Ininville treats human beings, enlightens their wisdom, transmits knowledge to them, secretly guides and promotes human progress. However, this does not mean that human civilization will be plain sailing from now on. In this process, ininville is also "testing" human civilization, when he feels that human beings need external pressure to force, so as to promote the sublimation of civilization, or the re emergence of new knowledge.

He will always use his own will to trigger a series of natural disasters and test human beings.

Or floods, or earthquakes, or diseases, or threats from wild animals and poisons. In short, in this era, which is now called glorious and prosperous by human beings, it is not as beautiful as human imagination and description. Although it is indeed very prosperous, it has never been and never appeared before.

Human beings in this era are undoubtedly happy compared with their ancestors who suffered from floods.

Originated from iningwell's baptism of the earth, he created many species on the earth in the following years and enriched the resources of the plane world. Human beings and all living beings also benefit from it.

At the very least, compared with the period before the great flood, the variety of grain, fruits, vegetables, spices and herbs can be called rich and varied. Because of the abundance of species such as food, human beings and all living beings also get enough nutrition from it. Therefore, compared with their thin and short ancestors, human beings in this era are undoubtedly strong and tall.

But at the same time, ininville's gift to all living beings is by no means nothing. On the contrary, every time a new species is created, ininville will create another opposite species, and create and perfect a new ecological balance in every ecological field. That is, every time he creates a non-toxic species, he must create a toxic species. Either plants or animals, but not all of them are poisonous. He also created antidotes and the killer of poisonous species.

And this kind of endless, interlocking layout enriches the natural plane, at the same time, also makes ininville's understanding of the natural rules has been improved. It's a sudden understanding that can't be described in detail, that is to understand it naturally. At the same time, his understanding of the rules of nature has also become more profound. Of course, his whipping of all living beings has also been accelerated.

Although all living beings are tortured by ininville, in this interlocking layout and test, the tortured desire for immortality and death. But at the same time, they have made progress in the process of suffering. The simple rudiment of medicine has appeared in human civilization, and in the process of enlightenment, the simple medicine of human has also made progress and development. Compared with them, the medicine of elves is, to some extent, more crude than that of human beings. They are a unique magic civilization, and have been used to solving everything by magic, especially this kind of dependence psychology, after their magic once resisted the great flood of the end of the world, and became the support to the salvation of the gods.

Magic, in the spirit of civilization, the status is getting higher and higher!

In the years after the flood, the elves began to study magic and participate in learning again. Although, because of a big flood, the resources that the elves once marked and mined became extremely scarce. However, in the days after that, the explorers and mages of the elves started what they had done once again. They once again explore the world after the flood, looking for magic resources, and gradually create new species in inningville, and gradually enrich the land and sea, at the same time, these new species are also discovered by the elves.

The appearance of new species makes the elves very happy.

They collected specimens of new species, recorded their location on the map, and then the elves and mages who went out to explore returned home one after another. In addition, they began to study the characteristics of new species by various means. The appearance of rich and diverse species makes the elves and mages satisfy their curiosity and desire for research.

The tower standing in the center of the city is shining with magic halo day and night, which is the result of the constant research and experiment of the elves and mages. Their magic civilization began a new round of progress and promotion. In this process, the Elven mages enriched their library and knowledge base, and they took the trouble to write a huge book for the new species. At the same time, the characteristics and efficacy of the species are recorded one by one. At the same time, their magic also appeared in the process of new magic and magic books.

The elves' eagerness for magic and mysterious knowledge moved ininville.

At the same time, seeing this scene, ininville also did what he had done to human beings. His will, also in the spirit of the territory patrol shuttle, looking for the right, enough to make the magic civilization has a profound impact on the spirit figure. In the process of observing and shuttling, he didn't choose the "masters" with deep foundation and strong strength, but tried to find and choose from the young wizard masters.

In the process of searching, he found the person he wanted to find, and also found the person he wanted to find in those powerful elf masters.

As a result, a new round of enlightenment appeared again.

His brilliant image, bathed in endless soft halo, quietly appeared in the hearts of every spirit he chose. The elves' respect and worship for him led to the tiny will of ininville, who reflected his image in the elves' heart just after his arrival. Therefore, ininville can only enlighten the elves in this way.

He doesn't need to pass too much magic to the wizard. Ininville is only a guide in the process of enlightenment, because the inside information and knowledge are possessed by these elves. What he wants to do is to piece together the scattered knowledge, so that the elves can see the "knowledge and inside information" they have, and then ininville can give some inspiration in time.

Then, the profound magic masterpieces came into being in the mind of the wizard.

Compared with what he knows, his deep understanding of the nature of the world and his knowledge, if his knowledge is compared to the sea, the magic civilization of the elves today is only half a drop of water. Even a complete drop of water is not considered, nor is it qualified. Therefore, for the wizard who studies magic and hopes to make it a step further, there are many problems and levels in their eyes. In the eyes of ininville, even the problem was not easy to solve. The doubts and troubles in the hearts of the wizard were not easy to solve.

What we have done is only to enlighten and enlighten, to remove a stumbling block in the way of exploring the truth. So that they have a clear direction forward, not to go further and further on the detour. Since he can enlighten and enlighten people who have no contact with him. Then, how can we not guide ourselves when facing the race created by ourselves?

The Elf Mage he chose had all kinds of inspiration in front of the image reflected by ininville's will. What's more, a series of inspirations burst out only through one touch and Enlightenment from ininville. Although he did not endow the elves with immortal fire, he endows them with the same extraordinary wisdom, which are the inside information carried by the elves themselves.

Therefore, in the long study of the elves, after a little enlightenment, a series of inspiration sparks can be burst out. And these inspirations and opportunities are firmly grasped by the elves. They firmly grasped the fleeting inspiration, solved a series of problems and obstacles in exploring the field of magic, and then created a series of works, from which the magic civilization began to usher in great development.