With all his body, mind and attention focused on the rules of nature, ininville did not care about what happened outside. He is infatuated with the evolution of the rules of nature, watching the natural punishment clergy that touched. After being slightly touched, it has a chain reaction with the huge rules of nature, and finally ferments and spreads to the whole natural world.

During the operation of the priesthood of natural punishment, his own divine power hardly consumed much. The priesthood of natural retribution, without his knowing it, pried the huge field of natural rules with its coverage. The small amount of divine power consumed is a very small price, not even a kind of price, compared with the huge divine power reserves of ininville.

It is this trivial evolution that has caused the great floods, hurricanes and tsunamis sweeping the whole natural plane world!

What happened in this process and the ordeal of natural punishment touched upon the vast field of natural rules, and the cruel celestial phenomena formed in the last days shocked inningville endlessly. At the same time, inspiration is constantly coming out. In the moment of watching the operation of natural rules, iningwell has a different understanding and improvement than other gods.

It can be said that from now on, ininville's application and understanding of the rules are no less than those powerful divine powers. Perhaps, in some more subtle places, it's not as good as those old gods who have been immersed in powerful divine power for many years. However, in the general use of rules, he has been able to compete with those powerful powers.

The chance of one night saved him a lot of time, so that he could be compared with powerful divine power in the application of divine power and rules.

At least, the current inningville, if just entered the powerful divine power soon, that is, the divine level of 16 new powerful divine power. It's hard to say what the final outcome will be. At least in the application of rules, he is beyond the powerful divine power in this hypothesis. Unless, this powerful divine power is an alien in the alien, like him, when he was still a medium divine power, because of the great chance, he early understood more subtle changes in the application of rules. Otherwise, it is impossible for the new powerful God in the hypothesis to be his opponent.

Of course, this is not the only benefit he has gained.

In his personal experience, his body, mind and attention are all focused on the rules of nature, but the benefits he realized are not just those above. As I have said before, the natural rules are all inclusive, covering so many branch rules that people can hardly point out. It can be said that with the energy of a God, we can never master the origin of natural rules in our life.

Because there are too many rules and fields covered by this natural rule, which is unimaginable, and one's energy is limited. Even God is the same. Even if the gods are immortal and have a long life, it is impossible to control the origin of natural rules. Become the personified image of natural rules.

It's the same with ininville.

His wild hope in this world is to completely control the origin of natural rules and become a true God of nature, not just a god of nature in vain. Those who wear the hat of God of nature on their titles, in essence, only grasp a small part of Pang nature's rules, so they crown themselves with the hat of God of nature. However, they are not the real God of nature, or in other words, they are not the God of nature in the mind of iningwell. Perhaps, those gods also know what it means to be the true God of nature and master the origin of natural rules. Or maybe it's the difficulty it contains, so hard that those powerful gods from ancient times to the present can't see the possibility of success.

And these are the most likely truths.

Similarly, ininville is not 100% confident that he will become the real God of nature. Since he knew the field of nature, he was also startled by the numerous thorns and dangers on the road ahead. He also knew how profound the fields covered by natural rules are. It's a goal that's almost impossible to achieve. Therefore, knowing how difficult the goal is, ininville naturally refuses to give up in the face of the rare opportunity in the past ten thousand years.

All his attention is focused on the self operation of natural rules, experiencing all the systems and fields that natural rules reveal to him. At the same time, due to the reason that nature punishes the clergy, it is an apocalyptic natural disaster in the natural plane world. He also benefited from it. Like his name, the Ministry of natural punishment represents the dangerous side of nature. All disasters are the punishment of all things that violate the natural rules under the operation of the natural rules, but also a self-healing function.

The power he represents is to punish or eliminate all things and beings that endanger the natural rules, just like the immune system of nature. It represents the awe inspiring side.

Compared with the gentle side that nurtures the world and all things, natural punishment is nature's angry face. After natural gas, a series of natural disasters, such as earthquake, flood, rainstorm, hurricane, tsunami and so on, will be triggered and appear. Therefore, when the priesthood of natural punishment touched the rules of nature, and after fermentation, it finally turned into the doomsday disaster sweeping the whole world. Ininville not only teaches him how to use the rules of nature, but also gains strength from the sufferings and prayers of all living beings on the earth.

In front of his eyes, constantly flashed, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, waves, rainstorms and so on, representing the branch rules of the sky. These past understandings are not simple rules. At this moment, in the moment of the change of the apocalyptic natural calamity inadvertently triggered, they are quickly understood by ininville. And his understanding, at the same time, enhanced the power of nature to punish the clergy. The enhancement of the power of the natural punishment clergy is fed back to the natural disasters on the natural plane at the first time. A series of disasters there become more powerful because of the enhancement of the power of the natural punishment clergy.

The feedback is that the already fierce hurricane has become more terrible. Among the earth and the mountains, the ancient trees that have been rooted for many years are directly uprooted, and a dense mountain becomes bald in an instant. Sweeping the earth, the wanton torrent is becoming more and more decadent at this moment. The water level of the water system distributed on the earth, which is already increasing, is soaring again.

The increase of water level also enhances the area and power of the flood. At this moment, a huge rock is pushed away and swallowed in front of the flood. In the face of this powerful flood, all things have no ability to resist.

And in the sea, waves more than hundreds of meters high can be found everywhere, and even there are waves thousands of meters high. The sea is constantly churning and running, causing linkage effect, and the vast ocean is all restless and no longer calm. Where the tsunami passed, it swept and engulfed everything. The islands dotted in the sea were engulfed by the tsunami in an instant.

They are constantly invading, harassing the coastline of the mainland, and the slightly low places are directly engulfed. The high-lying places are also constantly beaten by the waves, and behind the sea, more powerful tsunami is brewing. At this moment, the flowing ocean is brewing a more terrifying force. Perhaps in the next moment, the super tsunami that can completely engulf the whole continent is about to take shape.

These are all the chain reactions brought about by the great increase of the power of the natural punishment clergy. If he wants to set off such a huge natural disaster, it is likely that he will not be able to do it even if he has exhausted his power. But now, the huge field of natural rules touched by the clergy of natural punishment has easily created a natural disaster that can destroy the whole natural plane world!

In the eyes of ininville, the rules that represent the symbols of wind, water and sea are understood by him. At the same time, they enter the clergy of natural punishment one by one, enhancing the power of the clergy of natural punishment! At the same time, in the moment when the power of the natural punishment clergy is greatly increased, ininville is constantly drawing more powerful power from the ubiquitous natural rules. His strength is constantly increasing, and at the same time, he is constantly rising to China!