavy lessons left by the predecessors made the later gods have to be more careful.

Krylon for the emergence of ininville, is undoubtedly very surprised, and even can be said to be happy. What surprised him even more was that the spirit God, born from the ordinary plane world, actually followed the path of the ancient god. In the past, the ancient gods were powerful, and every successor clearly understood the strength of the ancient gods. Even if an unknown reason, a large number of ancient gods fall, gods scattered, there are still some disappeared, unknown to later generations. However, the impression that the ancient gods left to the latecomers was that they were incomparably powerful.

However, the ancient god's way of rules was also full of difficulties and thorns. If the ancient gods are strong, they will be strong. They don't need to rely on faith. They can gain strength from the rules themselves. If they don't fall unexpectedly, they can live peacefully to the day when the universe is destroyed. However, the path of the ancient god is too difficult, although once successful, the ancient god will become extremely powerful. However, there are too many hardships in the process. This also leads to a very realistic reason that the road of ancient gods will disappear rapidly after the emergence of belief in Fengshen. For the present gods, it is a brand new way to believe in gods. The gods can grow up quickly from the belief. Compared with the slow growth speed of ancient gods, it is too fast and too fast.

Therefore, Corellon was surprised that ininville chose the way of the ancient god's rules. On the other hand, with the help of the road of ancient gods, the latter is full of wonder and shock. Feeling each other, it seems that the rank of God is weaker than himself, but his strength and momentum are not weaker than his own powerful God, so corelon is full of endless fantasy about the ancient god in the past. Now, from ininville, he finally felt the power of the gods in ancient times.

Compared with the complex mind of Clarion, the psychological activities of Agnes are no different from her husband.

As for ininville, most of his attention is focused on Corellon, who is said to be at the level of Godhead, up to level 19. The rest of the attention was on Agnes. With the powerful power of the title of the goddess of life of the elves, he can also feel the ambition of Agnes.

Not only she, but also in other races, has a lot of deities, who covet life. And their title is mostly the God of life (goddess) to praise themselves. However, most of their praise for themselves is not worthy of the name. Because, like Agnes, they are only mastering a certain branch of the way of life. In itself, it did not condense the life clergy. Now, in front of him, the real God of life. How many kinds of fake, meet the embarrassment of legitimate psychology.

But sooner or later, inenville will solve all these problems one by one.

I believe that his name and identity will be thoroughly spread in the world with his party. So that the gods may know the origin of his power, identity and name.

The psychological activities among the three powerful gods, for the time flow of the outside world, even less than a second. In such a short period of time, such a complex psychological activity is nothing to the immortal gods.

"On behalf of the kingdom of afando, the Lord of hildren, I sincerely and joyfully welcome you There is a golden hair, beautiful appearance extraordinary God, no matter what he thought of the original time. At least, at the moment, the spirit God, with a smile on his face, is looking at the even taller ininville.

"Thank you for your invitation. I'm not very happy."

Even if the heart does not agree with these scenes, but ininville's face, is still with the squeeze out of a few silk smile. At the same time, his eyes began to look aside at Angus.

And Angelis, also timely smile, and said, "Angelis, the goddess of life of the elves, welcome your highness to the kingdom of afando. You will feel the hospitality and hospitality from hildren here What she said seemed to mean something, but there was a gentle smile on her face.


Ininville's eyes were slightly fixed, and then returned to normal. Naturally, he thought of a lot of information from Angelis's words. He looked at the spirit God on one side and saw that his smile was still on his face. He didn't care about the hidden meaning in Agnes's words. This started to prepare ininville's mind.

"Your name, even if I live in seclusion in a remote place, I have heard of it for a long time, the power of his highness Angelis!" Ininville's face was smiling, seemingly flattering, but in fact, he said.

After listening to it, both Clarion and Agnes, the smile on their faces did not dissipate. As for what they thought, inenville did not know. However, the other members of the elf family, those with medium and weak powers, also include elistre. However, they looked at each other and felt a little heavy in their hearts. For the first meeting between the two gods, they had hidden opportunities, and they were somewhat worried about the future of the divine system.

Angelis emphasizes her title as the goddess of life of the elves, while ininville ridicules her as a misnomer. Just because the other side didn't master the powerful clergy of life. Because this powerful clergy is in the hands of ininville. In terms of the title and orthodoxy of the God of life, he is the real God of life!